
The last Asura Sovereign

Amrit transmigrates to world of Isyethans where he finds himself inhereting legacy of remnant. "Remember, the Heavens are treacherous, so are those hypocrite gods." These words echoed through his soul. What does that mean???

Dot_God · Oriental
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56 Chs

Chapter 34: A Week Later

A week had passed since they had begun training. Every day after lunch they sparred for four hours regularly. What surprised Amrit more was that both his parents had reached minor achievement in the spirit halberd technique yesterday. It seemed like his parents were more talented than he had thought. After finding the training room, Amrit had been constantly practicing his techniques alone in the morning and night. He had reached mastery in both the Heavenly halberd technique and the Nine Nether Steps. With his cultivation technique, he could devour the surrounding spiritual energy rapidly and replenish qi in his body. With the second-grade top-tier array, he could train almost without breaks. He would only stop when he felt the burden on his soul. With his strength, he was sure he could kill the average initial-stage Foundation Building cultivators. It was not just defeating but killing.

The mastery of Nine nether steps gave him a huge boost in both the close range movement and long range movement. The power of his cultivation technique was immense in itself, he didn't expect to have such great recovering function, not to mention blood manipulating ability. This was not all there was to his progress.

Yesterday evening, he broke through the twelfth stage of the Qi-sensing realm. Just like the previous time, he was not actively looking for a breakthrough but it just happened when he was training his techniques. After using his cultivation technique for recovering qi, he suddenly broke through to the twelfth stage. This stage was not much different from the eleventh stage, there was almost a fifty percent increase in strength and his qi, body, and soul further sublimed. He felt as if they were becoming one. He had a strong hunch that no first-grade weapons could harm him. Even the top-tier first-grade weapons just left a white line on his skin. His control over his body and muscles had increased significantly. He had a feeling that he would be able to gather power from every single muscle when he reached the thirteenth realm. This characteristic was only available to the cultivators in the higher realm of body cultivation.

Apart from their progress, there was also progress in the clan. Seeing the inheritances in the Skill pavilion, the members of the Rijal clan were in a frenzy. To collect the contribution points, they behaved like they were injected with chicken blood. The fifth elder had finished engraving all the inheritances into legacy stones yesterday. For a whole week, rants of resentment like hungry ghosts were heard throughout the Skill pavilion. Among the rants, there were some curses with the clan leader's name mixed within. No one dared to go to the upper floor and ask what was happening. Only when the rants and curses stopped yesterday did the clan members gather the courage and climb the floors. When they climbed the upper floors, they were stunned but the collection of inheritances. You name it and the inheritance was there somewhere on the floor.

Although the majority of the clan members could not go beyond the third floor, the addition of different types of inheritances was enough to cause waves through the Rijal clan. Even in the first grade, the comprehensive knowledge contained about the auxiliary profession was something two other clans in Lunaris city didn't have. Even if there was only up to first grade, it was enough to build a solid foundation for the auxiliary profession of the clan members. As it was expected more than half of the clan members decided to take auxiliary professions according to their talents. Even those with less talent tried for herb field and beast raising. Although the last two weren't as comprehensive as others, it was enough for them when they discovered that the inheritances continued up to the second grade high tier.

The news quickly reached the ears of clan elders. Then hurriedly they appeared at the Skill pavilion. Those who had sufficient contribution points immediately redeemed them for the inheritances. Those who didn't have enough began to search for the fifth elder and learn a bit about them. But the fifth elder was tired and angry, he just kicked all the elders out of the Skill pavilion and told them to ask the clan leader about it tomorrow. The elders wanted to go to the clan leader's house and ask about inheritances but then they remembered about Radha and began to think rationally. If they went to her house with clan matters, she would beat the shit out of them. It was because this happened before. A few years ago, some elders and deacons were clamoring in front of her house about the decision he made in the hall. She asked them not to make noise in front of their house. But elders being used to power didn't heed her advice. The it happened, she beat all those standing before her in a few moves till they were screaming.

Remembering that incident and the maniac look on Radha's face while beating them, they shuddered. Since the inheritance was already in the Skill pavilion, they could afford to wait for a night before confronting the clan leader tomorrow. The news was leaked that very night. The other two clans Ming and Visigoth had spies in the Rijal clan. They knew about the inheritance right away. All this time, the three clans in Lunaris city were in balance. If the Rijal clan showed even a slight bit of aggressiveness, the two clans would get closer and support each other. Although the Rijal clan was the strongest, they couldn't completely annihilate the other two clans, and similarly, the other two clans together couldn't annihilate the Rijal clan completely. If they attacked each other and some of the clan members escaped, it would create an endless generational war. This had caused a stalemate and strange balance among the clans. There may be some scuffles but it was only limited to that. But the inheritance had the possibility of breaking this stalemate. Even if not now in a few decades, this inheritance will spell doom for the two clans.

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