
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantasía
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89 Chs

Wishing Well


''Oh my hell, this is bad.'' Mammon groaned.

''Well, why is Lucifer so interested in that boy? There's nothing so special about him. He is just one abominable freak of nature.'' Bephelgor cried out.

''We have to stop him before he tries to do anything stupid.'' Levi sighed with frustration as he paced back and forth.

''He is up to no good,'' Bephelgor concluded.

Levi scratched his head and pulled his hair a lot of times. He is the one who gets nervous and anxious the most.

''I...I don't think Lucifer is interested in Michael. But what Michael can make him accomplish.'' Levi began, ''We all know that the devil is a bad selfish brat that is never interested in anyone but what they can make him do. He is an opportunistic conniving bitch!''

''Levi,'' Asmodeus called, ''You need to calm down here and analyze the problem on the ground with wisdom. Don't you think the only reason the devil is after that boy is what the boy can give him? Anybody who does something for the devil or gives him something in return has first destroyed himself or herself. The devil's victims don't just give the devil what he wants and return home with joy. He uses them after he has already destroyed them.''

Levi released an exasperated groan, which conveyed both his annoyance and frustration.

''Besides, since when did we start caring about the devil's victims, Levi?''

Levi stopped and pondered heavily on the question Asmodeus threw at him. He too was wondering why he seemed to care. What is going on here?

''Let me tell you why we care for this one even if we once pretended not to give a damn about that boy.'' Everywhere became silent as the demon that leans on the wall began his contribution to the matter.

''First of all, we are all secretly angry at Lucifer for the eternal damnation he dragged us all in. We are all waiting for the slightest opportunity to make sure that he stops having his ways around anyone ever again.''

They slowly looked down guiltily. What Beel said was one hundred and one percent true. They are all secretly angry at the devil.

''Secondly, we are all upset that whatever the devil does we would equally have a share in the punishment. Whether we are guilty or not that's the cross we all have to bear. And we are all avoiding another kind of harsher punishment by trying to stop him from doing whatever trouble he is planning to execute with Michael.''

''We don't give a damn about his victims. We are trying to avoid another punishment if the devil succeeds again in his plans.'' Beel concluded and leaned back on his greatest supporter in hell; the wall.

Levi roared in anger as flames of Hellfire erupted from his lips. The other Prince of Hell took cover from his wrath.

They all watched from a distance with pity as he burnt himself again with his fire. It is because that's the only way he can calm the raging fire that is slowly building up in him.

"Not again will I suffer because of his sins," Levi said as the fire wrapped around his demonic flesh like a blanket.





(months later)

''Nowel, I have something to show you. Something you need to know before it is too late.''

I sighed as the air that came out from my lips turned into vapor. The very first snow of the year has fallen and we are gradually embracing winter.

I wrapped the heavy cloak around my shoulders tighter as I followed the devil from behind in the snow. I shivered as the harsh winds made contact with my skin. Even my gloves were freezing and I wondered why in the Hell the child walking in front of me, disguised as the devil was not shaken by the intense weather at all. We kept on walking to an unknown destination regardless of the snow.

After what felt like hours, we ended up standing in front of a brick well, which was partly covered in snow and the middle of the forest. I have never been to this place before in my life.

''Where are we?'' I breathed out.

''The devil's very own wishing well.''

''You have a wishing well?''

''Yes, and this is it. It's been a thousand years since I've brought a human here to make a wish and I'll grant it for them.''

''Why such a long time?''

''Because everybody seems to be so interested in making a deal with the devil than pouring out their wishes in my wishing well.''

''But you are the devil and this is your Well?''

''That's right.'' He smiled.

''Why have we come here?'' I stared inside the deep, empty Well.

''You once wanted to tame that reckless soul, yes?''

I nodded positively.

''It's not that easy to tame a wild being like Michael. To tame him, we need to first get rid of every distraction as much as possible. Once that is done, we would have him in the palm of our hands.''

The palm of our hands? Do I want to control Michael? ''What do you mean by distractions?''

''Lust, enemies, principalities, and those that practice magic are his distractions.''


''Yes. Make a wish Nowel inside this wishing well and let's see who and what are his distractions.''

I hesitated for a moment and thought deeply about what I was about to get myself into.

Am I doing this?

''Do I have a price to pay for using your wishing well?''

''I don't place charges on my well and the people's wishes. When I make deals with them, they pay with their souls. I hold them captive for that.''

Sell their souls? ''Which is preferable?''

''When you make a deal with me, your wishes, desires, and all the lust of life and power will surely come and be delivered to you by my demons. But when you make a wish in my well for free it rarely comes to pass. It's not always the best option. I always give them two choices but they prefer the one that would cost them their soul because of their desperation.

Anybody who makes deals with the devil has himself to be blamed and held accountable. It's their choice. I don't force them. I never do.''

I swallowed as thought about this again. Am I doing this?

''Or...you prefer the one with the deal contract?''

I shook my head. ''I would try the Whishing well.''

He gave me a big smile. ''Go ahead. The well is yours and at your service. You have just three wishes. If you want to go higher then you would have to pay. So use it wisely.''

I held my breath as I faced the well again. I can't believe that I can stoop to this level and be that desperate in front of the whole world.

I breathed out. I have to do this for myself and Michael's sake. He has left me with no other choice than this.