
9. the rescue


Chapter 12

Garrison mansion in the living room on the dining table;

Azula auntie: I think this family reunion need to be memorable for us. we most take picture;

Garrison: I thought yesterday, you say you are coming with your husband?

Garrison sister: that was the plan but things change and he couldn't come!

Azula mother: we should eat before the food get cold,

Garrison sister: Azula I thought you say your boyfriend will be on the dinner?

Azula: I don't know why he is not yet here. and arch walk from upstairs and sit beside Azula and say; I'm sorry for late!

Garrison: is ok; I'm glad you make it; now let eat and garrison open his plate!

Santiago parents house.

Santiago arrive and pack his car and walk inside the living room while his parents are having dinner;

Santiago mother: you come on time; have your seat and let have dinner.

Santiago: I'm full mum and he went upstairs

Santiago father: I guess God made mistake for giving us only one child; that is why he behave like that! And his wife say; I think he is changing his attitude towards us!

Garrison mansion in Mabel room.

Mabel laying on her bed and Azula enter and sit on the bed, and say; Mabel what is wrong? Are you facing any trouble in your life!

Mabel: what? No there's no any trouble in my life: everything is ok;

Azula held Mabel hand and say; you are my sister I love you all; if there's anything ever bothering you, don't hesitate to tell me; even if you want to buy something I can help you!

Mabel: thank you. I know you all. mum and everyone in this house care about me; I assure you guys that I'm ok!

Mabel: I know you are quiet tape; but you can feel free talking to us; we are your family! And Mabel say ok! And Azula phone ring!

Azula answer the call and say; hey Erica, wassup?

Erica: 📞 can we meet in noble restaurant?

Azula:📞 ok, I will be there the next 30 minutes; and Erica say; ok meet you there!

Azula: Mabel, I have to meet Erica in noble restaurant; let talk later and Azula stand up and went out.

Few minutes later in noble restaurant. Azula get down from her car and walk inside the restaurant;

Erica: hey Azula welcome and they give each other light hug and Azula sit; and Erica ask the waiter to serve Azula!

Minutes later; Azula and Erica stand beside Azula car and Azula say let go inside if you don't want people to listen to the conversation and Erica say ok and they enter Azula car;

Erica: your brother's life is in danger. You love your brother, that is why, he is the one arch enemies choose to attack after they fail to get your angelic soul!

Azula: why would anyone want to have my soul?

Erica: in the rules of heavens, if an angel have angelic soul as his helper; they will become more powerful than other angels! That is why angel of death want to have your soul!

Azula: how did you know all that; and Erica say; that doesn't matter! what matters is to convince your brother not to return back to school this week; he should wait for some weeks!

Azula: are you an angel too and Erica say nope; I'm not!

The next day in garrison company. In Garrison office!

Arrio sit in chair in the office while thinking about Erica; and flash back the first day he meet Erica on they're door step!

Azula knock on the office door and Arrio say come in; and Azula enter!

Arrio: Azula. what bring you here?

Azula: can't I check on my brother again; and Arrio say; is not like that; this is unsual of you!

Azula: when are you going back to school? and Arrio say; I'm not going to school; this month; Erica say I shouldn't go!

Arrio: do Erica have boyfriend?

Azula: I don't know; I haven't ask her. But why do you ask? is there something you are not telling me?

Arrio: nothing. I'm just wondering; because she is old enough to have one!

Minutes later Azula and Arrio is going somewhere with car and the car broke on the middle of the road;

Arrio drive to the side of the road and pack and they get down from the car; and Arrio open the hood;

As arrio is trying to find the problem and Three people with super powers arrive; while flame of fire circle they're bodies and Arrio grab Azula hand! While the three guys are walking towards them! And arch arrive in front of Azula and Arrio!

Arch: what do you want from them? And the Three guys stop and the fire on they body fade and they become normal humans; and one say; arch you are weak you can't fight me!

Arch: I know diyan. you are powerful than me; but when you try to hurt my woman; I don't mind use all my powers, to protect her!

Diyan laugh and flame of fire circle his body again; and his voice turn deep and ask arch to step out of his way!

Arrio: you cannot have her or her brother; unless you pass through me and diyan rush to arch in super speed, and punch arch few meters away;

Diyan grab Azula hand and arch teleport into Azula and diyan middle and punch diyan too few meters away.

Arch held Azula and say; are ok before Azula could open her mouth and diyan punch arch away and use his powers draw arch back again! And punch him last one and arch fly meters away towards the sky; and return and fall on the ground and blood start dripping from his mouth!

Diyan walk towards Azula while arch try to stand up but he can't! And Arrio draw Azula backwards; and diyan say; give me way!

Arrio: you can't have her; and diyan get angry and flame of fire circle his body again and stretch his hand to grab Arrio neck and a voice say; I advise you not to touch him! And Arrio and Azula turn backwards and saw Erica in all white dropped from the sky!

Erica step on the ground and the earth shake and she swipe her hand and sent the two boys with Diyan thousand of meters away on the sky!

Diyan bow down while begging Erica to spear his life didn't mean to hurt Arrio and Erica say; get lost and diyan teleport from the earth!

Erica walk to arch and touch him and arch stand up as nothing has happen to him