
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantasía
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89 Chs

You Want A Clean Job?


''Your Highness, he shows faint signs of healing. But he should be alright once the bleeding stops. Don't worry yourself, I promise to do my best and heal His Majesty.''

I sighed with a heavy heart. That is what they have been telling me for the past two weeks now. Nothing has happened. Michael's response to all the first-class treatment he has been given since the time that he was attacked is discouraging.

I had been praying and watching over him...but it felt like we were trying to revive a dying plant. There are no changes to his condition. His bleeding has not stopped and he has not for once regained consciousness.

The sword went deep enough to leave a scar on his spine. He must be in intense pain and discomfort even if he were unconscious. I am not sure how long his body can take all of it.

Why was I such a coward and left him all alone to deal with the attacker in that state? Unfortunately, the attacker was also lucky to slit his throat while I ran to get help.

This wouldn't have been so bad if I should have stayed with him and fought the intruder. That has been what I regretted the most out of all that happened!

I am such a coward. I scolded.

I watched as he lay on the king's bed like dead wood. His eyes were tight with memories of pain and terror. I could never get rid of the scene when we all thought that he was dead and we had plans to bury him, but weirdly enough his heart came to life and he began to bleed excessively.

Words can't describe how happy I was to hear he was still alive again. I just hope to the eye god to shower him with his love and mercy and regain consciousness.

''Can you please put him in a new bandage?''

''Yes, Your Highness.''

''This one is already wet and stained.''

The royal physician nodded, ''As you wish Your Highness.''

''Also...What time would you prepare that concoction you talked about earlier?''

''Soon Your Highness, very soon.''

''Please make it quick and be gentle when you are changing him in a new bandage.''

''As you say, Your Highness--''

''Your Highness!'' Caroline stormed in. She entered the room panting as if she had just seen a ghost on a cornfield.

''What is it?''

''They-they...they've found us the attacker. He is being judged by the royal court right now!''

Really? That was fast.

I kissed Michael on his forehead and promised to come back soon.

''Don't let anyone visit him while I am away. If there are any difficulties, let me know about them as soon as possible."

The royal physician nodded.

It's about time.

Right now, justice is about to be served and I won't miss it for the world.




*Two weeks ago*


''Thirty crowns and I'll do a clean job.''

''Thirty crowns?''

Elys chuckled.

''You must be joking,'' Hazel concluded.

''Look, we are talking about me assassinating a demon king here. I deserve to be paid more than that if you want a clean job.''

''Would you still do it if we give you twenty-five crowns?'' Hazel proposed.

''Then I'll make sure he doesn't die and we would all get caught.''

''In the name of Hades, really?''

''Yeah, even in the name of all the gods in Olympus. I am as serious as hell is real.''

''Darn, it! Well...where do you expect us to get thirty crowns from?''

''You both live in the palace.''

''And we don't get paid just to live in the palace!''

The man in the hoodie shook his head and, ''Thirty crowns to kill a demon king and get a clean job, nothing more,'' Stated in a serious tone.

''What about twenty-seven crowns and I offer you one night of pleasure?''

The assassin chuckled as he leaned forward to face Hazel. ''Look woman, I am an assassin and not a man after those kinds of things you all call sex. The only pleasure I derive from my customers is either their money or taking someone's life for them and not sex. Understood?''

Hazel fisted her palms on the wooden table in anger. Those words had a huge effect on her. It struck a cord of anger and displeasure.

''Twenty-seven crowns or I'll tell this royal magic man here to treat your fuck up.'' Hazel threatened.

The assassin laughed, ''You can't scare me with magic. I also practice occult magic on a small scale, remember? I am also a bonafide member of a very well-known occult group in Andromeda. You want a demon slayed then you would have to pay more for that!''

''Darn it you dirty little porcupine! I will not--''

''It's a deal.''

Both Hazel and the assassin turned to look at Elys in shock and surprise.

''What?'' They both asked.

''It's a deal. Get rid of that demon sitting on the throne for me and I'll add an extra thirty crowns to your pay.''

The mystery assassin smiled at Elys, ''I won't disappoint you.''