
The Last Hope; Hell Unleashed At School

The bell rings at Ranewood high,just like any other day,but this time it marks the beginning of a nightmare.What started as Whispers of flu quickly turned into a ferocious battle of survival. Our school,Once a place of learning and laughter had became a prison teeming with terror and fear. I'm Damien a high school student.I had imagined most wildest of the scary thoughts but never imagined I'd be fighting alongside Mr.Inuzaki,my history teacher and my other friends Ayan,Ellis,Davis,Kaori,Miu who luckily survived just like me.We thought we knew the rules-Stay inside,Avoid bites and scratches and wait for rescue just like in the movies but everything changed when the Ground itself betrayed us..... What we First dismissed as flu turned into 'Rage Virus' a virus that turned out friends and family into mindless predators.Panic spread as quickly as the infection and soon our town was overrun. With our School only the safest place to survive,Don't know why...? ___________________________________ WARNING-- ]]VIOLENT AND 18+ SCENES IN MOST OF THE CHAPTERS PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK[[

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28 Chs


"With the artifacts in hand and the immediate threat gone, we took a moment to catch our breath. The silence in the room was eerie, so different from the chaos we had just faced. But the feeling of calm was short-lived as we knew that the real fight was far from over.

"Let's move," Mr. Alex said, his voice breaking the stillness. "We need to make sure there are no more surprises waiting for us."

As we stepped back into the hallway, the building seemed scarier than before. The walls felt like they were closing in, the darkness almost real. Every step made a loud sound, each creak and groan of the floorboards making us more nervous. We moved slowly, the artifacts held tightly in our hands.

The deeper we went into the school, the more the surroundings began to change. The once familiar hallways were now twisted and strange, as if the building itself had been corrupted by the darkness. Bloodstains and claw marks covered the walls, and the smell of decay was strong.

We turned a corner and saw a horrifying sight. Bodies of students and teachers lay on the floor, their lifeless eyes staring blankly. The zombies had torn them apart, their twisted forms showing the brutality of their attacks.

"Keep moving," Mr. Alex urged, his voice tight with emotion. "We can't help them now."

As we made our way through the carnage, a sudden noise made us freeze. A low, scary growl echoed through the hallway, sending chills down our spines. We turned to see a group of zombies coming out of the shadows, their eyes glowing with a malevolent hunger.

"Get ready!" I shouted, gripping my makeshift weapon tightly.

The zombies charged at us with terrifying speed, their twisted forms moving unnaturally fast. We fought desperately, the glow from the artifacts giving us a small advantage. Blood and gore splattered the walls as we swung our weapons, trying to keep the zombies away.

One of the zombies lunged at Miu, its claws tearing into her arm. She screamed in pain, falling to the ground as the zombie tried to bite her. I rushed forward, swinging my weapon with all my strength. The zombie's head caved in with a sickening crunch, and it collapsed.

"Stay close!" Mr. Alex shouted, his voice barely audible over the sounds of battle. "We can't let them surround us!"

We formed a tight circle, fighting off the zombies as best we could. The air was thick with the smell of blood and decay, and the sounds of our grunts and cries mixed with the snarls of the undead. The floor was slick with blood, making it hard to keep our footing.

As we fought, I saw Ellis moving towards the artifacts again, his eyes filled with a strange, unsettling light. He reached for one of them, and a sudden sense of dread filled me.

"Ellis, what are you doing?" I shouted, trying to fend off a zombie that had grabbed my arm.

Ellis didn't answer. He grabbed the artifact and the glow from the others dimmed immediately. The room grew darker, the air feeling colder and more oppressive.

"No!" Mr. Alex yelled, lunging towards him. "We need those to keep the zombies away!"

But it was too late. Ellis clutched the artifact tightly, his face twisted with fear and desperation. The zombies surged forward, their attacks growing more frantic. We fought desperately, but without the full power of the artifacts, our chances seemed slim.

"We need to get that artifact back!" Mr. Alex shouted, his voice filled with urgency. "It's the only way to stop this!"

With a renewed sense of determination, we turned our attention to Ellis, who stood there with the artifact clutched tightly in his hands. The zombies closed in, their eyes glowing with a malevolent hunger.

"Ellis, you have to give it back!" Kaori pleaded, her voice filled with desperation. "We're all going to die if you don't!"

Ellis looked at us, his face pale and his eyes wide with fear. "I thought it would protect me," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Give it back, now!" I shouted, my voice filled with anger and fear.

Ellis hesitated, his grip on the artifact tightening. But before he could make a decision, a zombie lunged at him, its claws tearing into his flesh. He screamed in pain, dropping the artifact as he fell to the ground.

I grabbed the artifact and placed it back with the others. The glow immediately returned, and the zombies recoiled from the light, their snarls turning to screams. The air felt charged with electricity, the power of the artifacts filling the room.

With the zombies momentarily repelled, we grabbed Ellis and pulled him to safety. His wounds were severe, but there was no time to tend to them now. We had to keep moving, had to find the source of this evil and end it once and for all.

"Let's go," Mr. Alex said, his voice filled with determination. "We need to finish this."

We continued our journey through the twisted hallways, the glow from the artifacts our only light. The building seemed to grow darker and more menacing with each step, the air thick with a sense of impending doom.

As we approached the heart of the school, a strange energy filled the air. The artifacts glowed brighter, and the sense of danger grew more intense. We knew we were close, but the fear of what awaited us was overwhelming.

"We're almost there," Mr. Alex said, his voice steady despite the fear in his eyes. "Stay strong."

We turned a corner and found ourselves in front of a massive, ancient door. The symbols on the door matched those on the artifacts, glowing with an eerie light.

"This is it," Mr. Alex said, his voice filled with determination. "The source of the darkness is behind this door."

We took a deep breath and pushed the door open. The room beyond was vast and filled with a dark, pulsing energy. In the center of the room stood a massive, twisted tree, its roots spreading out across the floor and walls. The air was thick with a sense of malevolence, and the ground trembled beneath our feet.

"This is what we've been looking for," Mr. Alex said, his voice barely above a whisper. "The heart of the darkness."

But as we stepped into the room, a feeling of dread washed over us. We knew that whatever lay beyond that door was more terrifying than anything we had faced before. And as we prepared to confront the source of the darkness, we knew that our lives would never be the same again.