
The last Asura Sovereign

Amrit transmigrates to world of Isyethans where he finds himself inhereting legacy of remnant. "Remember, the Heavens are treacherous, so are those hypocrite gods." These words echoed through his soul. What does that mean???

Dot_God · Oriental
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138 Chs

Chapter 52: Escalating Situations III

The Rijal clan had around twenty-four foundation building realm cultivators on the surface, most of them were at the initial stage, and around another ten were hidden so there were about thirty-six foundation building cultivators in the clan. About twenty-five were in the initial stage of the foundation building realm. After Kumari refined the breakthrough pills, four more were added to the clan and twelve were added to the Battle hall secretly. Apart from the twelve, four more broke through during the training with Radha. Just the Battle hall had an addition of sixteen initial foundation building realm cultivators. On the surface, the Rijal clan had a total of twenty-eight foundation building real cultivators but in total the number had doubled and reached fifty-six. Among the fifty-six foundation building realm cultivators, Battle hall gained another four middle-stage foundation building realm cultivators.

These four were at the peak of initial stage and the only foundation building cultivators on the outpost and they had broken through to the middle stage. This was the tacit understanding among the three clans, every clan would send at most four foundation building realm cultivators. With this, the Battle hall became the most powerful faction in the clan. But this was all hidden, the Battle hall members had kept their cultivation realm secret from everyone. After a week even the other members from the Battle hall didn't know the real realm other members had reached. With her hellish training, Radha had produced more than a hundred elite cultivators for the clan. Radha didn't initially want to be the head of Battle hall but when the supreme elders convinced her this would in the long term make Amrit's journey smooth, she agreed readily, and with their support, it became easy.

 Not only the Battle hall but the whole clan had gained strength. Even the auxiliary professions were in a frenzy because of the new inheritance creating the shortage of materials in the clan. The clan had to buy these low-level materials from the city in bulk which then caused the price of raw materials to increase which caused the price of the final product to increase. The whole city was watching this dumbfounded. There was no war at the moment, there were no signs of the beast tide, and no disturbance recently but due to the Rijal clans being in a frenzy, the price had increased. When the clans asked their spies why the Rijal clan was acting in such a manner, the answer they received was that there were more pills in the treasury hall and everyone was breaking through their stages.

The two clans got together for a meeting but they couldn't make heads or tails of the situation. The name of the pills was the same, there were no new pills added to the treasure hall of the Rijal clan. They couldn't intervene because most of these pills were first-grade. Even if the two clans put a sanction on the Rijal clan, they would only delay them for a few days because the materials for most of the first-grade pills were common and available readily. They racked their brains but couldn't do anything. They couldn't just barge into the Rijal clan and ask them not to refine the pills. After discussing for a while they decided to withhold the resources their clan procured for the pills to delay the Rijal clan's development.

 Although it wasn't the best solution, they could at least cause some trouble. This meeting was a week ago. And now the clan met for the second time. This was because they realized the Rijal clan was buying anything they saw. Throw any raw materials for them and the Rijal clan would buy. They had previously withheld the raw materials for first-grade pills but after a week they realized the frenzy of buying from the Rijal clan hadn't subsided. After inquiring from their spies they realized that the clan members were cultivating other auxiliary professions in frenzy too, it was not just the alchemists. They had overlooked this point because the other professions didn't show the results as fast as alchemy. What the two clans didn't know was that even when the supreme elders vetted the formulas and blueprints engraved by Amrit, the remaining ones were better than what the Rijal clan had by many times.

You have to know that the Asura had collected these inheritances for countless years. It was just that there was no way of improving these recipes and formulas as they had reached their peak. You can make many improvements to the complex formulas to make them more simple but there wasn't much left to improve the already simple ones. The two clan leaders Liu Ming and Frideric Visigoth racked their brains but couldn't come to a conclusion. They knew the Rijal clan was gaining strength but it was only improving the lower level and they didn't want to risk their clan's future for that. They had received news about the establishment of Battle hall and around two hundred members going to the outpost in the Bareback mountains but all the two hundred members were in qi sensing realm, there was no violation as the Rijal clan did not encroach on their territory.

They couldn't just step into the Rijal clan's territory and pick up the fight now could they? When added tighter, the two clans had more number of foundation building realm cultivators than that of Rijal clan but the high-end battle prowess of the Rijal clan was greater not to mention the half-stage core formation realm supreme elder. He was the only half-stage core formation realm cultivator in the Lunaris city. If the two clans didn't know the path to the Golden Core Formation realm was cut off for everyone in the city they would have spent all their resources to invite foreign help and destroy the Rijal clan. But now the situation was awkward, the Rijal clan wasn't having much improvement when it came to battle prowess but it wasn't like there was no improvement, most of the members with lower cultivation stages were improving.

 It was like a bone stuck in their throat. They couldn't go all out and fight the Rijal clan and they also couldn't watch the Rijal clan improving daily. The two clan heads even went to their supreme elders but even the supreme elders had no answers. They were going bald from scratching their heads. They couldn't put their foot forward and battle the Rijal clan, put the food backward, and let the Rijal clan develop even more. It just became a stalemate where they would lose eventually.