
The Last Survivors In An Apocalyptic World

Five centuries ago, a catastrophic event had plunged the world back into the ice age, as global warming came to a grinding halt. The once lush landscapes of Asia was transformed into a vast expanse of frozen tundra and frigid oceans. In response to this calamity that have befallen the earth. The Government established a community scattered all over Asia,called "Arks", to shield inhabitants from the harsh climate and preserve resources for generations to come. Five centuries later, a group of teenagers have been awakened from a cryonic sleep and now their mission is to, find other Arks scattered across Asia and revitalize humanity by restoring agriculture, rebuilding infrastructure, and creating new communities in this desolate landscape. However, their resources are running low and they must find a way to survive in the harsh weather conditions. Can they recover civilization on Earth...or what remains of it! Note: There’s is romance in it..but not in the main phase of the book.

PickledRadishes · Ciencia y ficción
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4 Chs


"What? Jane what's the matter.."

Jason stopped and so did the others, they turned to Jane, to see her shaking uncontrollably like she had seen a ghost.

"Jane, are you okay.."

Jason walked closer to see what she was looking at, his eyes shook when he saw the frozen face in the snow.

"Jay...t-that's, M-mum..."

Jane shook as she took a step back, a tear rolling down her face.

Jason was much more calmer, as he cleaned the snow from the face, what triggered him was that it's was just the head, which had broken from the body.

His hands shook as tears dropped down, they were heading to the next bunker to find their mother, not she hadn't even made it to the next bunker, she was among the victims of the mist and over time, her body had broken to bits.

"Jay, y-you can f-fix it right, t-the antidote and bring Mum back right, right.."

Jason lowered his eyes, unable to answered, if she was in one piece, he might have been able to bring her back but even if he used the antidote, it's would still be the same.

"I'm sorry, but Mum's dead and even the antidote can't reverse the reaction..."

Jane shook her head, didn't he say that he could do it, with the antidote, everything would be fine, why couldn't they bring their mother back.

"Why! Didn't you say you could fix it, why can't you fix it..."

"Am i God! Look at her Jane, she's in f**king pieces, why the f*ck can't you see it. What's the point of bringing her back.."

Jane let out a cold breath, as more tears rolled out of her eyes, they had lost both their parent, she just got over the death of their father now she had to accept that her mother had also died.

Jason kept digging in the snow, searching for the rest of her body parts, her arms, her legs, and the trunk.

He arranged her body in the snow stiffly, there was no expression on his face, no joy, anger, not even sadness. He was like a robot who couldn't feel human emotions.


Jane cried, as she knelt on the snow, as she held the outstretched hand.

April hugged Jane slightly, as she sobbed in her arms, Jane sighed as she whimpered. "She was still so young, she didn't deserve this.."

Jason closed his eyes and stood up, "Get some rest, we'll resume the journey tomorrow.."

Everyone gathered by the fire to avoid the bitting cold, Noah couldn't believe in the past, he hated cold, now all he wanted more than ever was to sweat again.

"There I stopped us here is because of that cave over there, we'll go check it out to see if it's safe and devoid of tetras, it will shield from the cold wind at night. Our bodies can't stand such temperature. We'll die from hypothermia before sunrise.."

There expressions were grim, they could only hope that there were no tetras inside the cave, or they won't wake up the next morning.

"That means, we must find a cave or something that can shield the wind and cold, each night.."

"Yes...the temperature reduces at night, so it's even colder than the morning.."

Garan sighed, 3000 miles from the next bunker, he wasn't sure how many caves they would ran into but he knew, there would be a time where they wouldn't see a place to shield their body from the cold.

"Which means we must run the clock each day.."

When they got the cave, the girls were asked to wait outside while the guys went in.

"Do you think we'll find some tetras here?"

Noah held the sword tightly as he surveyed the room.

"One shot..that's all it takes.."

"Maybe if you're using a gun, it requires more than one strike for blades and swords.."

"Mhm?..I guess that's true.."

Jason laughed and nodded they didn't need to explore the whole cave, as it would take them the whole night, if they stayed at the front of the cave, it would be easier for them to escape.

"Let's head back, for now it's safe to say that there are no tetras here, let's call the girls in.."

"Hai..it's a pretty neat cave, too bad we're only staying for the night.."

The sleeping bags were rolled out, and everyone laid beside the fire. Eating cans of beans.

"It has only be 500 years, which means that all of civilization hasn't be lost, there must still be some buildings left behind, sky rapper and some buildings made of steel will be left standing, our main problem will be food. So our first step to rebuilding civilization is agriculture, but that will be after we get to the next bunker, we need to know what they know.."

Jason muttered as he clutched the fun beside him, they had to sleep with one eye open, a tetras could appear from no where and they needed to be sharp or they would die before their journey even begun.

"You didn't go to highschool?"

"No..I was homeschooled, my mum was, how do I put this, after passing of my brother, fyi he died while going to school, i became the only child, and my mum became really overprotective, like she would get super paranoid the moment I said I want to leave the house, she would cut herself, and all manner of things just to get me to stay in the house.."

April smiled bitterly, she realized everyone here had experienced the joys of school, except her.

"Going to school isn't that good, I mean you never got bully, being bullied made me what I am today, first day of high school I was beaten, forced to eat my food off the floor and then showed my d**k to his girlfriend, he probably thought he could humiliate but ended humiliating himself when his girlfriend liked mine more.."