
Fight, Kimberly

Chapter 23| Fight, Kimberly

Kimberly removed the last pin from her hair that had been used to arrange her hair tightly into a bun, freeing it from its restraint.

Sitting next to a mirror, she studied a strand of her blonde hair, she couldn't just grasp the concept of her mystifying change and get over it.

She wondered how much of her would change during her stay in a place, that if someone had told her a month ago exists she will lock them in a mental asylum and throw away the keys.

Her eyes were yet another feature that scared the hell out of her and for some obscene reason, although it was scary, it seemed familiar. Just like it had felt normal talking to Prince Tristan when she had woken up.

Like who argues with a stranger when they wake up on a completely foreign planet? Her. That's who, she mused.

Remembering the Prince and how quickly he had gone from a great guy to this cold wall in a frickin day. She shouldn't care, she thought, brushing her hair absentmindedly.

She didn't belong here. All she should worry about now was hoping that he kept to his word and fulfill his part of the stupid deal they have made. She needed to leave this place, and just think of it as a bad dream.

She had so much waiting for her on Earth. She had so much to live for and didn't need to spend time figuring out why things were the way, they were.

She had Bryan, a man who must be beating himself to death thinking she was going through some pretty rough time over here not knowing she had entered some sort of deal that didn't scream right to her.

She heard three fast-paced on her door, interrupting her train of thought. She looked at the linen gown which was the most simple gown she had found among the pile and pile of fabric in the wardrobe. Deeming it decent enough, she stood up and made for the door.

Saif was grinning from ear to ear at the other side.

"Hello, Prince." Her voice was teasing. She could already tell if he had his way, he could sell his title away for 10 bucks. He cared that less about it.

He scowled, "Hello Diane."

She snickered but couldn't complain, she had asked for it.

"I know it is crazy and inappropriate for me to be in your bedroom at this time of the night."

She shrugged, "Maybe in your land but in mine, girls get dressed by this time to go out. Wearing mascara and eyeliner." She gave him a little smile, "It is crazy how different our worlds are."

He nodded twice and then gave her a little smile. "How are you settling in?"

"I don't know." She glanced at her room, "I guess I could get used to the craziness of how fast-paced, my life is diving into outright crazy if I could shake out the absurd hope this is just some fever-induced dream."

Saif winced, "That bad, Aye?"

"Don't get me wrong you have been amazing since I arrived," her lips were set into a straight line, "But if I'm being honest, I've gained more enemies than allies and I don't even know how that had happened. Guess that just follows when are sticking your head into a place you clearly don't belong in."

His hand enclosing hers startled her, but soon she was thankful for it and even the little smile he had on which showed off his dimples reminding her once again, that she was in the midst of some kind of gods with out of this world beauty.

"Nothing that happened at the dining room was your fault. Queen Faye has always been so protective of the Prince, my brother since forever."

"No one can fault a mother for loving so much now, can we?"

"No. But she can be faulted for not knowing when to give up."

"I don't just know. It seems like she hates me, it seems everyone is just tolerating me because they had signed up for this. I know I'm not meant to be complaining, but it feels awful knowing you are just a temporary fixation, everyone is tolerating because of your genes."

"Yeah, it must be fucked up." Saif nodded in agreement and she almost felt like crying in relief because he had understood, "I can't promise you things are going to get any better. You see what Abba did today was only the beginning, he is going to get on your nerves even more and try to reform you or something. Hold your ground, Kimberly. He has no choice but to oblige you because at the end of the day in a fucked up way, they know they are all fucked if you decide not to house their heir."

"Is that optional?"

He didn't miss a beat, "No. But you can make it hard for them. Fight, Kimberly. Refused to be called fucking Diane and kiss my brother's dutiful ass."

She looked away, "Why are you really here, Saif?"

"I'm different Kimberly, just like you."

"No, you are just the black sheep of your family. You are going through a phase." Her reply was Curt, short and vague but she was past Caring.

"Perhaps you are right or you ain't. But either way, I just wanted to make sure you are good." There was an uncomfortable silence between them for a few minutes.

"I just hope you know that this has nothing to do with you not being one of our kind. Tristan was going to get married someday even though you didn't arrive and she would have received the same treatment. It'd nothing to do with you being human. Queen Faye is a darling when she isn't protecting her precious cub from being snatched."

Kimberly shook her head at the ridiculous imagery. She was the one snatched from her family members, she was the one who left her planet, friends behind, the familiarity of her environs to birth a child for some mystic creatures she has never seen all her life and yet she was the one that the Queen was scared of. She was a victim!

"I don't know how to feel about all this information."

"You can think about how you want to feel," she gave him an amused stare, "Or not. You'll always have a choice, Kimberly."

Her voice was a lone whisper, "I don't seem to have lots of them, these days."

He shook his head, "Not anymore."

He stood up and she followed, "Trust me you are going to have so much fun here, I've got a spell or two I could teach you, and__" he leaned in, his mouth on her ear, "I could also unveil my special ability in front of your eyes."

Curiosity piqued, she gaped at him even as he gave her a mischievous grin that was devastatingly gorgeous, and then he left the room, puffing his chest and sauntering intentionally In mimicked heroic steps aiming at making her laugh.

And she did laugh, hard.

He stopped at the door and then turned to give her a wink, then he was closing the door behind him like she had just imagined him, leaving her to the silence of her room.