
The Last X

Chen Yu lost his life of luxury, pleasure, and thrills, was forced to live as a thousand tragically minor characters, to die a thousand tragically minor deaths. Now he only needs to successfully complete ten last missions to escape the system's control. Done with playing bit parts, he can finally crush the golden fingers, chomp the thick thighs, crumple the plot armor and outshine the proud children of heaven.

1381 · Integral
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105 Chs


For the next several weeks, the emperor thoroughly displayed his infatuation with Consort Jing.

Although such bias was unprecedented for Emperor Taihe, no one in the aristocratic circles could claim not to comprehend it, having witnessed for themselves how enthralling that figure in the garden had been. Even the most disciplined person would have been swayed by those hazy eyes, flushed cheeks, and subtly revealed physique.

Recalling that scene, many people similarly fell into a stupor, only recovering their senses by sharply reminding themselves that regardless of whether the emperor's passion lasted, the man was an imperial consort, not someone they could think about.

Meanwhile, inside the palace, the servants could hardly raise their heads for fear that they would blind their eyes. Lamenting the loss of their celestially impartial sovereign, they stood silently every day, darting quick, uncontrollable peeks at the sight of the emperor doting on the consort from morning to night.

At each afternoon meal, the heavenly son would wait on Consort Jing like a devoted subject, meticulously refilling Zhang Hua's wine cup, placing his favorite sweets on hand, and even personally wiping his hands for him. Then, the couple would move to the lounge, where the consort would recline to enjoy his usual pastimes and the emperor would teasingly skim his fingers along his legs and under his gown until his reluctant departure at night.

While Chen Yu allowed the petting, he was fully aware that Lu Guanting didn't really desire him or his body, so he casually used flimsy excuses to put off servicing him.

Although he had no moral objections, why expend so much energy when he didn't need to?

Of course, the emperor had perceived that Consort Jing wasn't genuinely 'too ill,' 'too tired,' 'too hungry' to perform, but to maintain his image as a lovesick ruler, he couldn't demand his rights. Besides, those offhand refusals simply elevated Zhang Hua's worth in his eyes—he had evidently long discerned that the emperor's interest didn't stem from his looks and, perhaps as retaliation, even dared to force this Lu Guanting to endure watching without eating.

To outsiders' eyes, however, the consort's attitude was incomprehensible.

He remained as indolent as ever, not dressing up despite learning that the emperor would soon arrive, rarely starting a conversation, never tempting the emperor into bed. In fact, it almost appeared that Consort Jing found the Holy One's presence troublesome.

On the other hand, the man demonstrated perfect respect for the emperor in the most bizarre aspects. For instance, even when Emperor Taihe specifically granted him the extraordinary honor of not having to bow and further encouraged him to use his personal name, Consort Jing merely smiled faintly, then continued to perform all the proper rituals.

Some people scolded him in their hearts, but what could they do? The emperor clearly didn't mind this at all, his eyes nearly overflowed with helpless fondness.

Emperor Taihe was indeed very satisfied with Consort Jing's conduct. Throughout this period, he'd been convinced that no matter what he did, whether he resumed favoring other concubines or stopped indulging him, Zhang Hua wouldn't care. Nor had the pampered consort ever exercised his privilege as the emperor's favorite.

Such a person would bring the least trouble, indifference was exactly what he wanted in his empress.

The sole headache was...that Lu Guanting became somewhat insecure about his charm. For Zhang Hua to resist his advances without a qualm, had his looks faded so much?

Thus, the emperor began to behave a bit oddly these days, spending a great deal of time in front of the mirror and meticulously choosing his robes, making the onlookers' cheeks twitch.

Shouldn't the consort be the one acting so anxiously? Why did it feel like the roles were switched?

But these questions remained unvoiced, because the eunuchs who had accompanied Lu Guanting since he was young tacitly agreed to keep quiet and distance themselves. No matter what, they wouldn't presume to meddle, lest the emperor ask for their opinion.

In this way, a month passed by peacefully.

The few noteworthy incidents during this time had been caused by the crown prince.

Actually, Chen Yu gave the boy some credit. Despite being so disgraced at the banquet, he hadn't taken any action for some time.

However, hearing of his imperial father's growing obsession with Consort Jing, he apparently couldn't wait anymore—after all, he was still young, he couldn't fully suppress his impulses yet.

So the boy made some small troubles, such as having one of Chen Yu's maids add a skin irritant into the bathwater or trying to frame Consort Jing for having an affair.

Unfortunately, these petty tricks backfired, setting him up for an even greater disaster in the future.

For his first attempt, the crown prince focused on ruining Zhang Hua's looks, which he believed was what had bewitched his imperial father. Although the girl that he had bribed to pour toxins into the consort's bath wasn't incompetent, her fear of damaging her own skin led her to cover her arms when preparing the water.

Noticing that she hadn't rolled up her sleeves as most people would to keep them dry, Chen Yu paused disrobing, then leisurely sat down with his chin cupped on his palm. Under the puzzled stares, he took a sip of tea, drawing out the servants' confusion until finally, when the cup was empty, he ordered the girl to test the bath's temperature.

Notwithstanding the slight amusement on his face, everyone in the room stilled, sensing that the mood was not right.

When the maid hesitated, the consort smiled beautifully and, lazily leaning back, directed the other servants to push the girl's face into the water. No one could fathom what had angered their master, but as people who could wait on the royal family, they instinctively recognized what to do. Obediently, they followed his command then, without requiring additional instruction, didn't allow the girl to breathe before Consort Jing waved his snow-white hand.

When Chen Yu stepped to the drowning girl, pulled her up by the hair, and inspected the blotchy rashes already developing on her face, all the servants stiffened.

None of them dared to move or even breathe loudly.

What had this brainless girl done? But they didn't have time for accusations. Fearing that the consort would suspect that they had conspired with her, their knees weakened, and they collectively knelt on the ground with sweat dripping down their backs.

Humming, Chen Yu didn't seem to notice their fright, merely cleaning the fingers that had touched the girl. A moment later, he burnt the handkerchief he'd soiled, resumed his seat, then instructed that they continue to soak her head in the water until her whole face blistered. The others could only shrink their necks and pretend not to hear the drowning girl's pleas for help.

When the formerly pretty features had turned into indistinct red bumps, Chen Yu called for the mama in charge of the inner court's servants.

The old woman was surprised to be summoned by Consort Jing, who had never been fussy, but her attitude was very courteous, very cautious. If she offended the emperor's pet, she wouldn't even know how she'd died.

So although she'd caught a glimpse of a maid being held up by two other servants and saw that her condition was quite poor, she didn't comment at all. Anyway, what could she do? She certainly couldn't beg for leniency, nor could she overstep her bounds by acknowledging the girl before the consort did.

Thus, without a twitch, she calmly inquired, "Imperial Consort Jing, how may this lowly servant be of use?"

Chen Yu had been carelessly playing with some trinkets on the table without sparing a glance at the mama's arrival, but he paused at this. He'd observed the old woman's every move from the corner of his eyes, of course he'd caught the instant she spotted the injured girl then disregarded her.

Truly, the palace was not a simple place, everyone was an impeccable actor.

Appreciating the mama's competence, he didn't make much trouble for her, straightforwardly stating, "This consort's servant girl was careless, she dirtied the bathwater by falling in. As her mistake revealed a problem with the water, however, this consort will not punish her. Sending her for retraining will do."

The girl who had been sobbing brokenly looked up hopefully at this, but the mama had been serving in the palace for many years.

She clearly perceived that the consort had no intention of actually forgiving the girl and that there must be more to the story, so she solemnly pressed her forehead to the ground, imploring, "The imperial consort is wise and merciful, but this lowly servant begs the imperial consort to reconsider. Such a clumsy girl, she may cause great harm to the noble body next time."

With slightly narrowed eyes, Consort Jing casually propped his cheek on his hand, leaning on the table next to him. While his expression was one of pure inquisitiveness, his silky tone rang with menacing undertones as he responded, "Oh? This mama has an opinion about this consort's judgment?"

Everyone's faces blanched.

Because the mama wasn't confident what was in the imperial consort's mind, without prompting, she banged her head against the floor repeatedly, proclaiming her wrongs until the master finally continued, "Then this consort will naturally listen. Since it's not appropriate to ignore this issue yet this consort is one who knows to reward merit, do not have the girl punished, merely have her contract severed."

The experienced servants swiftly praised the consort for her benevolence, but they knew in their hearts that this was the cruelest punishment possible. To send a young girl with a deformed appearance, furthermore one who had been accustomed to the soft chores of the inner palace, into the outside world...this was worse than a death sentence, and the consort had not even needed to dirty his hand.

After watching their master's pitiless discipline, none of the consort's servants dared to dream of betraying him. While the consort appeared idle and tolerant, he'd undoubtedly demonstrated that he was neither foolish nor weak.