Alek Gusev is a high-level scientific researcher who created one of mankind's greatest inventions. However, as fate would have it, this very creation destroyed everything he knew, killing him in the process. Now he has been reincarnated in Shinobi World without his memories. What will happen in the new life of our protagonist? Vol. 1-3 : The whole story of Naruto. Vol. 4 : Fate/Zero Vol. 5 : Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Vol. 6 : Fate Stay Night (Coming Soon) Vol. 7 : NieR:Automata (Coming Soon)
'Maybe I saw some shadows moving inside...'
It was really boring for him.
"Nothing interesting has happened yet. I thought the first one to move through the shadows would be Assassin. You know, the one who stabs you in the back"
He was talking to Rider, but he didn't pay attention to him because he was watching TV. Some famous movies at the time, more or less. Rider just scratched his head and kept ignoring the boy.
"Are you listening to me?"
Rider only let out a small growl, resigning himself to reply.
"Nobody cares about that killer rat. He's too weak. It is very likely that Assassin will be the first to die. Don't give that matter any more thought."
"What did you say? Am I sacrificing my brain to get as much information as possible and you say that? You should be just as into this as I am."
"Yes, whatever you say"
"By God... the war has already begun! Get your butt off the floor and do something productive!"
Rider sighed wearily.
"Forget it, boy. We will know who the Masters and their Servants are when we meet them. In the end it doesn't matter much."
After that, Rider raised his palm high and hit Waver on the back. This one, unable to keep his balance, fell on his face to the ground.
"Does it really not matter?"
"Not at all. Plus, having less information makes it more fun."
"Are you crazy..."
"Boy, you have to learn to enjoy your short life more. It doesn't matter what you do. Whether it's eating, sleeping with beautiful women or even playing like a child, you have to enjoy yourself to the fullest. That's what gives meaning to life."
Waver under the gaze at the words of his Servant. This barbarian was partly right, but Waver wasn't sure he was following this to the letter.
"Now, how about we go out and find some fun?"
"And where are we supposed to go?"
"That doesn't matter. Get ready, we're leaving. Also, think about it carefully. You're not the only one who was spying on Tōsaka. I'm more than sure the Masters will get into action tonight. We will take advantage of that and crush them one by one."
"I don't think that will work"
"I'm a rider, boy. My mobility is better than that of other Servants. We're going to crush them all."
Materializing a sword in his hand, Rider raised the weapon high and it began to glow. Waver got scared and tried to stop him at any cost, because if this man summoned that war carriage pulled by those divine bulls with rippling muscles, the whole house would explode.
-Near the Mansion of Tōsaka-
Kirei watched the mansion in silence and then turned around to leave there. Assassin materialized next to him.
"The time has come. Assassin..."
Toru nodded and instantly disappeared with a powerful leap. He jumped so high that from up there he could see most of Fuyuki. He narrowed his eyes and the Eternal Kodō Shigan activated. He watched every little movement that came into his field of vision. As he did this, his eyes danced from side to side.
"There is nothing..."
Everything was normal. He needed to "see" more. That's why Assassin took another leap leaning on one of his air platforms created by his perfect ninjutsu. This allowed him to stay up for a little longer while still jumping on the air platforms.
'I don't even need to use the hand seals to use my ninjutsu. I'm supposed to be a ninja, but I'm getting closer and closer to being a wizard. Well, if I want to return to the Shinobi World I have to learn different magics that distort space and time'
Toru began to mutter different theories related to alternate worlds, that is, what many popularly knew as the multiverse. To get those magics, Toru had to stop being a ninja and become a "Magus".
'Hm... still nothing...'
The minutes passed and no one seemed to want to move between the shadows. So, Toru kept jumping in the air and moving at great speeds all over the sky. It's already a little late at night, so the chances of someone looking up at the sky and accidentally seeing a man jumping in the air are quite low.
"I see something..."
A shadow running and jumping between the buildings.
Toru couldn't see it clearly because of the distance, but it seemed like that shadow was heading for the harbor. He thought about it carefully and then sighed. To attack instantly is complete stupidity. Without knowing what the enemy is capable of, hiding and observing from a distance is the best option.
'I will continue to hide my presence and watch in silence'
He will be the one to determine when is the perfect time to attack and kill. Now…
'I'm not going to let him out of my sight'
He continued to jump in the sky.
-On the beach near the port-
Irisviel looked at the moon after thinking about Kiritsugu. "He is a man who believes that happiness is painful" That's what she told Saber when she asked if Kiritsugu hates spending time with her.
Saber, dressed in a black suit and gloves, looked at the woman and felt the weight of the very words she heard. However, she then changed her thoughtful expression to a more serious one and approached Irisviel.
She immediately knew what it was about.
"Servant enemy..."
Saber replied.
"The enemy is announcing his presence just over a hundred meters away. He seems to be inviting us."
"How polite... Do we accept the invitation?"
Saber smiled slightly and nodded.
"So be it."
On a large bridge, Rider felt the presence of the enemy and began to laugh.
"Things are finally getting interesting"
"I want to go home now..."
And next to him, before Rider grabbed him by the shirt like a rag doll, Waver complained.
"Hahaha. This is going to be fun!"
Finally he wielded the sword and threw himself from the top of the bridge next to Waver, who screamed with tears and snot on his face.
-Port of Fuyuki-
Toru followed the trail of the shadow that moved between the buildings. In fact, he came to lose sight of him, but from one moment to the next, he felt how that shadow showed himself as a Servant amplifying his presence and inviting those closest to the party.
'How imprudent...'
Yes, it was.
'It seems that the Master of that Servant wants to gather the other Servants to kill each other. Seriously, there shouldn't be any person stupid enough to take the bait'
At least it seemed that way. Toru, hiding in the shadows of the night, kept an eye on the enemy Servant. He jumped up and climbed into one of the containers that were stacked nearby. From there, he could finally see the appearance of the target.
He was a handsome man with long hair coarsely combed back with a lock over his forehead who carried a two-meter long red spear in one of his hands and a smaller golden spear in the remaining hand, each covered with purple bandages. This revealed him to be the Lancer-class Servant.
Toru frowned as he saw him casually walk out into an open area between the containers. He also noticed that a strong presence approached next to another weak presence. He kept himself in the dark hiding his face with the hood and the scarf.
'I guess I should take back my words. If there are people stupid enough to fall into such an obvious trap...'
Toru hoped that no one would accept Lancer's invitation so that he could set a trap and ambush him, but it's a pity.
'I haven't used explosive stamps for a long time. I should take advantage that this version of me was still using them'
To all this, it seemed that Lancer was saying something. He simply praised the bravery of the two women who came before him. A blonde girl with emerald eyes dressed in a black suit and a woman with silver hair and red eyes dressed in cozy clothes the color of snow.
"You must be knowing..."
Lancer said. To which the blonde girl replied with a serious look.
"And you must be a Lancer"
Toru's Shigan sharpened. Unconsciously he took out the daggers from the seals on his wrists and waited patiently.
'I seem to be lucky. If these two fight to the death and kill each other, I will be able to take the opportunity to kill the Servant who is left standing'
It was a cowardly tactic, yes, but Toru wanted to win at any cost, it doesn't matter if he must use traps, because he will do anything to hold the Holy Grail in his hands.
While Toru was thinking, Saber held her hands in front as if she was holding a sword and then a sky-blue light enveloped her. Instantly, a blue dress-like armor with iron plates covered Saber's body. She was holding an invisible sword that gives off small abstract waves of wind, which made it difficult to tell the length of the sword.
'With this I can confirm it. The death lines of the other Servants move at the same speed. That means that we are all at a similar level except for the statistics with which we were summoned."
Clang! The battle between Saber and Lancer began with a clash between the invisible sword and the two spears. The sound of clashing metal made Toru have to stop thinking about everything to analyze the enemy's movements. The silver-haired woman, Irisviel, recoiled in view of the battle that started in front of her eyes.
With elegant steps, coordinated one after the other, a sword master and a spear master collided their weapons while the ground split whenever the blows of the spear were deflected or when Saber clung to the ground hitting hard with the soles of her metal boots.
'Hm... I can't see well from here without being discovered'
Toru looked at a high place near the cranes and made a quick jump. His body blinked and a second later he appeared over that place.
'What a great view'
The fight was clearer than ever in this high place. Toru used the Shigan to follow Lancer's rapid movements and Know.
At the same time, on the other side of the harbor, Emiya Kiritsugu observed the field with a sniper. First he could make out the Master of Lancer on the roof of a garage, who had been in charge of erecting a barrier in the harbor. After seeing him, he reported this to his assistant, Hisau Maiya, a woman with black hair and eyes who was watching the battle on the opposite side to Kiritsugu. He continued to explore the terrain with the sniper's sights. However, he frowned when he saw someone up high, a little further away than everyone.
The fact that the creature that appeared in the sniper's crosshairs was wearing a large black cape with a hood that concealed his identity confirmed it to him. The most clichéd appearance of the Assassin. This, however, was not all, as no one in the entire port could feel the presence of that Servant, so it was definitely Assassin.
The battle quickly devastated the surrounding area. The voice of the Lancer Master urged the latter to end the battle quickly, allowing him to use his Noble Phantasm. Lancer dropped the golden spear to the ground and broke the bandages of the red spear.
Toru paid a lot of attention to this, but when he blinked, Lancer had already managed to wound Saber on the right side of the torso without breaking this girl's armor.
'I could see him for a second. The spear pierced through Saber's armor without causing damage to the armor itself. I must assume that Saber's armor is made of magic, so it is to be expected that Lancer's Noble Phantasm is that spear that nullifies magic'
But while he was thinking, again the clash of sword and spear echoed, rumbling and shattering the ground. Some containers suffered damage in the process, as did the ground that split again and again when the weapons deflected their attacks and collided in a forced way.
Before Toru can realize, due to the high speeds at which Lancer and Saber were moving, he failed to see that the golden spear had been buried in the rubble. From one second to the next, pretending to have taken a bad step, Lancer smiled when he saw that Saber fell into the trap. He lifted the smallest spear from the rubble with his foot and managed to hit Saber's left hand in exchange for receiving a wound on his dominant hand.
'Saber has been defeated...'
Although it could not be seen with the naked eye, Toru perceived the color of the mana in the air and realized that both Masters were healing their Servants, but there was something strange that made Toru come to that conclusion.
'The wound of Knowing cannot be healed...'
A spear that nullifies magic and a cursed spear whose wounds caused by its edge can never be healed…
It was then that both Servants discovered the identity of the other.
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne from Fianna and…
Arthur Pendragon, the King of Knights…
'Is King Arthur a girl...?'
Toru frowned, for he had not expected this strange revelation. A historical figure known all over the world as the King of Knights, who has long been described as a man, is really a girl…
To be Continued…