
The Legacy System

What would happen if someday, someone gave humans the opportunity to have the power of the legends? Total Chaos! That's the answer to that, people started killing, r*ping, extorting and torturing, to become the strongest. In such a world, a nerd like Eric became one of the strongest. With the resolve of a better life for his family, his loved ones, he managed to flip his destiny around, and become the strongest, and built his Empire. He went so far, that he was close to ascending to the Immortal World, that world of dreams. His story looks like one of a fairytale, but a fairytale it's not. Just as he was about to ascend, he was betrayed and killed, by his closest friends, and his half-brother. At the death's door, he learned about his brother's atrocities, but his time had finished. If only he had another chance! If only he could have another shot at life! He would definitely live differently! But could he!? . . . At that moment his soul was transferred into a black space!

crazy_immortal · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
823 Chs

Chapter 37: Surprise and Revelation

Eric arrived at the city center at 12:20, even though his date with Yoshida Gina was at 12:30. A true gentleman always arrived earlier on his date.

Not to mention, that he kind of felt indebted to her, and that he needed to do everything he could to pay her back.

While his previous future was a mess, and his end was what it was, at the darkest moments of his life she was there for him, and gave him the power to rise, and fight.

If it wasn't for her, he would have probably died, or just lived a miser's life on the streets. Only Eric could understand the impact she had on his life and future.

But he was surprised to find a nervous Yoshida Gina waiting for him there, at the meeting place. But he was stupefied for a moment.

The girl waiting for him wasn't that everyday girl wearing baggy clothes, and trying to go unnoticed. No, in front of him right now was standing an angel.

She was so beautiful! Wearing a light pink dress, with her hair tied behind in a ponytail, her sweet natural red cherry lips. She seemed like a work of art.

Her dress wasn't making justice to her body, even though she seemed so beautiful in that dress, Eric knew that there was more beauty hidden under that dress.

And he wasn't the only one to feel that way apparently, many guys were ogling at her, or stopping to try and start a conversation with her.

She didn't seem appreciative of the popularity though. It seemed like she kind of hated that. Right at that time, her knight in shining armor appeared to save her from the situation.

Eric went towards her, and without caring for the people around her, he took her hand and pulling her out of there, said with a tender voice,

Eric:" I am sorry I'm late, have you been waiting for long?"

Yoshida Gina was really happy to have been saved from that situation right now, and said with a grateful voice,

Yoshida Gina:" No you weren't late at all, I just came early."

Eric could see that she was still a bit nervous. At this moment she seemed like she had no relation to that tough and determined girl he remembered.

But he liked this Yoshida Gina too. While he would like to preserve this innocence and delicacy, he knew that he couldn't.

Soon the World they knew wouldn't be the same. Everything would change, and people would just bring out their hidden selves, desires, and lusts.

This was the true reason for the world-changing. Humans, their greed and desires for more, would bring about chaos and destruction.

But now was not the time to think of that, now he was on a date with this woman, he had to make sure that she had a lot of fun today.

At the same time, he could take her advice on his shopping spree for today. Thinking like this, he said in a gentle voice,

Eric:" Sorry to keep you waiting. Now I know that I said we would go for a coffee, but I have to buy some things, how about you accompany me to buy them, and then go for coffee."

How could a girl say no to shopping, so forgetting a bit about her nervousness, Yoshida Gina said with a happy voice,

Yoshida Gina:" Yes, of course, I would love to."

Like this a big shopping spree started for both of them, Eric was able to buy a lot of new clothes, a Smartphone, and some other accessories.

While Yoshida Gina, even after all her insistence of not wanting anything, received a few gifts from Eric. Eric was pleased to see her change and parade in front of him.

They passed a truly nice and happy date, and now since they were tired, they went for the coffee. In no time more than 4 to 5 hours had passed.

They truly didn't feel the time pass. Entering the coffee shop, which Eric thought would be good, only based on the prices.

He had never been to such a place before, even in his previous future, after the S-day everything changed and it took a lot of time for things to find a new normal.

But even then, the divide in the society was enormous, and the places he frequented, well let's say the rules and the service was a lot different.

Eric like a gentleman was holding all their bags, and anyone with eyes on his forehead would be able to see that most of the bags were famous brands.

Nobody with a brain would think this guy wasn't some rich silk-pants having a date with his girlfriend.

So everyone was nice to them and gave them space. After ordering, Eric and Yoshida Gina went to sit on a window view seat while waiting for their order and chatting happily.

Sometimes though, not everything went according to one's desire, and everything changed quickly due to something or someone.

Just as Eric and Yoshida Gina were chatting happily to each other, some blonde pr*ck came close to their table, and totally treating Eric as harmful air, turned to Yoshida Gina and said angrily,

Arrogant Pr*ck:" What are you doing here!?

Coming to such a place, with unknown trash like him! Didn't your family tell you about our engagement?

Are you trying to humiliate our families!?"

Eric was listening to his words in clear amazement. The truth is he didn't really know her background, when they met in his previous life, it was already after the S-day.

And after S-day nobody gave a crap about the previous background that people had and were focused only on strength.

Not to mention that then Eric was just a worthless worm, without any connection or way to get information.

So this was all new to him, and he was clearly amazed by what was happening in front of him. Yoshida Gina seemed to be startled at seeing him, and it immediately got scared.

It was like a bad little kid caught at fault and was too afraid to say anything. But there was something wrong, with this.

This was the first time Eric was noticing this, but her heartbeat wasn't disturbed at all. While her face showed fear, her heartbeat was normal.

Things weren't how they looked like at all. He had been too focused on a way to repay her, and never let her suffer again, and had forgotten to have a look at her.

He was blinded by his emotions once again and had again made the same mistake he did in his previous life. Investing too many emotions, and believing people too easily.

Now seeing this scene he could finally become clear-headed and think about the situation more objectively.

He had to find a way to act like he was still that dating boy, and at the same time not get into trouble with this new unknown guy.

While this guy pissed him off, and he marked him to his blacklist, it was still too early for the world to notice him, so he would have to play with him later.

Thinking like this, he got up like a boy in love ready to protect his damsel in distress, and said,

Eric:" I don't know who you are bro, but you are clearly making her uncomfortable. So why don't you leave this place."

The arrogant pr*ck seemed furious that some harmful air, that he wouldn't even acknowledge was in front of him, trying to push him away.

So he immediately made a sign to his bodyguards behind him, who punched Eric's head. That was a serious punch, that guy wasn't holding back in the least.

But this was what Eric wanted anyway, so pretending to be caught by surprise, Eric received the punch, and he was sent flying to the window, and then fall unconscious.

The scene stunned all the audience, they didn't expect such a turn of events. While Yoshida Gina was still playing the terrified girl, to come and check on him.

Seeming to have lost his patience, with Yoshida Gina, the arrogant pr*ck just looked at her frightened face with disgust and said,

Arrogant Pr*ck:" Come, we are leaving this place. Even the air seems too harmful to stay here."

Like a terrified little bird, Yoshida Gina followed behind the arrogant pr*ck and left the place. Only after they left, did the staff come around to look at Eric.

He was supposed to have been hit badly and lost conscience, while they didn't want to involve in this mess, someone dying here was a pretty bad thing too.

That's why they immediately came to him with alcohol, and a first aid kit to wake him up. Eric played the role for a bit more, and then got up, looking confused at the people around him.

Seeing him wake up from his unconscious state, the staff seemed relieved, and after testing that he was all right, one of the waiters couldn't stop his curiosity and ask,

Waiter:" Who are you, bro? Why did you try to mess with Takeshiba's family Young Master!? That guy is bad news for everyone."

Eric looked at him with a confused look, and asked,

Eric:" Takeshiba family!?"

The waiter looked at him like he was a retarded person, and said,

Waiter:" Oy, oy don't tell me you don't know about the Takeshiba family, the richest family in this country. You sure that punch didn't leave you retarded?"

Finally, Eric was hit by the realization, it was true the Takeshiba family was one of the richest and most powerful families in Japan.

But after the S-day, they tried to gather a lot of people under their banner using their money and power, but in the end, were destroyed due to their descendants' idiocy.

There was still one thing that he needed to understand though, what was Yoshida Gina's identity and her real nature.

Hoping to learn something more about her, he looked at the waiter that talked to him until now, and said,

Eric:" Then brother what about that girl?"

The waiter seemed to really think that he had become retarded now, and said in annoyance,

Waiter:" Shouldn't you be the one to know her, you brought her here!

Are you sure you are really okay!? Anyway, by what I can think of, she must be the Young Miss of the Yoshida family.

She is the only heir to the Yoshida family, and her father seems to have engaged her to the Takeshiba family's Young Master.

So you were clearly dating his fiancé bro...


Hi everyone I hope you are having a blast today.

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Hope you like it and have fun reading it.


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