
The Last Senju

Average, she was never special or anything but that only lasted until the day she died. Will she finally have the chance to not be average and stand out? After being reincarnated in the Naruto Universe she will finally be popular *Cover Isn't Mine*

Retired_Sleepy · Cómic
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7 Chs

Hanami The Blind Chef

I posted one auxiliary volume so check it out. Enjoy the chapter

(Hanami POV)

"Lord Mizukage" I slightly bow down and sat on the table with them

"There's no need for such formalities Hanami, I am just here to talk with you a bit." While he was talking, mom served the food in the bowls and gave it to us "Thank you Izumi. The reason I am here is because of a request and a gift. Are you interested in joining the Shinobi Academy this year? I know you have more potential than anyone here in this village and I am considering myself in the equation. The other question I have is if you already know all your chakra natures" Yagura asked me.

Water, Earth and Wood, aren't those the only ones I have? The possibility of having more is almost none but possible, come to think of it I just asked for those three but that doesn't mean that I can't have more, I asked for them not to have only them so maybe I have more...

"I only know about my Water, Earth and Wood releases but I never actually tested it, they just seemed natural for me to use so I always thought they were the only ones I had"

Yagura frowned with a thinking face and took a piece of paper out of his robe "This is a Chakra Induction Paper, depending on the way it reacts with your chakra it will do different things. Get one piece and inject your chakra on it" I nod and do as he says, the paper moistened, ignited and later crumbled "3 chakra affinities, wood kekkei genkai and immense talent... a genius that appears every hundreds if not thousands of years." he lost his calm manner and was clearly excited "*Cough cough* Anyways, the gift I want to give you is a sword, this one was especially made so you can use it for a long period of time. It's a very durable and sharp sword, much better than the ones you get at the academy" He takes a sword out of nowhere and hands it to me, I unsheathed it and the blade was black, blue and white with a kite shaped gard (Tomioka's katana) and a black and white handle.

The more I looked at the sword my smile grew wider, it was such a beautiful blade and the handle is so comfortable, literally the perfect weapon. "Thank you for the gift Lord Mizukage" I bowed slightly

"I told you that you don't need to call me that, just call me Yagura. If you don't mind I have a offer for you," he paused and took a deep breath "I've never asked this to anyone but do you want to be my pupil?" Yagura said hastily.

What a day I am having, the Mizukage himself in my house, receiving a amazing sword and now I am having the opportunity of being his disciple, of course I won't decline his offer.

"I gladly accept your offer. When do we begin?"

"If you are okay with it we can start tomorrow, we have no time to waste" Said Yagura as his plate got empty "Thanks for the hospitality but I need to go, see you tomorrow Hanami. Goodnight everyone" He left the house and seconds later mom and Kujo begun to talk

"The Mizukage himself will train you!!!! Isn't it amazing!?" Mom said excitedly. I might not be showing it explicitly but I am very happy that I have a proper master and that he is the Mizukage.

They both bombarded me with questions for a while until I finally went to my room for a session of meditation. The scenario I was imagining now I a rather complicated one. I dark forest and multiple enemies surrounding me, the only thing I had in hands is my sword that quickly gets engulfed with water.

*SLASH* With a single swift motion three enemies were down, the blade cut through them like butter. At every swing a azure trail of water was left behind, a great variety of attacks were used by me until they were all gone "*pants* That was tiring. At least I can mentally use the Water Breathing techniques." I said and a voice from beyond answered

"While you can only use it in your mind for now this will help you prepare to create this style, so don't give up!" Isobu said

"Yeah I know, it just sucks a bit that I still can't do it. But who said anything about giving up? Don't underestimate me my friend, giving up is only for the weak minded! In 5 years I will have mastered this, just you wait. But now we sleep, night Isobu" I laid on my bed and covered myself with the warm sheet

"Night Hanami"

(The Next Day)

I follow my usual routine, wake up, brush my teeth, change clothes and go to the kitchen for food. But this time when I got there Yagura was in front of the balcony with some ingredients and knifes "About time you woke up!" He said. What kind of training is this that involves a kitchen? I walk towards him

"Good Morning Yagura"

"Morning. You are wondering why are we in your kitchen instead of being in the training grounds or something, hmph, you know nothing about training little girl. In your first day we will train your sensory skills, so I want you to cook for me" My face twists in confusion

"What? You want me to cook as a sensory train-" He suddenly interrupts me with a shhh

"You will indeed cook an entire meal, but do you really think it's going to be this easy? You will not only cook but spend your entire day and night completely blindfolded" My eyes widen in surprise. I wasn't expecting much from this but damn I was wrong.

He hands me a blue blindfold and I cover my eyes with it and now let the disaster begin...

(Two Hours later)

A junkyard, that's one of the few words that can describe this kitchen. As I made the meal I accidentally cut my finger, dropped somethings out of the pan, including some eggs which were what fucked up the kitchen more before.

Truth to be told I have no idea if it looks bad or horrible, never thought that having a blindfold on would be this bad. "Now you need to clean the mess you made right?" GOD DAMN IT!!! The cleaning!!! Nooooo!

After on unknown amount of time later I probably finished with the kitchen, again, cons of having a blindfold on, someone suddenly puts a hand in my shoulder, the person wasn't making any effort into hiding his chakra so I knew it was Yagura "Now let's move on to the next part of our training. Blind fight, you kinda already know how to detect chakra on other beings but you can't sense chakraless creatures right?" I frowned upon his comment making him laugh "Obviously you will be fighting me with 10% of my power, just follow me to the training grounds and show me what you got!"

Sorry for the short chapter, today I am tired as hell so tomorrow a 2000 word chapter shall come. Night everyone

Retired_Sleepycreators' thoughts