
The last Asura Sovereign

Amrit transmigrates to world of Isyethans where he finds himself inhereting legacy of remnant. "Remember, the Heavens are treacherous, so are those hypocrite gods." These words echoed through his soul. What does that mean???

Dot_God · Oriental
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56 Chs

Chapter 21: Troublemaker Elders

Thinking about this he just sighs and says "I haven't thought about marriage for now. I don't have any girl I fancy right now but if I found one I will tell you." He wanted to say girls will only slow the speed of drawing my sword but he knew he would walk the path of halberd. He didn't know how to draw a halberd like sword and from where to draw one, he didn't know of scabbard for the halberd. But he was in no hurry in the department of romance. If he finds someone he clicks with instantly like in his previous life, then it would be okay otherwise he would not force it. In this world, almost every female cultivator was good looking almost like models from his previous world, so he was not fixated on appearance.

Who knows what fate has in store for him? Seeing him looking like he had already decided, his grandfather didn't pursue the question. One of the things he had inherited from his mother was her stubbornness aside from her battle talent. Well, the battle cultivator is distinguished in the foundation building realm but few have battle awareness in the Qi sensing realm. It was rare for those without battle awareness in the Qi sensing realm to develop into battle cultivator in the foundation building realm. 

After this conversation, his grandfather didn't know other things to talk about. When they last met he was only eleven years and at that time although he pretended to be an adult, he was still a child at heart. But now looking at him his grandfather saw a trace of maturity in him. His eyes looked like they were shouldering the weight of the whole world. Even Amrit didn't know his eyes looked like that, it wasn't because he was mature and responsible but because of his inheritance. He has been through millenniums within a day. In his heart, he was still that irresponsible youth from the Earth. His grandfather knew how hard it must have been to get those inheritances. Just the martial technique would create a bloody war through Lunaris city. But he knew better to ask him about it.

 He looked at his grandson with doting eyes and said "All right stay with us here for a few days. We have time in our hands to contemplate the inheritances you have given us before going into closed-door cultivation. By the time I am out, I will probably break through and become a third grade array master. But before that, I will strengthen the arrays in our clan and put a top tier second grade spirit gathering array in this courtyard, so you will benefit much more than outside. And you can come visit us anytime."

Hearing this Amrit didn't deny and nodded at his grandfather. He knew his clan would enter a busy period and this courtyard would be the best place for cultivating peacefully. And he would get even more time to spend with his grandparents. Although he didn't show it in his face he missed his grandparents very much. He understood they had the responsibility to protect the clan and had to isolate themselves to find a way for that. Living in isolation and cultivating in the end, it was all for the clan. His grandfather then began to ask him about these three years how he had been, whether there were any changes in the clan, and so on. He replied to his grandfather about most of the things he had heard. He was not much of an extrovert and usually focused on cultivation and training. This was also why he was ahead of his peers. Although this personality was not suitable for a clan leader, this was the world of cultivation, if he had enough strength, there would be no need for formalities.

The grandfather-son duo were chatting as the evening fell quietly and this somewhat unfamiliar situation between them vanished and went to what it was three years ago. They were talking about various topics gossiping about clan members and his grandfather telling about how mischievous the clan elders were when they were young. He was surprised to find out how the now composed and serious clan elders were troublemakers in the day. They were talking about when one of the elders Krishn when asked to deliver a spirit meal, started to taste a little bit on the way. When he reached halfway little by little his tasting took out almost half of the meal. When he almost reached the delivery place it was almost finished. Embarrassed, he ran out after delivering an empty pot and after a moment he got diarrhea because the spirit energy was too strong for him to digest. He was almost fifteen at that time. Hearing this Amrit laughed loudly not expecting a proud elder to have such a past. It wasn't just about one elder his grandfather exposed all the embarrassing moments of all other elders.

As they were chatting and giggling, his grandmother came from the kitchen bringing a bronze-colored pot. She placed the pot which looked like her alchemy furnace in the middle of the table. Other alchemists treated their alchemy cauldron like half of their life but his grandmother didn't think much about it. To her it was all about priority, her grandson came first on that list. As she removed the lid of the cauldron, a tantalizing aroma wafted through the air. Instantly Amrit knew the aroma. He just looked at the cauldron in a daze as memories flashed back. On Earth and in this world this was his grandmother's signature dish – pudding. Every time he visited her she always made him milk pudding. He didn't know what she added but it was always heavenly. He knew there was milk, cornstarch, rice, and little sugar but he didn't know the full recipe. When he asked she just smiled and said "One day I will tell you when I won't be able to cook." Over the time his taste for food changed but his grandmother's milk pudding always remained his favorite. Waking up from a daze he looked at his grandmother and said "Thank you, grandmother." No more words were needed to be said. This was always his favorite and comfort food. His grandmother smiled and said, "Alright let's eat it hot."

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