HIATUS! For now, check out my other books. The ones I am currently working on are as follows: The Misunderstood Heroic Villain Humanity Rising: War Slaughtering the Gods
Two days later, within the bridge of the ship is an Immortal and a droid looking at a holographic screen showing many pictures and information.
"Master Zen, we have currently arrived within the Solar System of earth. I have hacked into the digital network that Earth calls the internet. From the information that I have gathered, we are currently near the dwarf planet Pluto." States the rusty mechanical voice of APD-01
"What about their scanning systems, about how close can we get until they detect us coming in?" I asked my trustworthy assistant APD-01
"Luckily Master, they have low level technology, and our ship can get as close as the planet Mars. Once we reach the orbit of Mars, you would have to take your personal Fighter to the ground of Earth, and they wont be able to detect you coming in."
"Thanks ADP, now take us in. I'll be waiting in the hanger bay for your signal that I'm good for take off." The moment those words left my mouth, I was already up and out of my seat, sprinting towards the hanger bay.
How could I not be excited, even if its only an aboriginal race that has yet to step into the stars, it is still my first time in the last 160 years to step foot on a new planet that I can explore to my hearts content. Maybe I'll get lucky enough to find some worthy opponents to test my skills on and have some fun against; on this small blue planet.
While I was waiting for ADP-01 to send me the all clear signal, I decided to get my weapons and make sure my Fighter; The Aggressor, was all ready and fueled up for the trip.
Next thing I know, I hear ADP-01 over the ships intercom system telling me we have arrived over the red planet of Mars, and that I'm clear for launch.
With that in mind, I jumped into the cockpit and flipped the engine start switch, and the power switch that is in my upper left portion of the cockpit to get this baby started. As that twin star powered engines roared to life, I took the steering console in my right hand pressing forward to take off and clear the hangar doors. When I cleared the hangar doors, my fighter was handling for smooth ride heading towards the planet Earth. On the way there, I also turned on a few other neat gadgets equipped on this ride, such as: Stealth Generator, Shield Cortex, and the communications array.
After just a few hours, I came within the atmosphere of Earth and beginning my descent into a country the Earthlings call; America. As for what ADP-01 was doing when I called him during my descent, he only said enjoying their internet culture on some video website. But thanks to ADP-01, I was able to find a good hidden spot in a mountain range to hide my Fighter, while i'm out exploring.
As I was stepping out of the cockpit and turning the ground camoflage on for my ship, I asked ADP-01 about any cities near where I have landed. After a few minutes of silence, he responded that if I head down from my current location i would reach the town of Blue Ridge, Georgia. I don't know much about this world but I don't think I need to worry about trying to fit in to much, after all how much of a threat can these peopel be.
So with that thought and in my current attire I walked down the rocky slope of the mountain towards my first visit of an Earthling town.