
The Teacher Transformation

You guys know that I love teachers, but then I hate them. Don't get it? I understand. Let me explain in a way, I used to love teachers because they are wise, and we, Orbals, need orb knowledge. But, I hate them now, since it was the reason that it ruined my whole life, most likely.

It was the day of the Orbalcentost, the time when something blows up. A bunch of lightning, a big low voice speaks in the sky, blah blah blah blah. I didn't really care about those things—until my teacher. I shouldn't be taking too much time here, should I?

I was supposed to be going to school, at the right time. You see, in school, you don't learn math or whatever, it's practically supposed to be an orb school. You enter when you're supposed to be seven. Just like kinderagten—whatever it's called. But I was in the 5th level like 5th grade. We're very different, I know. As I was walking to school late, one of my acquaintances" ran to me. "Hey Kai, did you know that the Orbalcentost is today," my acquaintance, Loton said.

I looked at him with a "seriously" face. "Yes, I know that." Loton smirked. "That's not what I'm talking about," he said. "There's going to be a party in the forest, everyone is coming! Including, McKayla."

I laughed, to hide my blushing cheeks. She is a crush of mine, I guess you can say.

If you think she isn't real, since you probably think this is a fiction story, I feel bad for you. "No one ever told me that," I said, chuckling. Loton laughed, "Now you do!" He ran faster away from me. He has long legs since he's one of the tallest people in class.

"Everyone get in your seats!" Mrs. Mosie shouted. Everyone sat in their seats. Mrs. Mosie looked at me, like some hawk or something. "Does anyone know what the Robclanot Orbiton is?" she said walking. Everyone raised their hands, except me. Mrs. Mosie looked at me. "Kai," she said. I looked around to everyone.

"Can I call someone, to help me on this? I wasn't here yesterday," I lied. Mrs. Mosie shook her head. "Tell me what it is." I gulped. I have no idea what that was, because...I didn't do my homework. Finally, something in common! "Something about Dices or something?" I said. Everyone laughed hard, I mean very hard. But, Mrs. Mosie looked at me very disgracefully. I sighed. "Kai, in my office," she said. And also, did I forget to mention that teachers have offices?

I followed her into her office. The walls of the hallway showed a bunch of orbtellers and orbs—which the orbs look the same way. As we reached our destination, something was off. It smelled so rotten, and the place was bigger with a big cage. My heart beat faster since I was so scared.

It's kind of a tradition I go to her office, since I can't ever be kicked out of orb school. Because someday, you have to learn it. Mrs. Mosie started smiling, and her eyes began to squint. Her hands became claws, and her feet became claws. Wings started to grow at the back of her back. I started to scream. Fire glowed on her skin, then the most frightening thing happened, she turned to me and her eyes steamed. I ran for the door. She flew and tripped me with her wings, and blocked the door and roared. I managed to get up quickly enough.

She went at full speed. I ran, screaming, into the bleachers. I hid behind it, but she blew it into fire. And fire is very bad for us Orbals, you see we go by water, not fire! I quickly ran for a window, because I need to get outta here!!!


Well, I did make it, but I made it upside down, with my foot in the dragon's nostrils. "Aaah!!" I screamed desperately. The dragon, or Dragon Mosie, continued to sway me, trying to make me fall to my death. I held on to her ears and she roared in pain. I continued too, grunting and still screaming because of how high I was. Then she went up; I think she was forcefully trying to bring me to heaven because she went SUPER high.

She held me tighter to the point that she would have bit my leg. I gasped for air, I was going too high. Then she finally went down. Wait—she's trying to smush me!! Why does she want me to die! I needed to find a tall building nearby.



I felt as if my brain was going to break into little kinds of fragments. "Gahhhh!" I shouted. I looked under me, I saw an Orbal tree. It's a regular tree but blue and glowy. I have to do this. I let go of the dragon, but I luckily crashed into the tree. "Ow! Agh! NNGH!" I cried hitting every burning branch. Then, I landed on the floor with leaves landing on me.

Did I lose her? Am I finally free from the frumious Bandersnatch?! That was from Lewis Caroll. See, I still know some human stuff.


I got pretty worried after that. Then, Dragon Mosie lunged into me. "Ahhhhh!!!" I shouted, running. I ran fast than playing baseborb; pretty much baseball with a plushy orb.




Trees crashed and grass flew from the ground. "ROAR!!" she screamed. I continued to run away from this—horrible creature! I saw a river far from where I was at. "I must get there!" I said. Apparently, the dragon started to slow down.

I dived into the river, and I dived deep. I swam inside the water, and I kept swimming. Crystals had glints that made the river shine like silver. Silver is like gold in your world. But, we have no gold or diamonds or whatever. As I swam farther, the water turned much darker and weirder.

Glug Glug Glug

A glint, brighter than the crystals, shined at my face. I closed my eyes as I got closer. Then, it was something, like an orb that was electrifying. I picked it up, and it felt very warm on my hands, like warm blue chip cookies. However, the river was moving—so it brought me with it. "Aahhh!" I screamed. The river hit me left and right. I went in barrel rolls, spins, and a bunch of heatbutting.

It was only luck that a spiky branch was in the water. I held onto it and the spikes pierced into my skin. I cried in pain. I can't be staying like this for long, unless I want to break my whole hand. I jumped with my energy off the branch and onto dry land.

I gagged and coughed, and fire spurted out of my throat.

The time when the dragon blew fire at me.

I had bad burns like, really bad burns. I limped and fell, like a routine, to a tree. I gasped. But then, some voices were heard. "See any orbals around here?" someone said. I immediately went for action. I leaped to another tree, and took cover. I saw two black, shiny cars. And one big gray van. Some humans got out certain types of rifles. One guy with a pistol put in his "something that starts with an a". Oh yes, ammo. "I need something better," he suggested. He threw the gun to where I was accidentally.

The guy had bare white hair, with big muscles but no beard. His men—I'm guessing—had vests that covered their armor and AK-47's. And a woman with black hair with a long black jacket, and everything black. Except, her face. "I want that Orb. I want those Orbals," the white haired guy said. The all-black woman, Salie, walked to him. I always knew her name by the necklace she had—that was gray. "Captain Dice, only certain of Orbals live," she said. Captain Dice raised his eyebrows. "A lot of certain Orbals," Salie continued.

Salie looked at the soldiers. "Let them do their job," she said, with a very soft whispering voice. The soldiers went behind trees and rocks. But who are these monsters?! Oh wait—was that the Roboclant Orbitron?! I knew it had to deal with "dice" or something. They wanted our orb, they wanted us! I picked up the pistol, real fast. I only managed to face it at them. The soldiers faced their rifles at me. Captain Dice, with his military uniform, faced his handgun at me. Alright, everyone was facing some type of gun at me. My heart beat faster than my entire life.

"Put the gun down!" one of the soldiers shouted. I kept holding the handgun. "Put the gun down boy," Captain Dice shouted. I shot the pistol, and someone fell.

Well, you know what happens. Everyone blows up. Rifles started shooting. I dodged and ducked. A soldier fought me hand to hand. I'm not an expert at fighting, till' now. I punched him and he flew, and I mean, he flew and hit a tree. Salie grabbed my arm and turned me. I doubled over on the grass, shooting Salie's arm. "Ahh!" she screamed. I got up and accidentally elbowed a soldier. I hit Salie's arm and clotted her stomach. She got my hands and hit me with it. I jumped on her and twisted her head. She fell—with her jacket flying off.

She got out her handgun and shot. But, the bullet froze halfway. My hands turned purple and the orb smacked onto my hand. Everyone gasped. "Someone shoot him!" Captain Dice screamed. Everyone started shooting at me. The orb turned into a spear, and controlled my hand to twirl the electrifying spear. "Whoa!" I shouted. Bullets reversed their direction. "Watch out!" Salie shouted. Bullets blew up making the ground shake. The spear turned to an orb in my hand.

"Oh my—" Something else blew up. More reinforcements! I ran to their van. "He's about to take the van!!" Captain Dice shouted. I jumped inside. There was a steering wheel in front of me. Our cars are similar, except they fly. I pulled the transmission to R, which stands for Race On—right? I pushed the pedal, and it went backwards. "Move!" Salie said. A soldier was crushed. Sorry—not. I moved it to N, which stands for Nitro, right?


Instead, it stands for spraying smoke out of the car, and not moving! I pulled it to D, which means what!? I pressed the pedal and it finally moved forward. "He's getting away!" Dice shouted. They got into their cars, and chased me. I steered the wheel right—which accidentally broke down a tree. The enemy vehicles continued to follow me. I pushed the pedal harder. The van went faster, then, it did a whole flip. It slid across the forest. "Gah!" I shouted. The van was bouncing and rolling. Airbags came out. Glass flew like spears. Seats blew up with foamy stuff coming out of them. I banged my head pretty hard. I turned the steering a little—okay, a lot to the right, and the engine blew up. Fire was in the car, and the car fortunately stopped. On the edge of a waterfall! You see, we like water. But not too much water, because it hurts just like fire.

The vehicles stopped immediately. Captain Dice slowly opened the door, with his handgun out. "You seem pretty good for an adolescent child." He smirked.

"Nothing is really taken for granted." He started walking to the van. I started to sweat, and that's a bad thing. I pushed the pedal, and the van slid off the waterfall. My body floated upwards inside the car. I held very tight to a chair, but my body was floating like some air balloon! I banged my head pretty hard, yes. Then, I crashed.

It was later that night, I reached a place of ground. I was passed out though. Well, kind of also in a coma too, since I could hear stuff. My head throbbed with pain. My arms were as dead as ashes. My body was unmoveable. I heard footsteps coming my way. I wanted to punch another one, but since I can't move!!!!!!!

It was only a few seconds I realized I was shaking. Water was boiling inside of me. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't even move!!! My eyes felt like ashes, and I felt all alone. Am I dead? How would I ever get out of here? How can I return home?