
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantasía
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89 Chs

Teach Me



In my quiet place. Where I let it all out and not be in sight to be judged.

The moon is clear and bright and the darkness around me is thick and void.

My demon rages. It asks me questions that I can't provide an answer to.

What have you done to us?

I don't know.

I felt trapped and suffocated. My mind went a-wire the moment I lay with a foul spirit. My soul hurts and it yells for help.

I stood at the very top of the hill with so much pain.

I went on my knees and drew a bloody line on my face with my claws but the pain it caused me didn't justify the guilt swimming in my chest. I struggled, I fought, I resisted...but it was not enough. It was never enough.

I am finished.

They judge and point their fingers at my face even before they get to know me.

Demon!!!! They would scream and spit on my face and it hurts the humanity in me.

I have heard a lot since the day I came to this world and I have always questioned why. Why was I the combination of both evil and good? A human and a demon. The weak one and the terrifying one.

Why did they choose to accept the terrifying version of me more than the weaker one, the fragile one? The loving one.

I groaned as my heart did a painful twist. I see it written boldly on their faces that I would fall, deep down, and rot in hell and hopefully be consumed by its fires and never be heard of again.

What have I done? My eyes moved in wonder for answers as the wind blew past me. Why do I feel like I have betrayed someone? A tear rolled down my cheeks as I recalled my sin.

A memory of the time I last showed that I was in deep pain was when my mom met death. The people around me frowned and wondered what demons could feel. If demons could humble themselves enough to cry. Instead of being pacified, I was ridiculed.

My people, this abominable freak dares trick us with his false tears. Don't be moved, for their tears are nothing but evil raindrops from eyes clouded with iniquity! 

They cheered.

I bent my head low in shame. I cried that day because I resisted the urge to rip their heads off for their wrongdoing towards me and let the softer side of me, the one that makes me feel like them, look like them take over and show vulnerability.

My mom was right about one thing. The demons out there are more treacherous than the demons down there in hell.

I sniffed. I got up to stand on my two feet.

I am a living testimony to that statement she made. I will never forget her even till death. I will never forget her teachings and wisdom.

Yes, I am part demon that is more human than demonic. Yet the real humans have done nothing but release all hell on me and seek my destruction.

Suddenly, a cold chill traveled down my spine as I felt a presence behind me. The air stilled the moment I came face to face with this familiar entity.

The weird-looking, child-like creature. A promising smile of a fulfilling encounter graced its lips.

''Michael,'' It carried an air of mystery and captivated my imagination with its obscure timbre.

''Why stay with them when you can be with me and have peace?''

I don't know why my heart skipped a beat or why I felt slightly disturbed by how cold the environment was.

''Who...are...you?'' I whispered back and he smiled.

''No one important.'' He replied. What?

''What...do...you...want from me?''

The mysterious child looked up to the sky and stared at it. I was so curious to know what he was looking at that I also turned to look at the sky and I was blinded by lightning.

I immediately looked away with a groan and was surprised that the strange enigma was already staring at me. A soul-burning stare.

''Why did you look up?'' He was angry. The way I also looked up made him angry. But why?

''Because you looked up as well,'' I confessed. He frowned.

''Don't ever look up there when you have me...down here to help you.''

I became more confused at his puzzling words.

''What do you want from me?'' I asked again.

''What do you think you can give me?''

''I...'' don't understand.

He then smiled and became one with the invisible wind. Leaving me standing there to figure out what just happened to me.





''Good evening young sorceress,'' The white wizard greeted. Hazel stopped walking to face the forbidden specimen behind her.

''Excuse me? And...who are you?''

''I am the castle's royal wizard, Elys. You can also call me the white wizard.'' He smiled.

''Okay. Why did you call me a sorceress?''

The white wizard chuckled as he moved closer to Hazel. ''Am I...lying in any way?''

''I..don't know what you're talking about,'' Hazel said and turned to leave.

''Hold it right there Northern witch of the deserts. I am greeting you. No need to be disrespectful.''

Hazel was shocked and confused as to how this wizard was able to discover who she truly was.

''I am the greatest sorcerer in all of Andromeda and its protector against evil eyes. I know magic when I smell one. And you have done a terrible job in hiding that.''

Hazel stiffened as the white wizard turned her around to face him. ''I am one of your kind. The male version. Nice to finally meet you.''

''I don't know...what you are talking about-''

''No need to deny it, young witch. I know what you are. It is very obvious to me that you are not human. Also, you are a terrible liar. There is no such kingdom as Morbid. You are a witch that lives in a miserable cottage with little or nothing to survive on and practices dark magic, isn't it Sophie?''

Hazel sighed in submission. ''Fine. You caught me.'' She removed herself from the white wizard's hold. ''What do you want to keep that old mouth of yours shut forever?''

Elys laughed. ''You are not only a deceiver but a cunning fox as well. I can smell the desperation all over you. What is your goal?''

''And what made you think I could trust you with that?''

''For a reason, I haven't dragged you in front of everyone and blown off your cover, that's why.''

Hazel glared hard at the white wizard with murdering looks.

''I despise the likes of His Majesty. I am here to get rid of him for good.'' Hazel admitted.

''That's nice. Same goal. Why don't we work together?''

Hazel eyed the white wizard and scoffed. ''In your dreams, old hag.''

''We can achieve a lot if we join forces together and destroy that freak of nature for good. And I am just fifty-six by the way. I am not old.''

''Whatever. I don't partner with losers.''

Elys laughed again. ''I once dared to summon the devil.''

''Wow. The greatest achievement in the century.'' Hazel mocked before turning around to leave again.

''You are making a terrible mistake, young sorceress. That is not how you get rid of a demon. You would soon be exposed.''

Hazel stopped with a sigh before facing the white wizard once more. ''It seems like you are an expert in casting out demons and other freaks of nature from the face of the earth. And why am I getting a weird feeling that you would like to show me how it is done.''

''That can't happen if you do not join forces with me, young sorceress.''

Hazel rolled her eyes at how cocky the white wizard is about himself.

''Alright, fine. Teach me how it is done.''

''I promise you, you won't regret it.''