
The legend of The crying shinobi (Naruto)

???: Are you sure you want to do this. ???: Yes, After all this time I have finally found my Resolve. . . . . . . . . . . . Inei: *sob* *sob* WHY, WHYYYYY........ Why did *Sob* You do this. ???: This is how the life is Inei. You are as weak as ever a dropout Crybaby. Inei: B...Bu...But I...I...I. ???: You are nothing but a measly child you can't do anything even if you wished to, you can't even touch me. Get out of your delusions and Get stronger, STRONGER THAN ANYONE, BECOME THE STRONGEST SHINOBI IN THE HISTORY OF THIS WORLD AND TRY TO RETURN WHAT YOU OWE ME 10 TIMES AND I WILL FREE YOU FROM YOUR DELUSIONAL LIFE. Inei: Why.... WHY. ???: Again with that same foolish question. Listen foolish little inei, I am a monster who kills for fun and I just massacred hundreds of people and children. This is a delightful game to me so and I give you a chance try and Kill me if you can. . . . . . . . . . . . . Inei: I PROMISE YOU I'LL BECOME THE STRONGEST, STRONGER THAN ANYONE, I PROMISE YOU I'LL BECOME THE STRONGEST SHINOBI IN THE HISTORY OF THIS WORLD, I WILL BECOME A GOD. . . . . . . . . . Yamato: So you've choosen your ninja way, have you. Inei: Till now My life was a forge, my nightmares were the flames and my Shinobi way is the sword which came out of it. Unlike the story we know this one is a bit different, This story isn't about the a knucklehead shinobi, it is about a cry..... a cry of the past, A vision and The virtue. As the story unfolds see what was The mysterious shinobi's resolve and How did tears of a fragile boy forged him into an indestructible sword and From that to the strongest Shinobi in the History.

Games_of_Karma · Cómic
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33 Chs

Chapter-31 Waiting For The New Chunin Exams.

{A/N- Guys, I started using Grammarly Premium to edit the chapters, and I am Unsatisfied. The last few Were edited with Grammarly without premium, but this One Was Edited with Premium, and It Seems Weird. Give me Your Opinion on It}

The Group Registered Themselves at the Gates and Headed Straight to Hokage's office. When They Entered The Building, The Receptionist Directly Escorted them To Hiruzen's Office room, seeing that In front of Him were Two of The Three Legendary Sannin. As he Entered the Office, They Saw Hiruzen Sitting on His Desk Smoking His Pipe; as He Noticed Jiraya, Tsunade, and Others, he Quickly stood Up with a Smile to Greet them, but His Smile Dropped when he Saw The Shape Inei was Inei Was in.

"Inei! I told you not to do something extreme, didn't I, and yet you are in such a Condition," — Hiruzen Said, Sighing.

"You gave me an Important Mission, and Few Injuries shouldn't be That Much of a Price," — Inei said Calmly.

"Sigh... Somethings Never Change," — Hiruzen Said as He looked at Tsunade — "How've you Been, Tsunade."

"Sarutobi-sensei... I've been... well," — She replied.

"Good... I am Glad That You are Doing Okay," —Hiruzen Said with a Warm Smile. — "I think Jiraya and Inei Have Already Told You That You've been chosen as My Successor," — Hiruzen Said As Tsunade nodded.

"So When Are You Doing the Succession Ceremony? The Exams Are Just Two Weeks Away," — Inei Asked.

"The Ceremony will take place the Day After Tomorrow; as for you and Naruto, you both are Dismissed from Further Duties Until The Exams," — Hiruzen Said As Both Naruto and Inei Nodded.

"What Exam? Didn't Chunin Exams already happen?" — Tsunade asked.

"Due to Intervention by Suna and Oto Invasion, we've decided to do another Exam," — Hiruzen Replied. — "We Will Pit the 12 Genin who reached The 3rd round's Preliminaries against Our Newest Jonin is a 1 V 12 match Up."

"Newest Jonin? and Might That Be, Even if pit a 12 Genins with an Experienced Jonin, The Jonin Just might lose, You probably don't want 7-8 Genin Becoming Chunin, a Newly promoted Jonin won't stand The Chance if all those Genin Passed Forest Of Death, They Must Be Some talented Brats and if Not Utterly Lucky." — Tsunade Explained.

"Sigh... Okay, Okay, Give me a Second..." — Hiruzen Sighed as he Picked Up two clipboards, one with Many sheets of paper on it and One with 2 to 3 sheets of Paper, He First Handed The clipboard with more Sheets to Tsunade. — "These are The Files on The Genin" — After reading for a While, she was Impressed with Many Names on the List as She spoke.

"These Kids are Impressive; as Always, we have an Ino-Shika-Cho Trio Bound to be Talented and Good With Teamwork, Then we Have a Team Made of Aburame, Inuzuka, and Hyuuga Clan members Can be excellent censors and According to the report the Aburame kid is Exceptionally Talented in Mid Range Combat, Then We have... TEAM GAI... YOU GAVE GAI A TEAM TO LEAD !! Poor kids, I hope they are not driven Crazy; wow, his team is Outstanding in Close Combat, A Hyuuga Prodigy, A Bukijutsu Specialist, and A Kid Who can't use Chakra But Can Use... 8 HEAVENLY GATES FORMATION UP TO 5 FRICKIN' GATES, What's Up with these monsters, I can't believe Gai would Teach That Destructive Technique to a Kid. Oh, I am Gonna Have a Headache," — Tsunade said, Grasping her Head as she continued reading — "And Then We Have Team 7... Team with same alias as Our team, I certainly have Expectations from this Team" — Tsunade added as She Continued — "We Have Uzumaki Naruto, Oh Brat Is Also competing, Now I doubt Your Decision Making Skills sensei."

"Well, we Thought about Promoting Naruto To a Chunin because of his contribution in Countering the Suna-Oto Invasion, But We Ultimately Decided to Let Him Also Take Part In the Exams due to a Very Certain reason," — Hiruzen said.

"And What might that Reason Be?" — Tsunade Asked.

"Hmph," — Naruto Said, looking at Inei Brooding.

"Yes, I also Wonder What That Reason Is," — Inei Said.

"You really are Something, brat. You've recently joined Anbu; that's a Testament to your Chunin level skills; you Have Completed an A rank, a Few B-Ranks, and Many C and D Rank Missions, Great. Then we Have The Uchiha Survivor, A Prodigy, and Can Use Sharingan At Such a Young Age. The Last Team Member is... a Civilian Girl with No Special Qualities what So Ever" — Tsunade Said — "Do you think a Newly Promoted Jonin can Survive Against Just The Brat Alone, Let alone you are Throwing in an Uchiha 'Prodigy', And an Eight Gates user and It seems that the Other Brat (Referring to inei) is Already a Chunin Huh good."

"Here is The Jonin Who will be Facing these Genin," — Hiruzen said with a Smile as He Handed the Other clipboard to Tsunade; as she Looked at It, she also smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me Earlier that Inei Was the Jonin You were Talking About? Now It seems More Fair," — Tsunade said, Chuckling.

"So you do acknowledge that I am A Better Combatant than an Experienced Jonin," — Inei said in a Smug Tone.

"I do," — Tsunade said. — "I think This Chunin exam would be Worth Watching."

"I am flattered to hear that from a Mouth of A Sannin," — Inei said.

"Wow, kid, you sure have an Impressive Resume, One Year of Training Under the best of The best from Hokage's Anbu Division, One year of Service under the Team Ro Led By Yamato, and Five Years of Service in Squad Zero as the captain, Mission Completed 4 S-Ranks Missions, 84 A-Rank Missions, 201 B-Rank missions, 374 C-Rank Missions and 23 D-Rank Missions, A Total of 686 Mission, That Is Quite Impressive."

"Don't give him too much praise; trust us when we Say He's gonna be really weirdly cocky if you get him too high on praise" — Jiraya And Naruto Spoke in an annoying tone as They Heard something; they saw Inei Had His Sword in his hand as He Slowly took out Shizukesa to reveal a Bit Of Its Blade.

"Now Did I hear something" — Inei spoke in a Scary Tone.

"Nope," Jiraya and Naruto said In a straight tone.

"Say something like that one more time, And I am Gonna Forget my Humanity for some time" — Inei Spoke in a Sweet tone with a Special Kakashi Smile, at which Naruto and Jiraya Gulped.

"Naruto, Jiraya, You are Dismissed. I have to Talk With Tsunade and Inei Privately Regarding The Upcoming Exams," — Hiruzen said.

"Me too?" — Jiraya said, Pointing at His Face.

"Yes, you too, Now GO," — Hiruzen Said As Naruto and Jiraya Exited

Hiruzen Signalled with his Hands As all of His Anbu Exited The Room. And Four Anbu Individuals in a Slightly different Uniform, The Uniform Looked Like a Heavy Duty Full-body Gear in All Black with Many Pockets and Strappings. The Gear Was All Black with A Symbol Of Anbu on Upper Sleaves, Usually Where Tattoos of Anbu Were Inscribed on the Shoulder. And In the Middle of The Symbol was A Kanji For Zero (Rei), Indicating That the Four Were Part of Inei's Squad Zero. Two out of Four Had Kanji and symbols on their Left Shoulder, Indicating That they were male, and two Had Them on their Right Shoulder Indicating That they were Female.

The First One to the Right was A female Anbu With A Oval Shaped Anbu Mask with A Total of Three Vertical Stripes On It dividing Parts. The Middle One was A Pure White which Connected to Two Black Stripes on Each Side in Middle The Middle. On Eyes, her height Was Roughly 5'10", and her Frame was a Bit Muscular, but overall it was Well Rounded.

Then To His Side and Second to Right Stood a Male Anbu whose Mask had Scale Like Patterns On the lower Left Jaw with a Blue Outline on each Hexagonal Scale and On the Upper Right, Part Of his Mask was a Golden Line Reminiscent of an Antler Which Connected to His Eyes, He stood at the height of 5'11"

Second, Left Stood the Female Anbu, who Looked Like a Little Girl. According to Her Height, She was roughly Inei's Size; she was a Few Inches Smaller than Inei In the matter of Height. Her Frame was Rather Lanky, but On top of Such an Innocent Appearance, Her Anbu Mask was Surprisingly Intimidating, which Had A Design of A Skull With Cracks Running all over it.

And The First One On The Left side Looked like a Fully Grown Man. His Uniform Had a hint of Blue. He was around 6 Feet Tall with a Muscular Frame. His Mask Was Oval with two Horizontal Golden Wavy Marks on his Cheeks and Golden Lines all over. The Mask connected to his eyes, Resembling a Fully Released Byakugou Seal.

"I have a Pretty Good Guess Who these Individuals Are." — Tsunade Said in a Cautious tone.

"Inei, If you May..." — Hiruzen said As He Pointed His Palm at the Anbu.

Inei Walked In Front Of the Anbu as Inei, and The Four Anbu Dropped Their Knees. as They Bowed to Show Respect to their Respective Leaders, Inei to Hiruzen, and The Squad to Inei, As All five of them Chanted In A Single-tone.


"At Ease," — Hiruzen said As the Five Shinobi In Front of him Stood Up. — "As You know, My Student Tsunade of The Legendary Sannin Is Gonna Be The Fifth Hokage. So you all Should Officially Introduce yourselves to her"

The Anbu To The left looked at His Team as They All nodded And Then Looked at his Captain, Inei, as He Spoke. — "Lord Hokage, Rather Than Introducing Ourselves, we Would Entrust Our Captain to speak On our Behalf, Anything he says Is Absolute Truth, and Even He Calls Us Maniacs We Would Happily Accept it."

"Very Well, Inei, If You May..." — Hiruzen said.

Inei Smiled a Bit as He Walked Towards the Female Anbu on the Right.

"Firstly, Before Introducing You to My team, Let me tell you if You already didn't know, Squad Zero is a Special Team that Includes foreign Captured Shinobi. This System was Put in Place by Second Hokage Tobirama Senju during the First Shinobi War, When He Decided To Use the Power of His Prisoners by the Use of Zero Barred Seal, A Level 7 Seal which Restricted The victim from doing anything against the Person Who put seal On them and Obey any Order they Give, However, They were free to do Anything as Long as They didn't go against the User or try to Contradict their Command; as a result, the Captain of The Squad was Required to Be Seal Master of At least level Seven which is Rather Rare Nowadays, As I was The only Person Capable Enough to Imply the Seal I was Chosen to lead this Squad, Overtime they became My comrades, Each and Every One of them. And That is also The Reason We Haven't Filled the Roles of past members who Were K.I.A. (Killed in action) out of Respect. And We Still call This Squad a Squad when in reality, it's more of a Team according to the numbers of The Members. And Each of The Current members of Squad Zero Aside from me Possesses a Minimum of Three Different Kekkei Genkai."

'Three different Kekkei Genkai !! That's Scary' — Tsunade Thought

Inei Stood By The Side of The Female Anbu On the Right.

"Squad Zero has Shinobi, whose skills are All rounded and Can Work Solo as Well as In a Team. We all know At least Basic Medical Ninjutsu and All other Things in Basic form; some are Better than Others in Certain things; she Is Our Genjutsu specialist, Anbu Codename Black Turtle, Her real name is Shigeru Hana, Hana-san was A Shinobi from the Hidden Mist Village, She is An excellent Shinobi, Calm And Collected, A Great Team Player and She isn't a Slouch on Solo Missions Either, She Has Perfect qualities to be a Shinobi, She was Working for Yagura karatachi Before, Until he went nuts. She is Extremely Loyal to Her Comrades; we All Here have Been On Death's Door Many times, but Ultimately We Survived with the help of Each Other, and Hana-san was Always There for Team" — Inei said as Hana took Off her Mask to reveal a Woman In At Age of 19 With Fair Skin And Shiny Brown Hair and With few Bangs Tied to her Hair Near Her right eye.

"Thank You for the Praise, Captain," — Hana Said, Smiling.

"You're Welcome, Hana-San," — Inei Said as He Moved On to The Person Who Stood by Hana. —

"He is Our Teams Information Gatherer whether it be a from a Place or a Person. Anbu Codename Azure Dragon, Real Name Ikazuchi Kiyoshi, He is Son Ikazuchi Ikkaku The Great mercenary and Once was A Shinobi for Land Of Lightning's Daimyo Gaurd Special Forces. After he was expelled from there, Konoha Forces apprehended him at Tanzaku Gai; he Is a Master Strategist and Has an intellect On Par with a Nara; his Senses Are Nearly as Good as the Uzumaki, and His Interrogation Skills are Unmatched; I am confident to say That If I Need Someone to Extract Information Kiyoshi-San is my First choice, Not Ibiki and Inoichi-San" — Inei Said as Kiyoshi Took of His Mask to Reveal a Man around the Age Of 23 With Dark Blue Hair, Fair Skin And his Hair which Sported Bangs All over. (A/N- Imagine Lancer from Fate Series, Kiyoshi is Exactly Like him)

"I must say He must be outstanding for you to put him Above Inoichi and Ibiki," — Tsunade said. —

"Of course he is," — Inei said with Pride. —

"Awww, Thanks, Captain; I'll be sure not to Break your Trust," — Kiyoshi said.

Inei Nodded as He Moved On To the Female Anbu, who was A Few Inches Smaller Than Her.

"She Is Squad Zero's Ninjutsu Specialist, Anbu Name Shinigami, Real name Tsukihime Ahma, She comes from Gem Shrine Island Near The Iwagakure, She has The Most Potential Out of Everyone Here, She Was rescued From a The Island When A Conflict arose between a Rebel group and Iwa, Some of Our Konoha Operatives managed to rescue her. She is eleven, but I can Assure you she Can Hold Her Own against people Kakashi and Gai; she's a Natural Prodigy; she is A person whom you can Call the Genius of The Generation. Her Knowledge of Ninjutsu Can Rival even the Biggest Titans in the Shinobi World" — Inei said she took off Her Mask, Which Revealed A Young Girl with a Fair Complexion and hair which her 'Diverse' in color. She Had Mainly Blonde hair With Some Small parts Being Caramel Coloured and There being a Few strands of White and Red Hair.

"Captain... You are Making me Blush With all That Praise," — Ahma Said in a Flustered tone.

"I am only saying what Truth is; what do you think, Guys" — Inei Said as The Last Remaining masked member of The Team Came Forward and Nodded.

"I agree with Captain; You are A Genius, Ahma," — the Man Said, Ruffling his hair of Ahma.

"And He Is Vice-Captain to My Team, Wisest of all Team Members, Anbu Code name Daibutsu (Buddha). Real Name Akihiko Katsuo. Formerly a Shinobi From Hidden Moon Village, He is our Taijutsu Specialist, And By Far One of The Strongest People I have encountered. Hidden Moon betrayed him, so he left the village, and Lord Third apprehended him at the Village border. And I'd Like to Say One Thing About Him, If You feel Hopeless, You can Lean Back, He Will Manage everything Alone, and You can always put your trust in Him. Out of All of Us, He Has Been a Shinobi for the Longest Since he Was Four Years old to be Precise, He Has finished More Than 1200 Missions In His Career and Most of Which Are High Ranked Missions" — Inei Said as Katsuo Took of His Mask Revealing a Man in His Late Twenties, More Correctly 27 Years old. With Short Hair With, dark blue hair much darker than Kiyoshi's. With a barely noticeable Scar on his Eye.

"Thanks, Captain," — Katsuo said.

"These Guys Are Really Something, However..." — Tsunade said.

"However what?" — Inei said in a Dark Tone. —

"However, I want to hear what they want to say about their Captain, I know Pretty much everything about you because of Your File, which Sarutobi Sensei Gave me, but I wanna know that The People who work directly under You think about You, Tell me In one Line What Each one of You thinks about Your Captain."

"Captain Inei is Type of Person who Is Jack of All trades and master of all, He Is a Perfectionist, He Is Loyal To his duties, and He Is Full of Camaraderie and Sportsmanship, and he knows how to do his job" — Hana Said Smiling.

"Captain is A Genius; he Knows What to do and What not To do, Always. If You want to go with Someone's Intuition, It's always captain. He can Get Through any and Everything with His Knowledge and Skills," Kiyoshi said with a Warm Smile.

"Captain is Calm and Collected, Kind, Warm, and Has an aura that makes you feel relaxed. When Captain Says It, okay, Then No one can Question that, Because when Captain is there nothing bad can Happen" — Ahma Said In calm tone Smiling.

"We have Saying In our Squad, If It's One on One Captain Will win, and If He is Against an Army Then there will be a Rain on Blood. He may not win Every Time..." — Katsuo said as He Put His Hand On Inei's Shoulder. — "But he Won't lose, And We won't let others lose Because of him. We In This Squad believe That as Long as Our Captain is Breathing, Failure will never be an Option. We may have lost many battles on the battlefield, but we have Yet to Lose a War," — Katsuo Said with Pride.

"Impressive Kid..." — Tsunade said With an impressed look.

"Stop it, guys... all that praise is embarrassing," — inei said with his face a Bit Red.

"Okay, Team, You are Dismissed," — Hiruzen said as the Five of Them exited the Room.

'You said You probably know everything you can know about inei just by looking at his File; in an ordinary case, it would be Correct, but this case is different; there is still much more For you to know— Hiruzen thought.

### Outside the Hokage office ###

"Captain, How did you get so badly Wounded" — Ahma Said in a Worried tone — "I was barely able to keep myself from asking you in there" —

"It looks like a Meteor hit you, Cap," — Kiyoshi Said

"Don't speak Nonsense, Kiyo... We don't have Someone In Land of Fire Who can throw a Meteor unless An S-Rank Fugitive is infiltrating the Land of Fire." — Hana Spoke.

"Shut up, two of You," — Katsuo said as He Looked At Inei's Injuries — "You really took a Beating, captain; I can't believe you let yourself this Badly," — He Said.

"How did you know that I let myself be hit" — Inei asked.

"Because Chances of You were letting yourself be Hit is More than Someone faster and Physically stronger than You appearing and Letting you live after doing all this." — Katsuo said

"Good point there, Katsuo-San," — Inei said. — "I cured the Hags Hemophobia the Hard way, I 'Killed' Her Disciple to put her in a blood rage, and it worked," — Inei said in a sarcastic tone.

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT !! YOU LOOK BARELY ALIVE. WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU, WHAT IF- WHAT IF- WHAT IF SHE SOMETHING HAD GONE WRONG" — Ahma shouted in an enraged tone, Barely keeping herself from Crying as Katsuo came Forward and put a Hand On her Head.

"Calm Down, Ahma," — Katsuo said to Ahma in a warm tone.

"Don't worry, ahma, I am not that easy to kill, am I. if you can't kill me, What chance does that Old Hag have" — Inei said as Ahma Took out her Pouch and Took out a Vile of pills from it.

"Here, take it; this is special Medicine to help Recovery from tissue Damage, Now go home and Rest," — Ahma Said.

"You really are Growing Reckless these Days, haven't you, captain" — Katsuo said, Sighing

"And I have told You to call me Inei. When we are off duty, haven't I, Katsuo-San. Anyways I am off to home; I need a Good Night's sleep without the night," — Inei said as Others nodded and Bid him farewell as he disappeared using Shunshin, and He was In front of Namikaze Compound Where He Saw Karin, who was Sitting on Front Yard's Deck Reading some Book and a Possible Shadow clone practicing Fuuinjutsu. Inei thought something as He Went into Full stealth mode and Completely erased or More Correctly Suppressed his Chakra from the area, and Went invisible using a Jutsu and Then On top of it Used Hiding into shadows technique to Mask Himself as He Closed in ok Karin to surprise her.

"Inei-Kun, Come out. I sensed you from Far away," — Karin said with a slight smile on her face as Inei Appeared in front of Her.

"You are Getting good with Sensory, as Expected from you," — Inei said

"INEI-KUN !! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? HOW ARE YOU SO MUCH INJURED !!?? " — Karin Exclaimed as She Ran to Inei and Started healing him, and Inei noticed that she Was Healing him very fast. Suddenly put his Sleeve up to her shoulder as She Pointed her arm at him.

"Inei-Kun, bite me. It'll heal you," — Karin said in a Worried tone.

"NO. It will hurt you, and In healing my wounds, I can Really drain a Lot of Chakra, and you hate to heal bite, don't you" — Inei said.

"Yes, I hate it, but..."

"But What?" — Inei Asked.

"But if it's you, I don't mind," — Karin said With a Blush as She Pointed to his Hand

"Karin-Chan, I just need some sleep; my own Body and Medicine can heal me in a few days; these are nothing but Flesh wounds," — Inei said with a Smile.

"You call wounds which are making you limp, Just Flesh Wounds; I can't believe you. You are so Reckless" — Karin said as She pouted like a Little Child. Inei chuckled as he ruffled her hair. — "Naruto said that he would eat some ramen, and Hinata is Traning in the Basement, and The I readied the bath for You When Naruto came By. Go take a bath, and I'll patch you up, and Then you can Go to sleep."

"Good Idea, There is dirt all over me, Thanks Karin-Chan," — Inei said as He Went inside to take a bath, after which Karin Patched Him up, and He went to bed

###14 Days Later, One Day Before The Exams ###

Inei was Sitting in front of the door of The Chakra Spring, Waiting for Hinata to Come out; Hinata Had made Excellent Progress in Past Days, but Today was The last day of Training, and She Still didn't succeed then meant her time was Wasted.

"I hope she succeeds; no one knows that I will be the One Fighting the rookie Twelve aside from The council Members, including Naruto and Sasuke," — Inei said as Suddenly he Felt something off; he was Fully healed, But for a Second His body became sluggish as He thought he heard some Whispers.

In a Few Moments, the Door of The Spring was Blasted Opened, and Inei was Pinned on the Wall in Front out of The sheer pressure which was emanating from the Spring; he could only utter three words before He passed out.














"...So... Much... Chakra..."

### Author's P.O.V ###

Sorry Guys, the Internet was Down In My Area for the past week due to 'Certain Something'. So I couldn't Post.


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