
011-The Gathering II

" I know all of you brought your best representative, while some of you chose to participate in this year's competition my test is simple actually"

Jackson opens the door and what appears before them was a stone that had some inscription.

" That is called the origin stone, it is very complicated to explain but all you have to do is punch or use whatever tricks you have on your sleeves if you manage to reach the talent I require you to pass, note since there is only 12 spots the first 12 who have managed to reach my expectations will follow me to the tournament for those who fail, then they could only wait for the next tournament, this test will also be participated by this 3 lovely ladies beside me as I do not give anyone a free ticket they will take the test with everyone here."

"Jackson will administer the testing I only came here to watch, no pressure."

With each core member having 5 or more possible representatives, but it does not mean that either one of them is getting the spot.

The first one to come was Zoey she was giving William a strange smile. "I will blow your expectation through the roof."

Jackson " Zoey release all your strength this stone can handle it."

Zoey nodded, as the core members and their guests watch the scenery. Zoey released her punch a punch that caused the ground to shake leaving the guest startled " What kind of strength was that !."

Ding!.. the stone showed a color orange color of the purest quality. "so how did I do?"

" not bad, pass." Jackson said. Zoey smiled and ran straight to William, who caressed her hair she still did not know how the stone works but as long as she passed it she did not worry about the rest.

Aliza and Emma followed afterwards, there strength display startled the others as well, but not as much as zoey's impact. Aliza got a red of the purest quality while emma got an orange mark of the medium quality. "Passed, passed" Emma hapilly cheered as she hugged jackson which brought countless stared on her.

Aliza was inwardly happy, she did not expect to pass, after all she has only been training for weeks, but with Williams help, she managed to reach the 2nd stage which was a big achievement for her.

" William I really don't get what does this stone do ?, Zoe finally asked."

The origin stone the first time I saw one was the time I was but a mere mortal cultivator joining a sect, the origin stone can show 9 colors (white,red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo,violet,gold) and those colors dictate your talent .

" So my orange talent is only the 3rd does that mean my talent is poor ?" She asked.

William shook his head. " No of course not talent cannot be simply judged by the stone there are many factors that can come in play like fortune encounters or even one's faith that stone only judged you pre-determined talent not your future."

After Aliza the other guest tried there hardest the first 5 was only of white talent and failed, Kian Matthew was next , oscars son Kian was originally part of the Black dragon group but was moved to greece for succession, but he did not stop cultivating.

He punched the stone and the stone showed a red of the lowest quality,but still, he was proud.

"Passed" Jackson said " you did not stop, that is a good sign, if you ever plan on succeeding your position to your son you can come back to the black dragon group. Kian smiled and bowed before returning back to his father.

the next one to arrive was Kian's son Lennon also the guard in charge of protecting William's group at greece at a young age of 21 he has received personal training from his father he struck the stone with everything he has. "Fail" showing only the white color, he wasn't disappointed after all this was only his first meeting he has lot of improvement to do.

Sia's daughter arrived next she was a beauty like her mother, but due to strict training, all she cared for was to be accepted as the next core member she has been trained by the black dragon group since 8 years old she punched the stone with her strongest strike, and a low-quality red was produced. "passed" She cheered and went back to her mother.

another 8 members tried but failed to pass. A man walks towards the stone seeing him William smiled Kobi was this man's name one of his original members at an age of 51 and one of the oldest members of his group and also one of the first to have been taught by him in this realm William has very high hopes besides him was his younger son who was of similar built but younger.

They both tested their strength and surprisingly both father and son showed orange of low quality.

"Oh impressive if even his son made it this far his father must have taught him very well."

" I could not have done it without your teaching master" Both father and son bowed in respect to William.

7 spots have now been taken only 5 remains, out of the remaining 21 guests.