
The Legend Of The Dragon And Holy Sword

The story of a king's son who was destroyed by power and destroyed by darkness in the kingdom. Planning the assassination and abolition of the power of the entire royal family including himself. But what happened??? All his family died and perished... But he survived!!! He survived and met "something" and will return for revenge for what has happened to his family....

Liem_Prince · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Chapter 004 : Kings And Queens

And most importantly, we're going to talk a little bit about how and where kings and queens came from.

King Salmoa was the only son of King Balmod.

Why does King Balmod only have one son?? Because the Queen, the wife of her majesty King Balmod, Queen Arkazia, fell ill and died not long after giving birth to her son Salmoa.

Not more than 1 year after Salmoa was born, Salmoa had to lose her mother forever.

At that time the son was very small and did not know anything.

You could say that Salmoa has never felt the love of a mother. Queen Azkaria is a woman who comes from the common people.

Yes, not from the nobility let alone from royal lineage.

King Balmod met and fell in love with his wife Queen Azkaria through his daily visits to his subjects.

King Balmod used to regularly take to the streets and meet his people. sometimes, the king was alone and mingled with his people during his visits.

That's where he met his wife for the first time. King Balmod immediately fell in love with his wife and after that first sight, the King immediately summoned Azkaria to the palace by ordering his troops to pick him up and escort him to the kingdom.

Soon the King immediately proposed and married Azkaria and made her the Queen of his kingdom.

And a few months later, Queen Azkaria became pregnant and finally gave birth to a baby boy and named him Salmoa.

It turned out that after giving birth to the Prince, the Queen experienced a severe and prolonged illness. Not a few physicians and royal medicine experts were deployed but they didn't get good results, instead every day the Queen experienced a decline physically and her illness got worse. after 6 months the Queen surrendered.

Queen Azkaria breathed her last without seeing her very young son and her husband who still loved her very much.

Little Salmoa who was an orphan was never discouraged and was very cheerful. He grew up to be a strong and brave king's son.

And he understands that one day he will replace his father's task and position. Therefore he is very diligent and tough.

From childhood to adolescence, Salmoa likes to learn and practice. Salmoa is optimistic that he will become the next king who can be better than his father.

King Balmod was very proud of Salmoa.

When the prince grew up, the prince became a strong man and was responsible for what he did and did. The adult prince was very attentive and followed every direction and order from his father.

Not only directions but also advice as well as knowledge of war and strategy that one has when leading a kingdom and a city and all its people. How to be fair and wise, fast and responsive in resolving problems, and also provide tough difficult decisions and solutions.

After King Balmod died, Salmoa became the heir to the throne and the only descendant of the king who could become the ruler of Calkarus City.

The adult, single and mighty Salmoa who became the successor and continued his status as a King was ready or not ready to have to accept his destiny.

The successor to the throne did not change much of the existing rules and systems. He was more into modifying and developing what his father had done while he was king.

Salmoa strengthened more in the trade sector and the strength of troops and weapons.

Accompanied by General Qarsim as the leader of the army, the king will be invincible.

King Salmoa, while becoming king after continuing his father's reign, was still single and had not yet found his partner as a queen.

The king preferred to lead and rule alone. But due to pressure from various parties, especially palace officials, the king was urged to immediately find a partner and make him the queen of the kingdom. The king made a contest.

The palace also spread the news throughout the city to anyone who could and was able to become the king's wife. Of course, with the choice and criteria of the king for sure. Many signed up, and many volunteered.

From the top of the nobility to the bottom. The king never chose or limited himself to anyone who could become his companion in the kingdom. Of the many choices, the hundreds of candidates met, none were suitable and the king was not at all interested in them.

Until one day, the king's hobby was praying. And he often did it with his father King Balmod. the inhabitants of Calkarus and the courtiers as well as royal officials to the king and his family worshiped the god Helbad.

God Helbad is a dragon god who is highly trusted and is believed to be the guardian and protector of the city of Calkarus and everything in it.

Later, it will be explained at length how the origin of the god Helbad and his legend originated.

Back, to Salmoa who often prays at the temple of the god Helbad which is located right behind the palace garden. The king often prayed and gave regular offerings to the god Helbad in the morning and at night.

He came there alone, without escort and weapons.

Because for Salmoa the temple of the god is a holy place and one must come with good wishes and hopes without any disturbing things such as weapons and troops that are many and make a lot of noise.

While praying to God, he received a report from his troops that there was an old man who wanted to meet him in person.

The grandfather was a fisherman and was very old. He insisted on meeting the king because he had something to say and it had to be said before he died.

And after finishing praying, the king rushed to meet the grandfather because he was curious about what was wrong, suddenly an old fisherman really wanted to meet him.

The king was already sitting on his throne, the king ordered his troops to bring the grandfather in and meet before the king. Not long after, the grandfather entered with the palace troops.

The grandfather was directly in front of the king and immediately prostrated himself to pay homage to the king.

Then the king asked the old man "O old man, what is it that you want to see me for? What is something you want to say that makes it seem like you really want to say it directly to me…". Then replied the grandfather "Forgive me, king. I'm just an old man who wants to meet the king and I just want to convey something that my wife used to say shortly before she died" Then the king asked again "What has your wife told you and does it have anything to do with me???".

The old man replied "My wife told me that there will be a successor to King Balmod and his successor will have a son and that son will become history and legend in the story of the city of Calkarus and around the vast expanse of this country. Then the child's mother is a woman from the holy city…." for a long time the king was silent, he thought hard and began to digest the words of the grandfather ... replied the King "You mean, you mean that my son will become history in this country?? Then the mother of my child do you mean she is my wife later?? And the holy city?? Did you mean the city of Narmeda??? Hasn't the holy city of Narmeda been destroyed by the Kerson kingdom and troops?? All is not left, all that remains is death and some become slaves to the Kerson kingdom??? Did Grandpa ask me to go to Kerson and look for my future wife??? Are you crazy or too old to say weird things to me??!!".

Then the grandfather bent his body and said "Sorry My Lord, I really seem to say something strange and doesn't make sense. But that was said before the servant's wife died. The servant's wife said that the king's match was a woman from the holy city.

Forgive me if I am lancing to say this, and I really need to say this because it is my wife's hope that I must convey this directly to the king. After delivering his words, the old man said goodbye and left the presence of the king, and left the palace.

After the grandfather came out, the king was silent and thought about what the grandfather had said.

The king then summoned the king's advisers named Darkus and General Qarsim.

The king asked their opinion of what the old man had said to him.

Then Darkus spoke to the king "for the king to know, that grandpa's wife was a holy shaman who came from Narmeda, but she chose to enter Calkarus after King Balmod came to power to defeat Romulda. And what I know is that Grandpa's wife is blind, mute, and deaf. And when she said those words to her husband there was a miracle that the grandmother could see, hear and say…. So in my opinion why doesn't the King just try to follow what the old man said? Why didn't the king try to comb the Kerson city area, right? He didn't have to enter Kerson, he could go through the border or the forest and mountain areas around the city of Narmeda. The grandfather also said that the candidate for the king's companion came from the city of Narmeda. It is possible that some of the townspeople there may have run away and hid in the hills or around Kerson."

But General Qarsim said "Isn't it too dangerous for the King to go straight there without any escort or accompanied by troops??!!". And the king was just silent and thought.

The king then answered briefly "OK, I will pray first, after that, I will decide whether we follow Grandpa's words or not!!! If we make it there, I only need General Qarsim to accompany me. You don't need a lot of troops. We can disguise ourselves and Qarsim can help me in times of danger. We also didn't enter Kerson, we just went around the border of the former Holy City. After all, if it's just the two of us, we won't attract the attention of the enemy or other people around us."