
Chapter 2: Frans Erick

"Mom I don't want a magic tutor"

"Hayden you need a tutor even though you have amazing control over your magic, you still don't understand magic well"

"Mom I can just read the books in dads or uncles personal libraries and learn from them"

"You can only learn 40 percent about magic from books, 30 percent from the process and the rest from practice, the tutor is here for teaching you about the 60 percent"

"Alright mother lets see if this magic tutor of yours is worthy to teach me"

" oh he is hopefully"

"Sir Frans, Both the madam and the young master will be here shortly, please wait here"

"thank you"

Frans Erick was a tall well-built man with a square face and he looks like a very ordinary person you find on the street. He was a graduate of the prestigious magic Academy of Roffes. He scored top marks in his class and was an excellent student but after graduating from the academy, he was fired from multiple jobs because of him being marked by a certain noble. he did not have any problem with the noble but his sister did. the sister of the noble was interested in Erick but Erick refused her advances so she got back by making sure he got fired from every job he applied. It was because if this reason that he took the job of being a tutor to the young son of Marquis Allen so that she will leave him.

Hayden Vorgerm was the son of Marquis Allen and the Royal princess Lucy. he was known to be very intelligent and highly talented in magic but due to this reason, no tutor was able to teach him. There were rumors about Hayden as how he walked when he was barely six months old or how he could cast magic at a very young age. Erick wanted to take a shot in teaching him.