
The Last Demonic Spirit: Pride, Love, Sin

The earth made Man. Hell existed because of monsters, otherwise known as demons. When the two became one, it was a confusing, freak work of nature. * * * He was the last of his kind. She saw things differently and accepted him no matter what. She loved him dearly and protected him like an angel. But how can a being, who stood for both good and evil love back, when love was a stranger to him? Another feeling he was scared to welcome. Pride was his downfall. Loving him continuously was her choice. The devil has his ways. A clash of three titans; pride. love. sin. Who survived was the question left. ******(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)****** (COMPLETED) Cover made by the AMAZING @AnnamitaMuscaria! On wattpad!

Peridot_writes · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
89 Chs

Dance With Trolls?


I woke up and I was grateful for another day. My royal maids helped me to have my bath, dress up, and do my hair the way I always wanted it.

"My princess, your sister Iris has come to see you. Should I send her in?"


"Send her in!"

My little sister walked into my room dressed in a purple gown with matching black shoes. Her little tiara sat on her head and I loved how beautiful she looked with her light brown hair tied neatly in a short ponytail. "Nowel!"

"How are you doing, Iris?" I hugged her.

"Bad. I never get to see you around me anymore." She said sadly.

"What do you mean, Iris? You always have my attention." I said while helping her to sit on my bed.

"No, I don't. You are always busy. Either have a big sugar-free tea time with Illinois or go knight training... There was no one to read me a bedtime story last night, what happened Nowel?"

Oh, that was true. I was supposed to read her a bedtime story yesterday night. How could I forget about that? "There have been things on my mind Iris. And I am so sorry about last night's bedtime story."

"What has been on your mind lately?" She asked with worry in her eyes.

I thought, "Things like why the royal court wants to cancel my knight training."

She gasped, "Really?"

I nodded.


"I don't know," I answered. That question kept me up all night. My father had no problem seeing his daughter attend knight training, even my mom saw it as something to be proud of. Did I offend the royal court that they decided to get back at me, or did they just want a princess that they could control and depend on them for her protection? I saw how that news broke Iris's heart with the way she stared down with a long face. So I came up with an idea to cheer up. "But, guess what?"


Hmm, what could I say to her to lighten her mood? "A ferry once said to my ear last night something about you."

She gasped in disbelief. "A- a-a ferry?"

I bobbed my head reassuringly.

"With pink butterfly wings and pixie dust?"

"Yes. And with a righteous lollipop scepter." I winked.

She gasped again. "Unbelievable. What did she say? What did she say about me?!"

It's working! I plopped down beside her and, "That, you my dear, can do amazing things."

"Like what?" She asked out of breath due to the excitement.

"That you have the power and all the love in your heart to forgive your big sister for not reading you a bedtime story last night."

She giggled. Showing off some of her lost teeth.

"She said that I can do that?"

"Ferries never lie, do they?"

"Of course not!"

And she wrapped her tiny arms around my waist. "I love you Nowel."

"I love you more."





I longed for darkness. I hate it whenever the sun rises to mark another start of the day. A very bright day that overwhelms the darkness and sends it into hiding. I watched as my fellow royal slaves awakened to start delivering their services. Their services are not even appreciated by half of the people that dwell in the palace. Which is so sad.

"Hey," One of them came to me and I pretended like I didn't hear him.

"Hey!" He came closer and kicked me in the leg to get my attention. I then decided to spare the annoying brat a stern look. "Hey, handsome. This is not the time to relax. The Master would be here soon for the assembly and you are not ready."

I looked away as I rested my back more on the pillar in the room.


"Leave him alone Caleb. That's what he has been doing to us ever since he arrived as a royal slave. He does what he likes and under the illusion that he is still in control of himself even as a bought slave."

"But he can get whipped by the Master if he doesn't-"

"It's never your business. After all, it's not you that would get whipped this early morning. It's him. So leave him alone."

Good. Leave me alone. I don't need anyone to tell me what to do. Soon the taskmaster entered, and they all assembled in front of him ready to serve, except me. Everywhere became still when the Persian taskmaster towered above me. But, I paid him no regard.

"Why are you not yet ready for today's task?" He asked calmly, I saw them hold their breaths as the taskmaster brought out a cord of leather which is famously known as the whip. I kept quiet and dared level my eyes with him.

"Answer me, You demon." He spat.

How did he know? That I am a demon or should I make it even clearer, that I have a demon living in me. Which makes me a...I have no idea.

"I am not a demon." I corrected with a glare. I am a man with a demon as a parasite. Which makes me a...I don't know.

"Does it look like I care?" You don't? "Get up right now from this lazy position of yours or you will be whipped one hundred and fifty times before afternoon."

I rolled my eyes. I have felt fire burning my lips before, I have been locked in an attic with no food or water for days and I have been bullied by everyone and forced to drown before. One hundred and fifty whips should be a piece of cake.

"I am not shaken by that," I stated causing his eyes to widen at my boldness.

"You are lucky that today is a holy day, and I do not want to be provoked and tempted by nasty demons like you. Make sure to offer a burnt offering to the eye god for my generosity towards you this morning, or you will have been whipped two hundred times even before you have your first meal. Consider yourself lucky today," He said through clenched teeth. I smiled.

Feeling irritated and disgusted by my action he left my side, barked out some things to the others to get them working till their bodies gave out, and he later stormed out.

I sat back and paid attention to how they tended to their numerous errand at hand. I shook my head at them in pity.

Suddenly, I became very uneasy and tormented by the feeling of being watched. And true to my instincts, someone was watching me from the entrance. I shivered at the silver eyes with a visible speck of red around them fixed on me. Monitoring my every movement.

I swallowed more lumps as those eyes intimidated my very soul. My heartbeat picked up fast. I lost control of my entire being during our staring competition.

His eyes were reduced to slits and a dark aura clouded those orbs. He looks human but does not act like one. A child with long, red hair that adds to his menacing stare. He is always displeased whenever he visits. He appears in my dreams and haunts me physically. He represents this cold malice and jealousy that I can't describe.

He comes wearing this red robe with strange inscriptions of snakes, fire, and a dragon. And see to it that he keeps as much distance from me as possible.

When he was satisfied with his assault, he began to walk away. No matter how many times I tried following him, I always missed him. He is fast and good at just...disappearing and reappearing again whenever he pleases.

This time, I lost him again. He is gone as always and no traces of him are left behind.

I looked left and right, but I couldn't find him. I spent the rest of the day searching...and searching for that boy...but I couldn't find him.

I gave up by nightfall and went back to the slave quarters to relax. I was at rest but my mind wasn't. I continued to guess and try to figure out what that creature was and what it wanted from me.





I twirled around one last time and smiled happily at the length and fullness of my emerald green gown. It was beautiful! And most importantly, it's ladylike. I smiled happily again. This night is going to be the best night ever!

I wore more golden accessories than normal to look more attractive and let three royal maids fix my hair. I wanted it simple but I think my not-so- going- to -be -suitors would like it extravagant and find me even more 'pleasing' if I had pearls on them. So I bought the idea and did as just. It is nice, and it's going to suit my suitors.

We all gathered around the big 65-foot-tall golden statue of the eye god and the ceremony began. There were sacrifices everywhere, each from several kingdoms and nations of the world. To offer to the glorious eye god.

After the short prayer and lots of dedications offered to the eye god, we all resumed to the biggest throne room in the palace to dance, have drinks, and be merry together.

"My lady, can I have a dance with you?" I thought until this prince charming waltzed over to me to ask for a dance. I looked at him from head to toe and he became so nervous. Which was brilliant. I like them nervous upon encounters. It makes their confidence dive out the window and more vulnerable to my devilish plans. I faked a sigh as I placed my drink on a nearby table to turn to him. "Do you...bite?"

He was taken aback by my odd question. "I'm sorry, excuse me?"

"Do you like, bite?" I emphasized what I meant by that, by demonstrating it with my teeth and he flinched back a little.

"Uh...no. I'm sorry, My lady."

"Don't be. It's sad when you feel like dancing with men who bite. I could dance with them all day." I rolled my eyes to prove my point.

"Uhm, what if I told you that I bite? Real hard and satisfying, would you still dance with me?" Adding his meaning to the word and meaning of bite. God, when would this world be free from pervert-ish men like this? A prince for that matter! I sighed.

"So you're more than ready to become an animal that bites just to have a dance with me?" I asked, faking my disbelief.

He too was shocked by what I said and called him. He never expected such an indirect insult from a crown princess who is supposed to be... ladylike.

"Excuse me." He strode off. That was too easy. Nice try Nowel.

So who's going to be my next victim? I turned around and he held onto my hands delicately, as if afraid that if he added too much pressure on it, It would break into a million pieces.

"Hello," I said shyly but not too flirty.

"You look ravishing tonight, My princess."

"And you look too handsome for a charming prince, Mi Lord." He smiled at my compliment. I plan to make this one comfortable around me.

"So, may I have this dance with you, My princess?"

"Sure. Why not?" He smiled with confidence and I drew my hands back to myself immediately, causing his smile to disappear.

"What's wrong, My princess?" He asked, confused as to why I suddenly pulled away from his grasp and looked around as if searching for something.

"My lady?"

I turned back to him. "What's the matter?" He asked worriedly.

"It's my demon lover," I whispered to him just to sound even spooky.


"Haven't you heard the crazy rumors about the crown princess of Andromeda?"

He shook his head.

"It says that I have a demon lover." Run. Scream. Go away! But he didn't do any of such!

"That's just rumors about you, My princess. It isn't true."

I looked around again to make it even more realistic.

"Who are you looking for, My princess?"

"The devil's next of kin. I'm checking to see if he is not close by, so we won't both be in a hell of trouble seeing us dancing together."

He laughed. Thinking it's a joke.

"Lucifer would be very mad at you for dancing with one of his next of kin's lovers, aren't you afraid?" Is he that stupid?

"For you, My princess, I can fight Lucifer to have you."
