
The last Asura Sovereign

Amrit transmigrates to world of Isyethans where he finds himself inhereting legacy of remnant. "Remember, the Heavens are treacherous, so are those hypocrite gods." These words echoed through his soul. What does that mean???

Dot_God · Oriental
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138 Chs

Chapter 46: Killing Intent

As Amrit was about to reply, the underground door opened. His grandfather and grandmother appeared. "Why are you a dignified clan leader moping around for breakfast? Do you think we will eat your share?" Keshab asked with a 'what a disappointment you are?' look. It looks like they had heard the whole thing from underground. "Hey hey, this is one of the times in my day I get to relax. And what do you mean by 'Do you think we will eat your share?' It is not the first time you have exactly done that. Don't give me a disappointed look, you are just disappointed that you won't be able to eat more." Punya replied in one breath looking at his father with an 'I know your scheme' look. Looking at the banter between the father-son duo, Kumari didn't know what to do. Although they both hold the highest position in the clan, they are both like kids when alone.

 She sighed and wanted to break the comedy duo when the door underground door opened once again. Radha stepped out of the door. Although she seemed to have cleaned her sweat, her clothes were in disarray and she was still out of breath. There was a large amount of killing intent oozing through her. It looked like she had come straight out of the battlefield. She should have been training in the illusion array, Amrit thought. Although the killing intent was enough to make any initial stage foundation building cultivator not have the strength to raise their head, it had no effect on the three cultivators.

 Surprisingly, Amrit seemed to be doing okay. Although it was only an illusion array, Radha had fought on the battlefield and killed for the whole night. Even without intending to, she was radiating an enormous amount of killing intent. Realizing Amrit was also here Radha hurriedly retracted the killing intent and looked at Amrit with worry. The three other members also looked at Amrit. But to their shock, there seemed to be no changes in Amrit. It looked like he didn't know there was killing intent in the room. Looking at the four shocked faces looking at him, he asked "What happened? Why are you looking at me with shocked faces?" After the four came to their senses, his grandmother spoke "Nothing, are you feeling okay?"

 Confused Amrit asked "Why wouldn't I be? Is there something wrong with me?" It seemed like the killing intent had no effect on Amrit. It seemed his legacy was comprehensive, the four people thought. Not to pry about his legacy, Radha replied "You seemed a bit dazed, is there something on your mind?" Amrit shook his head and answered, "No I have been waiting here for some time so I was a little bored." Amrit himself didn't realize the power contained in that killing intent. Although he saw a large amount of killing intent oozing from his mother's body, there was no effect on him. That's right, others could sense the killing intent but Amrit could see it. Unconsciously Amrit was adapting to the Asura legacy. The Asura clan was born for battle. Thus, battlefield, blood, and killing intent were like their comfort zone.

 So for Amrit, this killing intent was just a soothing breeze. The four elders didn't pursue this matter. All the family members were seated on the table and then Radha brought the container with breakfast in it. She put the plates on the table and brought pancakes, bacon, and omelets from the container. After putting them on the plates she sat down and the family started breakfast. Looking at the simple dishes Radha took a bit but she was surprised. Amrit had never cooked anything in this life. Although it wasn't comparable to spirit chefs, it was delicious. The spirit chef was one of the uncommon and rare auxiliary professions thus the inheritance was either rare or low-grade. They didn't have that inheritance in the Rijal clan and there were only a few restaurants with first-grade spirit chefs in the Lunaris city.

 But the food Amrit cooked although didn't fall into the spirit food category had the essence of spirit chef mixed. With a little bit of practice and inheritance Amrit could become a first-grade spirit chef. This thing Amrit himself didn't know. In his legacy, there were many inheritances for auxiliary professions but he couldn't master them easily. Having knowledge and being able to utilize them in real life is vastly different. Subconsciously Amrit used the chef's inheritance when preparing the breakfast. On Earth, he had made his own food for more than half a decade. And this time he had used a little bit of knowledge from legacy and mixed it with previous experience. The other three members were also shocked. They didn't know Amrit could cook this well. Radha looked at Amrit and asked "Amrit, I didn't know you cooked. The food is delicious." Looking at Radha he replied "I just imitated what you did daily. I didn't know it would turn out to be eatable." Although Amrit feigned modesty, his eyes were smiling after all there is no greater compliment for a chef than his food being delicious.

 He didn't know what auxiliary profession to take. He had thought about delving into array previously but he felt it would take a long time to be an array master. But now eating his own food he realized being a spirit chef wouldn't be that bad. And with the knowledge of array inheritance, although he couldn't place an array he could break them. So he would be an array destroying master and a chef. If he had some free time he would look into wine master inheritance and craft beers. Oh a cold beer and barbecue on a hot day, nothing would beat that. As he was getting sidetracked in his own thoughts, his grandmother looked at him and said "The food is really good. Maybe you have some talent for cooking. You should be a spirit chef. They are rare and are in high demand in the big cities." Amrit looked at his grandmother and replied "I will give it a thought." The family of five then started discussing other things happening in the clan and their progress that night.

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