

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · Fantasía
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Pleasant atmosphere, walked in with a big smile on their face.

"Happy new month class mate". Meyan said out loud

"Oh gosh!". The boys complain of their present

"They are here to make noise now". Jamaine added

..... Walked up to their sits Richard saw lyia's body guards

"What are you guys doing here?". Richard asked

"What kind of stupid question is that? They are my guard ain't they"

"Hey" Lisa walked in

"Come here Lisa". Liya dragged her back

"What is it?".

"Be with people that I like, and I don't like them yet".

"Why, okay whatever?".

"Now let's go meet the rich kid".

"Are you guys talking to me?". Justin asked, no response

"Oh, it's David".

"No! it's you".

"Your sisters like money and its because you spoil her too much".


"She watches porn". David said.

"What...". the girl's reaction.

"Yeah, that's right, I know stuff".

"What is porn". Juliana asked

"You don't know what porn is!". The boys laughed at her ..... and her friends were disappointed.

"Is it a crime to be holy". Juliana added

"Just shut up, and stop saying foolish things to justify your stupidity". Saucy said

"That's a nice one, I think I like that, she the brave one right, mm, nice". Liya added

"Are we going to tell him or not". Lisa asked

"Ooh, yes". She sat on Justin's leg rubbing his face.

"What is wrong with your sisters.

"We heard that you are single".

"So... gat a girl for me?".

"You are looking for a girl, they are pretty girls in front of you". Lisa added

"Shut up, we want to be your girlfriend". Liya said. Justin couldn't stop laughing

"Sure, when you grow taller".

"That's not an issue".

"Okay, I promise you that if you leave, I would credit your accounts". Justin said. Looking at each other quietly

"Should we go".

"He doesn't know how to lie".

"Seriously". Tried to tease him

"Shut up". Snap at her


"But seriously, if you don't, I would shave all your hair, and believe me I would go down town". Liya added and they walked away

"I believe you. Richard, you did a great job".

Minutes later, saucy left the class room. After a while she came back, pacing

"What's wrong". Lusiya asked

"People.... guys, dumb guys, they are chasing me screaming my name, I wonder how they knew my name, it's weird".

"So.... You were scared". Meyan teased

"No! it felt awkward and irritating.... they were so many".

"Is it lunch break". Juliana said with a cute face

"Is it lunch break". Saucy mimics her.

"Can't you for once stay without food". She scolds her

"Sorry it's a question".

"And that's the answer". Saucy added.

Closing hours, they picked up their things preparing to leave. Went downstairs, surrounded by male students screaming their name they were surprised and shocked at the same time because they were the most hated students, being that they were middle class, and the school is meant for rich kids.

The boys walked down "Why so much attention?".

.... observed for a while and walked away.

Manage for a while, forcefully passed through. Went home

"Huh I need water, what was the meaning of what played back there?". Meyan said

"You are free to go back".

"I was just asking a question". Meyan added

"And that is the answer". Saucy said

"Can you stop being mouffy".

"That's her lifestyle". Anita added.

Early in the morning, alarm rings continually. Took time to get up from bed, when she checked the time, she got up quickly only to realize that Mariana was not sleeping. She checked the bathroom; she found no body in the house

"They left me, what now". She hurried to her room, brush her hair, but she couldn't park them, they were too long. She brushed her teeth, splash water on her face, put on slippers, and look for a matching bag, not realizing she was on her pj's, she hurried to school.

Walked into the school building. Receptionist started laughing at her, but she cared less. She rushed to her classroom, no one was there

"What is going on". She complains. One of their guards walked in

"Heyy Mr. giant, do you know where my classmates are?".

"At the school hall".

"Oh ok". She rushed out

"what are they doing there?".

She entered the hall and Mena couldn't continue with her speech, everyone started laughing and her friends hide their faces, but she didn't care until she found her friends, she went to sit next to them

"Heyy classmate".

"Are you stupid". Saucy asked

"Saucy please, am not in the mood, you guys were the once who left me"

"So, they left with your clothes". Justin teased her

"What are you talking about, anyway why are they laughing?".

"I think you should look at yourself in the mirror". Anita gave her, her mirror.

"What, this is because of all of you, you left me"

"Cutie, they didn't leave with your clothe". Justin added

"Thank you, tell this dumb skull". Saucy added

"How can you be so stupid and be behind my brother academically".

"I keep wondering". Justin said

"You guys should stop criticizing me, it's not my fault".

"It's not our faulty either, but it's your shame, we won't cover you, come on let's go". They all get up.

"Now they would suck those seed, you call boobs from afar". Saucy added and they left

"Heyy... you guys are wicked". Juliana started crying

Justin took his jacket off.

"Today is your lucky day, you can keep it, and use them to cover your tiny boobs". He wraps them around her shoulders and walked away, laughing with his friends

"Then... Heyy, my boobs are massive". She said out loud when she realizes that, everyone was staring, she quietly left. All the girls were so angry.

Got to school really early, everyone gathered at a spot, they smuggle in to get a better view. Classes started, false announcement, students went to the hall. Students pushed them, so they stand aside allowing students to pass first. They entered last, except from saucy, she was the last to enter Surprisingly there was no chair in the hall, everyone was standing horizontally, Saucy was at the entrance of the hall, still to enter. Walking in she fell down. Lying on the floor, bucket of chocolate and cheese with strawberries, fell on her

"Food from above". Juliana said and her friends hit her.

Trying to get on her feet, turn around, seeing flashing light, making videos of her. Kelvin, knelt down with one kneel in front of her with a red heart shape balloon on his hand. Ribbons falls down "WOULD YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND". Then more heart balloons fall from the sky

"This is the worst way to ask a girl out". Richard said while laughing.

Saucy was extremely pissed, she picked up one of the balloons and burst it in so much anger and furiousity. Students started screaming when they saw a flower on the balloon that she burst, inside the flower there was a poem. Saucy looked at him angrily, she picked up the note and she began to read. Everything that was written on the note, was displayed on the projector, so the students could read.

From the very first day I saw you

My heart skips a beat You are my one true gem,

A priceless gold Which I try to reach out for,

You are the only thing on my mind Without you, life is nothing worth living

My body can't function without you I need you in my life

Your beauty is the only rhythms in my brain

You are so sexy

Your eyes are more beautiful than a diamond

Your smile is the only thing that stirs up my brain

At this point all Saucy's friends began to laugh, so loud knowing fully well that saucy doesn't smile, that was one wrong turn he took.

Whenever you cry, I want you to know my arm would be right here,

wide open for you to cry on

You are the only reason I wake up every morning

Be with me, be my saucy love forever And I,

I would be your Romeo I love you my dearest saucy.

"Wow! Bra...Vo! I don't know where I want to start from". Saucy said in anger.

"You can start by saying yes". Kelvin said with a big smile on his face

"Ooh! Oh so ...you need an answer". Saucy asked rather too rude

"Yes! Of course, I do!". Kelvin said

"You... are the most". She paused. Kelvin was so happy, turn around, filling so big because he felt like he would win Saucy's heart over eight of his friends that have a crush on her.

"Biggest fool!... I have ever seen, so you felt like pouring me you cheap chocolates and everything on me I would be so flattered huh!".

He tried coming closer to Saucy, try to wrap his hand around her shoulders. Saucy pushed him away and gave him a very confusing slap, he lost his balance at that point. Find balance, Saucy pulled him up, holding his collar firm, she punched him so hard till he bleeds and then pushed him on the floor. She bends down came closer, she held his face, pierced his face with her nails.

"You diguste me, so you call this proposal? Huh! Well, I do not blame you. Now tell me, what do you have to offer?".

"I'm". kelvin tried to talk

"Shut up! You're what? rich! No let me tell you how much you have on your account...oh!0.000000001dollars. You are nothing but a zero, you are not up to me, you don't have any qualifications, stupid. Hope you guys are making good video of how stupid a guy can be. Back to you. Now, what did you say... let me recall............... your beauty is the only rhythm in my brain. Wow! Nice write up... but let me tell you, I'm beautiful I know! And I do not need any fucking body to be an alarm, constantly reminding me okay! Because day in day out, I look at myself on the mirror, and I know, i... know I'm the true definition of beauty and you, you are the true definition of stupidity. And again... I don't like weaklins, less version. This whole proposal is weird, the fake announcement, bring students, so I could consider the crowd and say yess... oh no... that's where you went wrong. What else was in that note of yours.........your smile is the only thing that stir up my brain. Do you have a brain? I don't think so. When have you seen me smile, mm, answer the fucking question. Oh, you've lost your voice. Let me tell you something.... I hate boys, they are all sex freaks... pervates, that what it is all about, my body, nothing else, and even if you were reasonable, I would still say, NO.... and as many of you... that are thinking, to get your balls bigger, and walk up to me and pull this shit, I would rip your heart off your body". She walked away in anger after her long speech

The proposal continues, another bright day, quite different from the pass days walked into the classroom

"Good morning". The boys greeted

...paused, looking alarming at each other, like what is going on

"What is going on here?". They whispered to each other

"Mrs. Romeo". The boys teased them

"What's the meaning of that?". Saucy said angrily. They passed the letter to her ... read the contents, squeezed it and she stormed out of the class.

She walked into the boys' lounge, open the door forcefully, looking for Charleston

"Who is Charleston?".

"Am over here, she's here to give me my answer". He smirked, walked up to her

"Am Charleston". ..... Saucy punched him hard on his groan, bent down, she forced the paper in his mouth

"There, you better shut up. Now listen and listen very good, the only reason you are not in the hospital is because, I made a promise, not to beat people, now you are going to swallow that paper. I am priceless okay, you are not qualified to even look at me, not to even date, if you dare come, writing rubbish to me again I swear, I would break the promised I made". She walked away

"Damn, she's a man woman, am I not rich enough, ever since those boys came, no one want's us, they need to go back, gosh".

Back to the class room in so much anger, she sat down

"Are you okay?". Mariana asked

"No!" she yelled

"I don't know why this week has been so awkward....". trying to complete her statement, when someone walked in. a boy, dressed like a cow boy, with flowers on his mouth

"Heyy... cowboy! Who are you here for". Richard asked Spotlight on Saucy

"Uhhh!". She groans in anger

"What is wrong with you?". she got up in anger

"Now you would get out, else I would squeeze you and flush you down the toilet". Saucy said in anguish

"Saucy his trying to say something".

"What else but I love you".

"No, that's not what am here for, I also like the brave blonde girls, with the sexy blue eyes and the cute lips, but! I realized that you are too much for me, and they are other options". Marth said, spotlight now on Pricilla.

"Oh, the rascal twin, nice. But I want you to know one thing, my approval, is necessary, and I don't like you, but anyway, entertain us". She walked up to her sit

"Would you dance with me?".

"Okay, sure". They started dancing

...At last, the music, turned off, he held Pricilla's hands and asked her to be his bae. With a big cute smile

"NO". she said laughing, pulled her hand out of his hand and rushed back to her friend

"It's not like am like Saucy but do it properly

"Can I get your number then?".

"Sure". She called them out loud


"Why did you give him your number".

"I never connected with a devil that took my heart, I..... too have a crush on someone".

"You mean your number".

"Yes, but no all of them, who doesn't like good things".

Still on proposal "Heyy am Andrew, I know you don't know me".

"Where have they been this past two months". She said within, with a friendly smile

"I see! Am Juliana, nice to meet you".

"Ye, I know it's gonna be weird, but I have a serious crush on you, your posters are on my walls, I think about us, i fantasize a lot. I saw you here, alone... so l felt like I should say hi, I don't know if I could get your number".

"Okay, fine, but you don't call me by 9pm upwards, I don't like people disturbing my sleeping".

"Anything for you, your majesty". Flatter her

"Oh please! I would be going now, bye Andrew".

"Bye". She walked away

"Wait, are you blushing?". Mariana asked

"I would have loved the open proposal, but, his cool, I don't feel the connection yet, but still his cool. Any guy came knocking".

"Two did".

"Saucy is the queen, everyone wants her, too bad she doesn't feel things".

"20 guys, line up, just for one girl, I think I would dye my hair blonde, Saucy's era".

"Me that beauty wants to kill, people would stare at me like am a big screen, I got just one, really shy admirer, is not about beauty my dear friend". Juliana added

"Just imagine Justin asking you out".

"I would say yes without even thinking". They both laughed walked away

.... snooping from behind

"Great, just great, you got the attention for the whole of two weeks, not only that, Justin, cared for her, by giving his super expensive jacket to that cheap thing, I would make sure that he notices me too, he has too! You girls can't have so much beauty and still get those boys, never, it won't work". Babe said, she smirked and walked away.

After lunch break, they all went to their class. The girls complain about the constant disturb they get from the male students, while the boys complains that they talk too much. Another guy walked in

"The last man standing". Saucy said


"You are the only one that hasn't been woo, by an awkward guy".

"What do you want?". The girls asked him. He didn't reply, he started singing.

Can I call you baby?

"No". Anita said laughing

Can you be my friend?


Would you be my lover up until the very end All I know is love... for you is real

"Come on Anita his on his knees". Pricilla pushed her forward and they started singing together, much laughter, music end

"This feels weird, but we are cool, I can be your friend, just friends, thank you".

"Wicked girl". Saucy teased her

"Is that actually coming from you, me! Wicked, you are not serious". Anita added

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