
The Last Assassins

Creed2020_ · Otras
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20 Chs

Chapter 6 Major Disagreement

After Saku was shot he began feeling a bit odd, " I feel weird, really weird !" He told creed. What kind of bullets did they use he thought, Creed took his knife " this is going to hurt" and started to dig the bullet out. After what seemed like forever he pulled a small fragment out of Saku's arm this is not a bullet Creed thought. " Saku this looks like a yeti bullet!" He told him, Saku looked at him " A what?" He said. " We may have to either cut your arm off or cut a hole around the bullet entry." Saku sat up real quick " the hell you will!" He snapped, " look you may not give a damn about my arms or limbs, but I do so if want to cut any part of my body off your going to have to do it when I'm dead!" He continued. Creed got up flaring his nostrils and clenching his fist, "he wants to snap at me when I'm trying to help" he says to himself as he walks off to try to calm down. Saku puts his hand on the wound closes his eyes and thinks heal the hole, heal the hole, please heal the hole. Sounds of ice crackling sizzle across his arm, he winced in pain and a few moments later he moves his hand and the hole had been frozen over and closed. Saku gets up walks to Creed " I don't give a damn if you don't give a crap about me, even if I am a special case, but you will not cut anything off of me you hear me CREED!" He yelled. Creed turned around fist balled up swung his arm around and punched Saku in the side of the mouth, he fell to the ground puts his hand on the side of his face " And you need to learn that others are not always out to get you. I never said that you were a special case I took you in under my wing to help you grow. And if I didn't give a crap about you then why did I save you from dying." He snapped back while he was getting back up. Saku lunged himself at Creed caught him off guard tackled him to the ground and punched him back. " Calm yourself Saku!" Creed said, with anger in his eyes he swung again Creed moved his head he punched the ground. The spot around where his fist hit froze, " why are you angry at me? All I did was try to help you." he told Saku. Creed instincts kicked in Saku throws another punch, Creed moves and grabs his arm wrapped his leg around the arm, and lifted up. " Son of a..... Ow" Saku said as his arm was pushed up at the elbow almost snapping, Saku forced his arm to get ice cold and Creed let go. He spun around, jumped to his feet, and threw another punch at Creed. His arm went up and Saku's fist hit his blade gauntlet as Creed came around and clocked him in the side of the jaw. He stumbled backward snapped his jaw back into place " what are you trying to do kill me?" He asked Creed, he looked at him " no I'm trying to knock some sense into you" he replied. Saku was fighting out of the emotion that had got him cast out of his old crew, he ran at Creed only to get tripped and fell on his face." As long as you keep fighting in this anger you will not land another punch." He told Saku, " I want you to die Creed!" He yelled. Creed taken back by what he just said and got upset,  he ran at Saku and he threw a punch at Creed, he bent back a little just missing the swing came up with an uppercut. The punch caught him right at the ribcage he brought the other hand around and hit him in the face again, while his other fist went for the stomach and he was off hit after hit in the stomach. Saku couldn't do anything as he was getting hit until he threw his elbow into Creed's shoulder forcing the hits to stop for the moment. He doubled over trying to catch his breath, spit to the ground and noticed the blood in the spit " ok, ok, Creed stops ok I'd rather not die today, look I don't know what got into me all I know is that I may have to just stay out here in the wilderness to recollect my thoughts." He said as Creed looked at him he could tell he was being serious,  " it started when I told you about your arm." As he looks at his arm where the hole used to be, " I don't know how but I think I might have healed myself. Why did you look at me all weird when you got the bullet fragment out?" He asked Creed. He looked at Saku and said" that was no ordinary bullet Saku, I don't know what it was I've never seen anything like this before" he picks up the bullet fragment and handed it to Saku. What in the hell... wait Saku thought, " I've seen something like this before it should have been the last one ever made from the Nord people in the Iceland's!" He told Creed. " It's called demon ice. Once infused with a materialized object it will turn anyone evil or destroy someone." Saku continued. 

As Creed listened why would anyone want to make something like that he thought " Is there any more of these that you may know of?" He asked

Saku shook his head " I'm not sure, they might have." As they began walking off Creed slapped Saku in the back of the head " try to fight me again and I'll do worse." He said. Saku shrugged and nodded as they started walking back to the chapel, the trip back took longer than expected. From getting away from wild animals to finding dead decaying bodies from a battle, and looting them.