

17 different people, meeting, after being separated. Cursed by the last laughing witch. Finds light when Allison saw them and gave them shelter. Haunting them down, after the curse, for the pass 10years. Locating them at Allison’s house. Fegrance (the last laughing witch) killed her, after which they where banished, from the unknown land. Wondering in the city of Ohio, till they saw their helper, Mr. Dunne. He took them to his house, after several threats by the roaming ghost. Bring them to minderburg high. A school meant for rich and affluent kids only. Being middle, life became tough. Competition increased as Elena’s grandsons, came back from Australia after series of heartbreaks, deciding to hate all girls mostly middle class, and short girls, precisely. Much sooner, jamaine realize he had a connection with an outsider and decided to be so close after the tragic accident. Time travel, gave their sign, while they use a device to trace gifted once, which led to Juliana and her friend’s exposure. The boys’ struggle with their sickness, due to their 7days incomplete ritual, which is the mystery between two best friends zyron and Elena. Finding the cure, getting to find who he exchanges his powers with. Fegrance attacked once more, using melody as her tool against her own friends, but later get back to herself, due to Anita’s intervention. Sooner enough, finding out the circumstances of their birth. Issues that led to saucy hard and abnormal way of life, but wasn’t treated as fegrance took time to watch them make a mistake, then strike. After Anita and zyron with the help of Juliana, Pricilla and Mariana alongside 7ring, hiding all three books. One little threat, they all spill it out. Fegrance got the books using all the information and the powers she got from zyron, making the entire universe under her mercy, both the immortal world and the mortal world. Watching out for how they would all find a way to turn things back to normal, living as different people entirely.

MPV_fhils · Fantasía
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Next day, in the act, cameras set, now let the real test begin. Came out of their car, like it was planned, walked in to the special class room, empty as usual. On the other hand, the normal class room, walked in surprised to see them, sat down accordingly, new look and attitude

"Why is this place so empty, where are the boys".

"Oh, they are here, good morning".

That look, no reply, they walked in to the inner room.

"What just happen?". Babe asked

"We are being treated like middle class, disgusting"

"What is going on here, why are they in this class room".

"Where are you in this life, aren't you in the group, go to social media, viral challenge in the school, while the rest of us, struggle to climb the ladder of super intelligence, we write normal test, on paper, while the best three different 17 the do amazing stuff, this middle class, just stole everything from us. Delancey and her friends would act like them for a week and they would do the opposite, whosoever acts good dates the boys for 2weeks, who knows, turns into their girlfriend permanently. So, I guess, since they are here, Delancey and her friends would be up. Students can also bring their opinion, of who acts best, it involves Minderburg worldwide, so ain't they lucky?".

"Yeah, I don't really have issues with them, After all they are extremely pretty, besides, Anita has helped me before, she seems nice, and they are all funny. You know girl this is the end of Delancey's reign as Ms. Minderburg".

"I know right".

Andrew walked in, surprised to see Juliana, stepped back, surprise to see them all sitted, walked up to Juliana, and tapped her. Irritation 'Delancey and Andrew have a serious beef, ever since they broke up, last summer, and the boys retuned, she needed to step up'. She got up slapped him, pour her juice on his body.

"How dare, you cheap thing, how dare you lay your filthy hands on my lovely shirt, huh, how dare you! you cheap thing. The next time you touch me I would make sure you regret it, guard take me home now, I need to change and get reed of this dress". She stormed out, leaving everyone speechless.

"Don't know where she is".

"You, please leaving this place, your presence is irritating". Mariana added

Looking at each other, in the inner room, then stare at the screen, surprised at Juliana's act, perfect Delancey, perfect start, not joking with test.

"This is serious, this girl is nailing it, gosh, see the audacity wow, bravo Juliana, if she keeps up like this, she would win the challenge". Justin praise

"I know, and go out with you".

"Why me?".

"They number their selves dude". Jackson said

"Number their selves, what are you even saying?". Sounds weird "Am number 17, I would pair with their 17, Annabel, my crush anyway".

"Oh, please spare us that, it's Anita". They said

"Anita is the girl".

"Whatever! Juliana for Justin, she's their number 1, and he is, David to Pricilla, Mariana to jarad, Richard, Anita!... just like that".

"You are a big fool".

"Okay just watch and see, they would nail it, these girls can't work an hour in their shoes, do you know how they survive, they cry every night, Anita doesn't sleep in the day time, Juliana eats every now and then, saucy, let's not just go there, someone that doesn't feel, and now am feeling bad for Andy, what else! They can stay a day without eating".

"Wow! Congratulations bro, you are good to date all of them".

"Yeah, I will!". They laughed

... Missed her step, hit Annabel, pour her drink on her gown

"Urhh! You dirty middle class, you would clean this up".

"How dare you?". Lydia said. Staring at does finger

"Point that at me one more time and watch me break them, I've you forgotten, oh let me refresh your memory, dirty middle class, we are in the act of each other, you wanted the boys don't you, then play me well". She steps on her with her heel, walked away.

"I hate that girl, what do I do now, I don't know how to act like middle class". She said within, looked up, boys right in front

"Hi!". Tried to make the first impression

"You're doing it again; I don't think you're going to win this". Jackson said and they walked away.

Closing hours, car drove in, guards standing out, doors opened parents on the other side, gate, still open. Walked out same time, including the principal and the boys.

Rushing to the car, while the others are closer, observing. Quickly the stepped in front, pushing them away, hugged their parents, entered the car, with a smile on their face

"Need I remind you, they are my parents now, go to your boring home, where they are no parent, classless, middle class". They shut their doors and drove out of the school, after each other. Principal stood calmly watching, looking at them struggling to get up.

Jumps over the couch, sat next to her.

"Do you care for?". Richard asked, dipped her hands into the bowl

"You could have said yes". He added, the rest of them walked in, turn the tv on

Immediate laughter, watch Delancey and her friend, being so rude to Mr. Dunne, which is supposed to be the other way round. Struggling, not so easy to walk in someone's shoes.

"Gosh mom, this so funny!". Adrain said

"Yeah, I wonder where she gets this silly idea, am enjoying it".

"Mm I won't tell".

"Yeah, we know. The whole thing is trending, seems like people know their winners already". Brandon said

"And their winners are, Juliana and her friends right, speaking of them".

... Switch cameras.

Sitted outside, reading magazine, cool breeze, watching from the balcony

"She's a good version of our daughter, always wanting to be alone, socialize with people mostly those hot boys".

"I wonder why she's so pretty".

"Really am I not pretty?". Acting Jealous

"I wasn't talking to you, was talking about our daughter".

"Hum!". She walked out angrily

Phone rings


"Heyy Mariana, I just call to check on you".

"Oh, right am doing just fine, what about you?".

"Where are you?".

"Oh, me! Am out in the club, Brittan lifestyle and am rocking baby, people like me, obvious Brittan, but who cares am having fun". She added

"Good for you, well good night".

"You too". Call ended

...Gaps. She got up, walked up to the window, looking downstairs

"What a life one person is enjoying, beautiful house, lovely bed, parent, and the societies praises, wow". She said within

"Now I can't even eat, just because I want perfect grades, gosh I guess it's good night". She jumps into her bed, turn the light off

Next day, Pricilla's house

"Ma'am". She turns quickly, she hits him, pour the tea on her

"Am sorry ma". Not interested she landed him one heavy slap

"How dare you, you middle class".

"Am so sorry....".

"Shut up, shut up, you're fired, get out". Pricilla yells, pushing him out of her room

"Ma'am, please am sorry".

"You irritating middle class, someone that am trying to help, you fool, get out, get out of my house". She screams, but he was still pleading

"You are still here, mom!!!!!! Mom!!!!!". She yells continuously till she came out

"What's going on baby, what".

"This fool, this complete fool, composed idiot, ruin my PJ, ruined my mood for today, gosh! I want him to leave immediately. My expensive PJ just got ruin, one dad bought form Vegas, oh my! see he better leaves, before I do something crazy, really crazy, get out". She screams, pick up her slippers and throw them at him

"Baby! Baby! Calm down, he would leave, but first, you have to go to school, so you would come back early, remember you have a date, with your crush".

"I do?". Asked within

"Go". She quietly left

"My crush, is David, I have a date with him! Ooh!!!!! Brittany had a date with him, they are so foolish, this would have been their opportunity, just number, it would have work, now look". She said, she entered the bathroom.

In school

"Girls did you know, we are all going for an outing, with the boys and their entire family". Pricilla said

"That's cool, they would be a lot of... nothing, I just corrected myself, here comes the rude girls" Juliana said

"Girls do you realize, that this girl, and her friends are getting our spot". Sonia said. Took time to process what she said

"Wait you're right! No this is not possible, that outing, is meant for us, I won't take it never, that was our opportunity". Delancey said angrily

"Wow! Impatience. Now what".

"I would teach them a lesson".

"Delancey where are you going to, do you want to ruin everything. So, what if they go for the outing, in place of us, at least that would be their favorite memory, cause, we would win, two weeks is enough to make them ours".

"You're right, we've never lost in anything before, and we won't this time". They concluded

"What are they talking about?".

"What else displaying their foolishness".

"Indeed!". Meyan added

"Wow dude, look how pretty Juliana is". Hermie said

"So, I don't care".

"I thought you guys where friends, and don't you have a crush on her anymore".

"I do, but I don't feel like talking to her, not after what she did to me, I can't ".

"Bro, you're still on that, it's just a challenge, between two different 17. In fact, in this school, girls are already pairing themselves so they would meet to the number 17, they date in group, if Justin has a girlfriend now, observe for the next two days the rest of them would also find a girl, they date friends. And every girl have step up from our level. You where Mr. minderburg for the past 6 years, but not anymore, Justin is way pass you".

"So, so what"

"Calm down am not done explaining, the two 17 toping the chart, your crush group, which is the hottest, the extreme, most smart, damn bro you don't want to get me started. And... your ex- nasty ex. So yeah, the challenge, they live each other's life for a week, whosoever plays well gets the boys for two weeks, which means, automatically they are couples, till you know, regular heartbreak".

"So what, that's not a good thing anyway, I mean she has to do this for some guy".

"Not some guy! why do you feel like it should be you?".

"Am not say, but those boys, are real bad luck. Look around since they came, no girl, every one of them is aiming, gosh. The one I hate the most is Justin". Andrew said. Hermie started coughing all of a sudden, but Andrew didn't understand the signal he was giving. He kept badmouthing Justin

"Why ain't you saying anything?". Turns slowly, staring at each other, without a word to say.

Juliana and Saucy walked in, looking at all of them. Andrew staring at her angrily

"Why are you looking at me?". he asked

"I thought you use your eyes to see"

"And what's that supposed to mean".

"Use your brain to reason". About to leave, he held her arms. Looked down, slowly raised her head, so angry and irritated at his touch

"Get your filty hands off me now".

"Juliana, you don't have to do this".

"Get your hands of me". She yelled. Slowly takes his hands off

"So disgusting". Just a statement, walking away

"Are you serious, like just for a guy".

Pause, turn around slowly

"Come again".

"Juliana come on this is not you". moving closer, close enough, she slapped him so hard

"Process that, you fool, what do you think you are, huh! Answer me. you are nothing. Just for a guy you say, I would do anything for this guy you see, anything, cheap fool".

"Juliana you've change so much, like this is not you, please! you don't have to take this whole thing so serious, please. What does he have? why are you girls like this".

"Wait am trying to process all the rubbish you just said. What do they have! Wow, okay let me answer that real quick. What do they have, something you would never have, even if you spend your lifetime and the next, trying, because your nothing, what's the word again...".

"Less version". Saucy helps her out

"Correct!". Hissed and they both walked away.

...... Justin smirked, stared down at him and walked away.

Moving around, JoJo saw Anita and Pricilla, called her name. They both looked at each other smiling

"This guy is beneath me, I've stepped up now, we all have, we've passed the stage of dating people like them, we've leveled up, aiming for bigger things"

"I know! People like them, simply there isn't much different, those middle class and them, gosh".

"Why are you calling her?". Mart said

"I know she won't respond, she's a good actress".

"Not up to her friend Juliana".

"That girl is something else, Justin has found himself a new girl".

"What about you, how would you feel, Anita and Richard"

"I would be happy for her".

"We both know that's a lie".

"So, what would you have me do, she deserves better".

"And you are not better for her".

"Those guys are rich, like they command money, you don't get it bro, they have it all".

"Heyy bro I think that's enough".

"Sure". Turn around Richard and Jamaine at their front



.... Looking at Anita, from afar, chuckles and walked away

"I think I have a crush on him".

"You fool, let me know if you are gay".

"No, it's not about gay, they are too cute".

"Fool". He walked away