
Ochieng' Submits

"Losers...Your master has submitted to us and he is going to be a servant of our Lord. I am here to invite you to our capital, you need to see his welcoming ceremony, you know." The incoming creature laughed proudly.

"I did not know that those from this world are this dumb. What makes you think that Ochieng' can submit to the likes of your stupid Lord?" Kuru harrumphed.

"What did you say?" The eyes of the aerial creature narrowed in anger as it landed before Kuru.

"Too dumb to even understand my simple words..."

The disdain in Kuru's face became more apparent as he said those words. He seemed not to see the creature that was trembling angrily. Before Kuru even finished his statement, he was hit by the swipe of the creature's wing. That landed him a few meters away from his companions.

"Easy my ugly friend."

Seeing Kuru being sent flying by the offcomer, Ratong' could not help but drop the flesh it had been enjoying reluctantly before turning to the monster, "You cannot just come here and start hitting people as you wish. Do you think we are punching bags?"

"Did you just call me ugly?" Instead of answering Ratong', the creature turned towards the lion with a frown.

"Hehe, I will not lie to you: I am really persevering by looking at you continuously. If what I had eaten was not the yummy zebra, I would have regurgitated long time ago." Ratong' answered directly.

"Then you must be able to withstand my punch for you to say such words."

Angered beyond tolerable limits, the creature charged at Ratong' with full might. After suffering in the hands of a few beings from this world, Ratong' dared not underestimate its opponent. It also went at the other fellow with full strength.

When they almost collided, Ratong' made a weird move which made it easily dodge its opponent's attack. With a swift turn, it swept its tail towards the creature. The tail landed on the creature's moist nose, what made it spin thrice before landing with its two limbs deeply sank on the ground.

Taking advantage of the creature's moment of confusion, Mang'weya jumped on it with its full might. It wasn't as strong as Ratong' but it could never be belittled just because of that. The creature was sent to the ground scooping large amounts of soil with its massive feet. It fell with its legs pointing towards the sky and the soil dusting its face.


A shrill cry reverberated. Turning towards the sound, everyone was surprised with what they saw. Jade Eagle had not given the creature time to even turn. At some point in time, it had already landed on the creature and was busy pecking at a certain part of the creature.

"Ratong', this fellow's pee-pee is really tasty, do you want to give it a try?"

Sensing everyone's gaze on it, Jade Eagle lifted its head before saying in delight.

"Sure, how can I turn down such a generous offer."

Nodding its head, Ratong' walked towards the creature with glowing eyes.


The creature cried. It tried to free itself but that only made Jade Eagle's talons sink on its skin. But upon turning its head and seeing Ratong' walk towards it with a wide smile, it endured its pain and successfully freed itself. It did not even look back as it fled fearfully.

"You, wait... I just want to have a taste of that little thing."

Not expecting the creature to even endure ripping off its skin to escape, Ratong' could not help but shake its head in disappointment.

"Do you think that it is saying the truth?"

After confirming that Kuru was alright, Mudho asked worriedly.

"I am not sure either. What we have to do is follow it and know exactly what it is up to." Kuru said.

They immediately leaped on Ratong's back and Mang'weya got to work. When the creature was at a vicinity, they slowed down and followed it discreetly.


The creature was not actually wrong. After Ochieng' thought of his beloved Apeleka, he agreed to serve the Lord of darkness as soon as the day's torture begun. Immediately he agreed, the enforcer heaved a long sigh of relief for it had begun to break down. Ochieng' had given it a real hard time. No matter what it did to make the young man cooperate, he couldn't and that had given it real headache.

Using a beast from the dark world, Ochieng' had been transported to a large coliseum somewhere in this world. The place was already packed with thousands of Black Fiends. The atmosphere was full of euphoria. Their mortal enemy was being brought before them and the best news was that he was going to work with them to bring mankind down.

As soon as the beast landed on a platform at the heart of the coliseum, the Black Fiends shouted with joy. The entire place became noisy. From afar, their sound was reminiscent of the roaring of a large river. They were really in a good mood. Ochieng' then jumped from its back under the lead of enforcer. He wore an indignant expression and his face was full of bruises. The enforcer who was just behind him like his shadow was smiling smugly, it was as if it had obtained the whole world.

"Be on your knees boy." The enforcer ordered as it pushed Ochieng' by his shoulder.

Ochieng' fell hard on the floor with his knees. He groaned in pain as he tried to stabilize himself. With his hands and feet tied, his mobility was limited. That fall almost fractured his bones.

"Everyone, be quiet as we wait for the High Priest to perform the welcoming ceremony."

The happy enforcer roared loudly. Its voice covered every corner of the coliseum. Upon hearing it, every Black Fiend kept quiet. This led to a total silence in the entire place. The High Priest was one of the most revered persons in the dark world. He had to be welcomed with all the respect he deserved.