
The Last Shinobi

Naruto and Ichigo go threw the struggles of life in the bleach world . Naruto tries to regain himself after the 4th shinobi war and live up to the mantle of 6th Hokage. Ichigo tries to find his place in the world while protecting those he holds dear

Nomad_Playz · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Welcome

A man in a large black cloak stood on top of a hill looking down at the bustling city as the man sensed something towards his right, he saw a little black cat coming towards him. "Hey little fella how is you?" the man crouched down to pat the cat. The cat purred into the man's rough hand. The man pulled a strand of long spiky blonde hair out of his face so he could see the black kitten properly. "You are a peculiar one, you have a lot of Yin chakra and it's coating your body like a henge." A-Ha that's it thought the tall blonde man thought looking at the cat before quickly snatching it buy the neck. "Hey who are you actually little not so real kitten." The kitten's eyes widened in shock not being expected to get caught out so easily.

"Well, I never thought I would be caught out so quickly let alone at the first sight." A deep masculine voice came out the cat which had a Cheshire grin forming on its face.

"Well why don't you take that stupid disguise of yours also little manly kitten?" said the blonde weirdly dressed man. The grin immediately dropped of the cat's face taking on a series expression.


Where the hanged in his palm now stood a 4'8" girl with short cropped purple hair. She stood there completely nude showing of her unblemished dark skin her moderate sized bust was at least covered by the forearm of her right hand, well at least the worst parts were covered.

" EHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" shouted the blonde man immediately getting a nose bleed and passing out. A sweat drop appeared on top of the nude women's head looking down at the passed-out man.


The dark-skinned women graciously accepted the cloak from the sheepish looking man. As she was put the cloak on, she couldn't help but blushing at seeing the man without his cloak the man wore black jeans with weird tape around his ankles that keep his jeans from getting in the way of running, the blonde has red shirt that contains the image of a fox on it, underneath the shirt he wore a black skin tight shirt that hides the arms and neck of the young man, looking up he say a black scarf laying over the man's shoulders as she kept starring at him she saw the fading whisker marks on the boy's face, on his forehead there was a weird orange diamond tattoo that caught her attention the most but what really made the women blush was those crystal blue eyes that made her feel like she was lost in a ocean of abyss seeing nothing but loneliness but he hides that sad lonely exterior with a happy go lucky smile she just couldn't understand him.

"So why do you turn into a cat?" questioned the blonde with a look that made her wonder if the man was a child or not.

"We don't need to talk about it…so anyway who the hell are you looking so suspicious on this hill and why can you sense me?" asked the women without stopping to take a break.

"Well, I'm Naruto Uzumaki and I'm a Shinobi that's why I could sense you." Naruto told her with a straight face not knowing what more to tell the young girl.

"Being a Shinobi is not an excuse to see me I am spirit you are a human and u see me clearly even threw my disguise which even the most powerful Shinigami can't see threw." Shouted the girl face turning red in confusion.

"What do you mean Shinigami like the death god…I didn't think my time would come now." Said Naruto fearfully at the girl who looks way younger than him. He saw her face scrunch up in anger or is it confusion.

"You don't even have Reiatsu?" questioned the young girl.

"What the hell is Reiatsu are you talking about the Yin the energy that's coming of you?" Naruto questioned looking up and down at the girl waiting for her to answer.

"You can sense my Reiatsu that means you do have it." She shouted pointing at the 6'3" guy. This caused Naruto to sweat drop." Uh yeah"


Naruto and the young woman looked towards the city as they saw a giant creature enter the town.

"What the fuck is that…" Naruto questioned as his voice faded before disappearing in a Shunshin (Body Flicker) with the young girl following soon after.


There Infront of Naruto stood at a demon at 18'1" the monster immediately looked down at Naruto only to be cut in half a second later be Naruto. The young girl then appeared only to see the monster fall as it was split in half.

"EHHHHHHH!!!!!" The young girl screamed

"How did you do that" The girl asked.

"Hey I never got you name." Naruto said as the monster finally hit the ground.


"So let me get this straight you are not 17 years old and you're a former Shinigami Captain from a place called Soul Society and you and some of your friends had to become traitors since a very bad man called Aizen is trying to do stuff you don't know what it is though." Naruto said while pursuing his lips, his eyes round in confusion not understanding what was going on.

"Well from what I can see your not as easy to understand as my past. Your even older than soul society." Said Yoruichi with the same the expression as the long blonde-haired man across from her.

"Well, I was the last of my world…my granny was last person who I ever talked to she was my world." Said Naruto with a somber look on his face while touching his forehead.

"Where did you say was this Elemental Nation as you call it?" question the short dark-skinned women.

Naruto took a thoughtful expression as trying to remember it all. "Well, you know the super continent Pangea?" asked the whiskered man.

"Yeah, it was around 200 million years ago." Answered Yoruichi.

"Well, that's it…the elemental nations the big 5 nations The Land of Wind became the Top half of Africa, The Land of Water became Australia, The Land of Earth became Asia, The Land of Lightning became the Bottom half of Africa and South America and finally The Land of Fire became Europe and North America." Naruto told her as if it was basic knowledge that she should know by now.

Naruto saw her eyes widen as if they were popping out of her head. "So, you are telling me that you are older than 200 million years…does that mean you walked with dinosaurs?!?!?" she looked up in disbelief as Naruto but he answers her with a no which calms her down a little bit but all of a sudden, a sparkle lights up in her eyes. "You know, you say stuff like this which means your super strong but I don't sense and Reiatsu coming of you." Yoruichi said as they turned the corner from there walk, they saw a blonde woman standing in front of a shop with a glass of milk in her hand.

"Well, who have you brought with you Yoruichi." Asked the blonde woman as she looked the tall blonde-man. "Well, this my friend Naruto he is like super old and stuff but we are having problem sensing his spiritual pressure." The woman stood still probably sensing or thinking if she finds a solution.

"Well, that's simple…his spiritual presence is so high above our own that we can't even comprehend…an example would be how a 1D person can't communicate with a 2D being and that's the same for 3D,4D and all the D's" said the blonde women with the fan open in front of her.

"Sometimes I find it weird how smart you are Urahara." Said Yoruichi with a hand covering her face from all that knowledge that was forced in her head.

Naruto looked at the woman but couldn't stop staring at her she looked so much like granny Tsunade that it wasn't even a joke, her smile, her eyes, her laugh, her voice. It was like looking at a direct copy of her. He started remembering his times with granny Tsunade and this is just too much for him he's got to get out of here before he starts remembering more of that life. Just then Naruto spun on his foot and left.


Naruto stood at the place he will call his base of operation. An old abandoned building. "Okay I will make this the place I come to when I've got to be in this town because I can sense something important that's going to happen here." Narutos plan for the building was to turn it into a business that he can make look it runs down the family this building will be start of his reselling of Make Out Paradise in this generation.


95 Years Later:

Naruto shot out of bed feeling a strange dark energy coming from an area close to where Uraharas shop is, it felt like the Menos he had defeated almost a century ago. As Naruto kept feeling around the area of the monster but the he felt two new Chakra sources coming close to that thing but one was higher than Urahara's and the other was equal to Yoruichi. He stood up grabbed a cloak and disappeared in a movement of speed.


Just as Naruto alive he saw the whole event come to an end. Seeing the man in a black kimono with a white cloak over his outfit. "Hey what happened here?" questioned Naruto as he saw the black-haired man carrying a teen in his arms looking down sadly at the girl.

"Who are you?" questioned the man whilst standing in a defensive position pulling out his sword and pointing it at Naruto.

'Clink' 'Clank'

"Hey, hey calm down the two of you there isn't a lot of time left to be fighting." Said a woman with blonde hair appearing out of the thin air.

"What do you mean we don't have time." Asked the black-haired man but whilst this was happening Naruto felt his words that he was going to say get caught in his throat.

Urahara looked over towards Naruto keeping her eyes on him for a little bit longer that what is usual before she turned towards black-haired man. "There is an infection spreading through her system from that Hollow that bit her."

"Then what can we do to stop this creature from killing her." Asked the man looking desperately towards the girl in his arms. "Yes, but we need to go to my base to fix it." Urahara replied with her fan in front of her face hiding the excited look on her face as they were turning around to leave the women looked over her shoulder and asked the question that made Naruto stop thinking so hard about his past. "You coming?" the smile that appeared on there faces was all the answer they needed.


As they all sat around a table waiting for all tall dark-skinned man to pour tea for them whilst Urahara explained how she believes this whole issue could be solved before the teenage girl known as Masaki.

"So, what you are basically telling me is that I need to be the anchor for these two to connect with each other's mind and the reason I need to do this is because the girl is a Quincy and she uses the Physical Energy of this world while Kishin uses the Spirituel Energy of this world and since I use both I'm a natural conductor for the two." Asked Naruto while looking towards the mentioned girl who had blue markings going up and down her body.

"Well, basically your right but that means you will also syphon of some of Kishin and Masaki's power." Responded Urahara with that damn fan still covering her face.

"Wait what do you mean I'll take some of there power… what would happen to them then?" asked Naruto frightened that might be the death of these to younglings.

"No, you won't kill Masaki or myself whilst all of this is going down, I need to actually force 95% of my Reiatsu into Masaki to force the Hollow out of her or at least enough to stop the hollow from killing her and since you are the conductor you will syphon of at least a maximum of 4% of my Reiatsu leaving me with only 1% of my power for the rest of my life." Said Kishin with an unnatural looking serious face none of the goofiness present in his entire character.

"You also forget that since Masaki is also connected that means that her and the Hollow in her will also have to go threw you Naruto meaning that you will probably take 50% of her and the Hollows Reiatsu." Informed Urahara looking at Naruto directly in his eyes. Feeling a cold sweat build up on his back Naruto had to ask them question that was bothering him for such a long time.

"What will happen to me then… I am the conductor which means the whole event will happen inside of me?" Naruto asked looking at the Women who couldn't meet his Crystal-like eyes.

Urahara took a deep breath. "You will probably be unconscious for an unknown amount of time since the Reiatsu would need to mix into your system." Naruto's shock couldn't be hidden there but then a resolve was seen in his eyes as he looked up at Urahara to tell her his answer.

"Fine I will do it."


Everything was ready the group where about to begin their biggest challenge they have faced in the last century. "Okay Naruto you're going to have to pull in their energies for Kishin you're going to have to use your Physical Energy to attract his and the same with Misaki's Physical energy you need to use Spirituel energy… you are going to have to become a magnet but after you pull in there Reiatsu and then you're going to inject Kishin's Reiatsu in Masaki and hers into his but you will have to keep this going on for the whole time." Naruto nodded at the beautiful women.

So, Naruto took Kishin and Masaki's hand into his but he felt it immediately the new energies entering his body. It felt like when I was in sage mode. The feeling of Joy and Nature coming from Masaki. The feeling of cold steel grinding against steel but there also the feeling of life and death flowing within Kishen's Spirituel Energy. Feeling more and more of there Yin and Yang Chakra he felt an ominous energy coming from Masakis' Yang but the it hit me like the flue. "Arghhh!!!!!!!!" shouted Naruto not expecting the Energy to feel so bad. It felt like when Kuruma was removed from him. The energy was Demonic it felt like the need for blood to come from it. On the outside the blue lines that appeared on Masaki started leaving her body and traveled onto Naruto leaving half his body. He could feel the beast inside him fighting against it but then he felt Kishins' Energy pull out the energy demonic energy from his system. He could also feel the Demon be locked away and Masaki to overpower it.

And then the world went black.


"Damn, what did that brat do?" question a furred fox. Turning its head, it saw 4 Naruto's laying on the ground. Confusion could be seen on the tailed beast. "Hey, Naruto why are there four of you?". He asked seeing them waking up

"What do you mean Kurama?" asked the Naruto who was wearing his normal outfit.

"Yeah, what do you mean there's four of me you Grey Fox?" asked a Naruto who was wearing a black Shinigami outfit.

"Hey Kurama say high to the others." Said another Naruto who had an extremely pale skin with white hair and a white Shinigami outfit who was waving a hand towards the beast with 10 tails.

Wait what. Was thought going through all the Naruto's head. They all turned to looked at the other and screamed.

"Well, it seems there indeed are four of us." Said a Naruto whose hair covered his left eye while wearing a white suit and a cross chain across his chest.

"Your to relaxed about this!" screamed the regular Naruto and Shinigami Naruto while the white Naruto just smiled carefreely.

They all turned at Kuruma expecting him to have an answer.

"Hey, I don't know what is going on but let me think. You Naruto 1 are the original the 'human' of this body. You Naruto 2 are the Shinigami aspect of this body. Naruto 3 you are probably the hollow in normal form and finally Naruto 4 you have similar energy to that of the Yang chakra that was in this body not so long ago and that energy came from the girl and she was what do you call it a Quincy." Said the Ten tailed fox. All the Naruto's blinked at the same time letting the information flow threw his head.

"So, if are all stuck in here, I know what we should do!" shouted the Shinigami Naruto with a gigantic grin on his face.

All the Naruto's had the same idea.

"Training!" they all shouted and started high fiving each other. Kuruma couldn't but smile at the boys fondly this was the first time in a while seeing the boy celebrate.


It's been almost been five years and Naruto was still in his coma ever since that point he passed out he has been put in an ice chamber preserving his body it was now July 15th 2006 and Kishin was living life as a human while he and Masaki are having a son. In fact, she was currently lying down giving birth to their son with her brother Uryū being the doctor who was handling the birth properly. The thing is when spiritually aware people gave birth to baby's there needs perfect no mistakes for the women wont b able to control themselves so if the people around were not equal or stronger than the birth giver, they would either die from not enough Reiatsu or pass out from the Reiatsu still being low.

'Ahhhhh!!!!' a baby scream was heard from the room just was standing just far enough from.

But deeper into the building a window cracked and water exploded out of it. The man fell out the tube. Standing up the mans eyes crystal blue eyes, hair flowing down to his waist a neon blonde in color as the man stood up 6'5" completely nude looking around the man saw his reflection and questioned. "Where the hell am I?"

There we have it my longest chapter yet 3k words and it taken me like 3 days to write it (because I’ve been procrastinating) but the next chapter I’ll focus on Ichigo and start the Soul Society arc.

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