

Throughout my meager life, I have always thought of myself as a steady pacifist, someone who has a prolonged record for loathing chaos and predicaments. When something abruptly goes wrong, I'm continuously there to hastily settle it. Despite this, every turn in my life seems to heave one appalling dilemma after another. I wholeheartedly desire a sense of calmness in my life, a time of selfish peace all for myself.

Ultimately, I know deep down that this selfish desire can sequentially lead to something utterly horrifying. It never crossed my mind that something so frightening like this would have happened.

How did it all come to this?

My beloved sister, undoubtedly loved by me, was such an easy-going person. She was an incomparable inspiration to me when we were both young and naive. You could never take your eyes off such a morning star, yet it has come to this...




Dear Beloved Lilith,

You shall pay for this...

If you are reading this, then please know I am a student. This is for fun and as a pass-time thing. I will try to update as much as I can. However, please note that this series will not update consistantly. THANXX from this Dumm Child!!

Lil_Dumm_Childcreators' thoughts