
Hide and seek

Chapter 101|Hide and seek

"Are you okay?" Tristan asked staring at Kimberly worriedly as they walked back to the infirmary to get Saif. He had brought her out of the palace hoping to make her forget temporarily about the crisis her life was suddenly turning into and for a moment he had thought it had worked but he couldn't help but noticed how damn distant she had been ever since she walked out of the palm reader's cave.

"I'm fine." She muttered in a very familiar tone that made him frown because that was his tone. Brusque and curt. And so she wasn't fine if she was sounding so detached.

"You know whatever the palm reader told you isn't true right? They just spin ridiculous tales that are supposed to make you laugh. It was supposed to be fun."

Kimberly eyed him. "Do they also make you see ridiculous things that you knew truly happened?"

Tristan stopped abruptly. "What are you talking about?"