
The last Asura Sovereign

Amrit transmigrates to world of Isyethans where he finds himself inhereting legacy of remnant. "Remember, the Heavens are treacherous, so are those hypocrite gods." These words echoed through his soul. What does that mean???

Dot_God · Oriental
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56 Chs

Chapter 12: The Clan Leader’s Decision

 Hearing this his father spoke "There were no assassin left at the place you told us about. We found trace of aura left but that's it. It was severed by someone skilled so we couldn't trace it to anywhere. And no there was no indication that two families were behind it. We have left spies there in case anything turns up. About the elders you don't have to worry, they calmed down eventually and we discussed some strategy for when we have to go to war with them."

Amrit listened intently to his father's report, the pieces of the puzzle slowly starting to connect in his mind. The absence of assassins and the severed aura hinted at a skilled individual covering their tracks, adding a layer of mystery to the situation. The fact that there was no evidence pointing towards the two families involved was both a relief and a concern. It meant that the true orchestrator of events remained hidden, their motives unknown. Amrit absorbed his father's words, the weight of the situation pressing down on him even more heavily. The thought of probability of war with two other families sent a chill down his spine. His father's word indicated that they may start war with other families if needed be or if opportunity arises. But he knew he had to focus on what he had to share.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he finally spoke, "Father, there is something I need to tell you about the encounters in forest. There were not only assassins in the forest. I also got an opportunity for the clan." Although he can trust his father with his life, he still decided to reveal only few parts. When they become stronger they will gradually realize and at that time he will probably be powerful enough to hold the fort down by himself. Amrit's father listened attentively, his gaze unwavering as he took in his son's words. The mention of an opportunity for the clan piqued his interest, and he leaned forward slightly, silently urging Amrit to continue. Amrit took a deep breath, steadying himself before revealing the extent of what had transpired in the forest. He spoke of the ancient well and some of the opportunities he got. He told his father about the inheritance of top second grade Array, Alchemy, Beast Taming and Herb field.

As he spoke, his father's expression shifted from curiosity to a mix of astonishment and gravity. The weight of such a revelation settled heavily between them, the implications far-reaching and profound. His father remained silent for a moment after Amrit finished speaking, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions - pride in his son's fortune, concern for the dangers it presented, and determination to safeguard their clan's future. If it was true, then the knowledge could potentially shift the balance of strength in their clan's favor. It was to be noted that the highest auxiliary inheritance they had was of second grade high tier. Amrit had unlocked inheritance for realm equal to low grade Golden Core Formation realm but giving the clan knowledge of third tier auxiliary profession at once would not do them any favor but could harm them instead.

Amrit's father exhaled slowly, the gravity of the situation settling heavily upon his shoulders. He understood the magnitude of what his son had just disclosed - the power and potential that lay within their grasp, but also the dangers and responsibilities that accompanied it. As the Clan Leader, he bore the weight of ensuring the safety and prosperity of their people, a task that made him grow some white hair early.

With a measured voice, he finally spoke, "Amrit, what you have shared is both a blessing and a burden for our clan. The knowledge and abilities you have inherited hold great promise for our future, but they also attract envy and threats from those who would seek to exploit such power. Forget about Foundation Building family, even those at Golden Core Formation family will be after us if the news was leaked. After all the inheritances for auxiliary professions are just too rare." His words hung heavy in the air, underscoring the precarious position they now found themselves in. Amrit nodded solemnly, understanding the implications of his inheritance more than ever before. The path ahead was fraught with challenges and uncertainties. Taking a deep breath, Amrit met his father's gaze with a steely resolve. "I understand, father. But I am helpless, I cannot do this alone. I will need the guidance and support of our elders and the strength of our people if I want to make progress." His father's eyes softened with pride and understanding at Amrit's words, reflecting the unwavering determination mirrored in his son's eyes. " I understand. But you have to know that you are not alone, Amrit. You are the young master of the clan. It is not just about responsibilities but it also comes with certain perks. Let's go meet your grandparents and discuss about it. Even I cannot make the decision alone for such matters."

Saying this Punya deactivated the isolation formation. Even small formations were spirit stone burning machines so unless necessary it was better to deactivate them. When in deactivated mode, the natural spiritual energy present around the formation is enough to maintain it so it doesn't disintegrate. Except for the spiritual energy gathering array that covers the whole of Rijal clan and some formations like warning formations all around the clan and some protection formations for important places in clan were activated all the time. Although the spiritual gathering array was massive and consumed a lot of spiritual stones, it increased the concentration of natural spirit energy in the clan by almost two times than outside. It is high level second grade formation, one of the foundation of Rijal clan, the highest grade in whole of Lunaris city. It is also because of his grandfather who is the only second tier high grade array master in Lunaris city, the Rijal clan had it easy. Even the simple mundane formations were incredibly efficient.

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