
Chapter 221: Negotiations & Double-agent

"You see kid, I think it would be a great opportunity for you to join me if you know what is good for you!"

These were the words that Eric was hearing for the third time straight, as Takeshiba Shindo seemed to be having the same thoughts as his two predecessors to the meeting.

All three of them were treating him like he was just some kind of easy to subdue idiot, as each one of them seemed to be gifting him with an opportunity to stay in the high society.

The gist of it was the same for all three of them, they would help him stay in the family, and consolidate his position, as long as he became their 'servant'!

All these guys knew was that Eric was either strong himself, or had someone strong by his side, that had taken care of the assassins they had sent his way.

While they were surprised that Eric had managed to survive their paid assassins, they still didn't think highly of him.