
The last prince of Darth

During training prodigy Gene, crown prince of a fearsome empire, has 9/10 of his powers sealed away into special rings. Unfortunately a civil war breaks out claiming his memories as well as the life of his master before he can undo the seals. Join Gene as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and the truth behind a dark past

Grim_Slate · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Groundhog day

"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." ~ Oscar Wilde

Hi, My name is Gene Giarc Anrol, you can just call me Gee. I want to agree with Oscar Wilde here but how exactly can I be myself when I don't even know who I am. Confused? let me brief you in.

I was born into royalty in the floating kingdom deep in the Darth empire which is at the center of the balancing realms of Krieger. It's a great place or so they say, most of what I know about it I've either been told or read in books, there's only so much I found out from visions and nightmaric episodes. Back to how I lost my memories, I was only twelve when it happened. I was casually sparring with sensei Kira, basking in the glorious sunlight, his skin glistening from the sweat as we traded swift blows, the rustling of leaves in the cool summer breeze and the small gusts of wind that we created as we carried on with our daily ritual. Our fights were mostly one-sided, my teacher couldn't keep up and so for better training he sealed away all but a tenth of my power into nine special rings.

I'd like to keep the story short but what's the hurry right. After four centuries of peace a civil war broke out, cities were annihilated and countless lives were lost as the poorer lower classes rebelled against the higher richer nobilities. The kingdom was flung into chaos and the royal family, mine was especially in trouble. it wasn't soon before the rebellion reached the castle. The bloody result that came of which was incomprehensible, my father, the king's bloody hands as he stood atop a pile of corpses and the foul stench of death and the lingering magic that feasted on the few stubborn souls which refused to die, a memory to be forever tattooed into my tender young mind. During the ensuing battle a lot of loyal warriors were lost. Great Kira, the sage of the seals was crushed by debris and died while protecting the second heir to the throne and the crown prince, Giarc fell to his death. Though sacrifices were made all the bad guys died and now the empire is stronger than ever, everbody can finally live happily ever after, or so the story goes.

Anyways, using magical herbs and spiritual healing, I was nursed back to health by a somewhat humble family of monster hunters in a small town in the middle of nowhere. According to my saviours I was found by a group of wandering gypsies one of which was a friend who they owed a favour, good people. I'm grateful, part of me really wishes they hadn't saved me though. It's been five years since that day I'm sixteen now and legally an adult not to mention I forgot one family and I found another, funny right. I think it's time that the dearly deceased prince of the Darth empire come back to life and claim his soon-to-be throne, easier said than done. I'm pretty much no better than an unborn child, life robbed

me of everything, my nobility, my powers and my memories. I have nothing, except some stupid rings which won't come off and my mission, that keeps me tethered me to this mortal world. Death might have been a better fate but it is now a luxury that I simply cannot afford. My name is Gene and my story has only just begun.