
027-Little Kuno

Arriving at the exit zoey noticed a little fox with one tail its fur was white and it looks very beautiful as zoey try to approach the fox, the fox wanted to attack and flee, but her power was consumed after hiding for more than 5 hours from the wolf she was left with no option but to be carried by Zoey.

" Oh what a cute fox." Emma and aliza said as they rub the fox fur, Hattie also joined in on the fun, she wanted to adopt the fox at first, but she knew it would be rude to take it from zoe.

after a few hours of walking they reached a small town Venzor they quickly bought supplies and rented 2 rank 1 beast carriages that did not cost that much money.

a week passed by they finally arrived back at the castle, the dao protector explained everything to the mansion owner learning of all that transpired he could not help, but feel great admiration towards Zoey's group, and before leaving he handed them each 5000 ranks 1 spirit stones and even a rank 2 beast carriage. " I hope you can take this as my gratitude without you I think things would have turned out differently." He humbly said.

Zoey nodded and since the flood dragon was a level way higher than they can accomplish now the mansion owner made their request a success. Zoe and co went back home to the previous ship they use going here were waiting at the docs when the crewmates saw them they quickly helped them pack their stuff.

The fox was still sleeping on Zoe's lap, Zoe can only smile in admiration. While they head back to Skadar.

Another 2 weeks pass by during those 2 weeks, the fox was still in deep slumber but showed no discomfort she has been cultivating with the help of Zoe's unique constitution.

" Sister Zoe where should we head next after we report our accomplished request ?"Aliza asked

" I can't fight with the fox still asleep." Zoe said.

" I can bring her with me I was planning on taking some rest and cultivate back at the house."Aliza said

Zoe nodded, she handed Aliza the fox and together with Emma, they headed to the cave after turning in their request.

Another 2 weeks passed by, inside Aliza's room Kuno opened her eyes " Where am I." She looks around only to find a beautiful girl who was silently cultivating." Human." She murmured then remembered how she was picked up by another beautiful girl after she escaped and used almost all of her qi. " Flood dragon I will revenge you."

She walked a little further and reached the top of the table near the window trying to escape, " Oh little fox you have awoken." Aliza said.

Kuno was startled and nodded her little head and acted cute she was acting to avoid suspicion this was not the forest there were plenty of human cultivators here above the true qi realm that can capture her. If Aliza's group was bad they would have sold her off, but instead, they took good care of her for the past weeks. Kuno jumped on Aliza's lap, Aliza started rubbing her fur which Kuno showed no discomfort and actually loved it.

During her cultivation, Kuno inspected Aliza's technique and was surprised " this is not a human technique it is very ancient I do not know any technique that has this kind of formation." Kuna thought while analyzing Aliza

1 month passed by.

Zoey and Emma returned they were overjoyed after all they have advanced through the ranks and earned a lot of soul points, "Aliza"

Aliza walked towards them carrying Kuno on her shoulder.

" Oh you the little one I miss you." Zoe said Kuno jumped to Zoe's shoulder and started rubbing her head towards Zoe." She must really miss you a lot." Emma laughed

" Unfair I have been spending more time with her," Aliza grunted.

And just like that the day of the selection process arrived Zoe's group reached a whole new level in terms of cultivation and all of them have the qualifications to join the core disciples.

The battle was tough, more than 1300 inner court disciples and 8 core disciples fought for the 12 spots, but after the long week. Zoe's group manage to claim 3 spots. They surprised the sect master, elders, and the disciples with both their beauty and power.

After this few months, Kuno has already considered Zoe's group as a family after inspecting all 3 of them she felt that they weren't the typical humans, but still, she has not revealed her true form since once she does she believes that she will only put them in danger. Once she reached the 4th tail she will leave, but not before she gives them a proper goodbye.