
The last Asura Sovereign

Amrit transmigrates to world of Isyethans where he finds himself inhereting legacy of remnant. "Remember, the Heavens are treacherous, so are those hypocrite gods." These words echoed through his soul. What does that mean???

Dot_God · Oriental
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56 Chs

Chapter 16: Soul Nourishing pill

They were so excited that they forgot about Amrit who was perspiring heavily. Amrit watched as his family members exuded excitement and anticipation, completely forgetting about the toll the engraving process had taken on him. He sat there, his body covered in sweat, feeling drained and ignored. His gaze flickered from his jubilant grandfather to his beaming father and intrigued grandmother. As his father and grandfather delved deeper into the intricacies of the array inheritance, discussing potential applications and modifications that could be made to enhance its power, Amrit's mind wandered to other inheritances which were little bit unorthodox. If he engraved them into jade slip, will they think the inheritance was demonic. Although not requiring human sacrifices, some of the blood related inheritances were quite sinister. He was afraid if they were averse to the inheritances, then his cultivation technique which was more or less related to blood would be seen as demonic. Still, he just sat there perspiring for few minutes when his grandmother took notice of his state. She was initially panicked and then remembered that engraving into jade slips while at Qi sensing realm took quite a toll on body. She procured a jade bottle from her storage ring and popped off the lid.

Suddenly a soothing aroma capable of calming spirit wafted around the room. When the aroma reached his father's and grandfather's nose, they were awakened from their reprieve and looked around the room. Seeing pill bottle in his grandmother's hand and looking at Amrit's state, they instantly understood and started to get embarrassed. They had forgotten about Amrit's wellbeing when they were lost in daze about clan's future. His grandmother handed him a small round pill size of marble, it was round and jade white, pure and unblemished. He reached the pill and swallowed. Seeing this his father and grandfather were shocked, not because he swallowed the pill but because of the pill itself. It was second grade mid-tier soul nourishing pill. One of the rare and difficult to concoct pill. Forget about it's second grade, even the first grade pill related to soul was expensive and rare then average second grade pill. The pill Amrit swallowed was probably most precious and expensive pill in Rijal clan. The main herbs and auxiliary herbs combined took almost decade to found for Rijal clan. It didn't just nourish the soul, it heals most of the damaged caused to soul and improves soul strength. Even his grandfather didn't get one. This was probably only bottle of soul nourishing pill, meaning there are only three pills remaining in the clan.

When the pill touched his tongue, it instantly dissolved and warm currents began to move toward his head. The exhaustion suddenly disappeared, few of the warm currents went towards his body and the violet specks in his soul increased dyeing almost ninety percent of his soul in violet. When a White soul realm cultivator has about thirty percent o his soul dyed in violet, they can break through Foundation Building realm equivalent Violet Soul realm. But Amrit even with his ninety percent of his soul dyed in purple felt that it was not his limit and he wouldn't be able to breakthrough. Seeing his soul covered in violet he knew the pill he just consumed was beyond precious. Although he knows the names of pill, how to concoct them and the herbs as well as the steps required to concoct them, he wasn't able to concoct a simplest pill. But judging from the function, he estimated it was second grade pill related to soul which means it was precious in any place. Although he knows the pill formula of soul nourishing pill, there were few similar pills with exact function in his inheritance, some orthodox and some unorthodox. Checking his soul once more and finding nothing strange, he opens his eyes. Immediately his grandmother asked "How are you feeling? Did you hurt your spirit?" Looking at his grandmother he smiled and said "Thankyou grandmother, with your pill I am fully restored, in fact my soul has become much stronger."

Hearing him reply she shied in relief and said "As long as you are okay." His father looked at him and said "That was soul nourishing pill, rare in our clan. Only your grandmother has it." So the name was soul nourishing pill, remembering the herbs required to concoct he became aware how difficult it was to procure for small clan like theirs. Looking at his grandmother with gratitude he said "I will engrave alchemy inheritance first, it is a little unorthodox so grandmother should be prepared." Instead of being excited she just asked with concern "Are you sure you can engrave another inheritance? We can always do that tomorrow." He just smiled and said "I had a breakthrough in soul realm so there should be no problem to engrave other inheritances too." After hearing this his grandparents and father just nodded. He picked up a jade slip and put it in his forehead. Although his soul was almost violet, he hadn't unlocked divine sense so he had to engrave through forehead. After ten minutes much faster than previous, he removed the jade slip from his forehead and handed it to his grandmother.

His grandmother received the jade slip and began to examine it with her divine sense. When she looked inside the jade slip, seeing so many pill formulas, she was overwhelmed and carefully sensing there were no less than hundred top tier second grade pill formulas she was dumbfounded. It was exact mirror of his grandfather's expression. When she was checking the pill formulas and their functions her brows furrowed a little. It was because some of the pills were unorthodox, borderline demonic. And almost half of the inheritance was related to blood and shadow attunement. It wasn't that there were no pill formulas related to blood and shadow elements in orthodox factions, but most of it was frowned upon. But she was already prepared and after looking at the formulas carefully she found out no mention of human sacrifice. She sighed a breath of relief, as long as it was not related to human sacrifice, no orthodox faction would trouble them. Suddenly she saw one pill formula and nearly jumped with happiness.

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