
The Land of the Free

Destrominator · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Dead by Daylight

The next day, Hasir hid under the blanket while Xia began. to get ready. Xia walked back in to get changed and Hasir had the blanket pulled over his entire body.

"Aren't you gonna get up?" She asked him.

"Do not speak to me in such a way you dirty devil!" Hasir cries.


"I know the truth. Behind that fucking mask of yours, you are a demon that feeds off of innocent boys. You fucking devil. Stay back you witch!" Hasir cried out with tears balled up in his eyes.

"Oh please, was it really that bad?" Xia asked.

"Was it really that bad. Was really that bad? Mother fucker! There are bite marks on my arms and there's a bite mark on my fucking jugular you tried to fucking kill me! My entire neck is miscolored because of you."

"Okay, I got a little carried away but I still made you come didn't I?" Xia asked.

"Yes you did but that's because you fucked me. It fucking hurts when you bite bro. I suggest to die down a bit on the aggression and focus on making sure both you and your partner are having a good time. Okay? okay good. I'm gonna head out after I get ready." Hasir told her as he got up. He got dressed and was about to leave when Xia came running at him and hugged him from behind.

"Be careful." She told him.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Hasir then left and Xia waved him goodbye on the porch. She then stops and drops her hand and head. She goes back into the house and has a breakdown. She sits on the floor and begins to scratch at her head. She clenches her hair and begins to cry.

"There he goes again. Leaving me all alone. I barely get to see my friends because of work now. I have no one to be with. Why can't you just stay?" Xia then sat there for what felt like an eternity. She felt empty without Hasir. He was the thing that filled her heart and the thing that kept her from going insane. Whether he motivated her or because he was there for her, she didn't know what to do now. She never really knew. She was alone once again. A helpless little puppy in search of their owner.

Hasir felt the device rumble in his pocket and so he took it out. He checked it out and saw the emotions that Xia was feeling. He felt bad but he couldn't go back now, especially when he had something to do. Hasir walked for days and finally made it back to Fredrickson. The leviathan was killed but the city was still in partial ruin. It didn't matter to him though, his business was underground and not on the surface. He walked into an alleyway and opened a door that led to the basement of a building. He descended the stairs and finally made it to the basement. Inside was a light hanging from the ceiling with a couch and a plant under it. The walls were made of brick while the floor was concrete. Hasir heard a toilet flush and from the other side of the room was a door. A man then opened the door. He was the admiral working for the witch killers.

"Long time no see." He said to Hasir.

"Yes. I have something to show you my guy." Hasir told him.

"What is it." He asked.

"First of all, what's your name?" Hasir asked.

"Oh, my name is Brayden." He told Hasir.

"Okay, well, there have been some disturbances out in the Caspian sea that may be a danger to us." Hasir told him.

"What's out there?" Brayden asked.

"It's like a rig of something. It's not mining oil or mining anything actually, but there have been tons of government officials going in and out of there."

"And would this affect us?" Brayden asked.

"You have a family correct?" Hasir asked for confirmation.

"Yes, they're right above us actually."

"Okay well, if anyone finds out what is going on in there, all hell will break loose. But get this, do you know who is trying to uncover what's inside there?" Hasir asked.


"The mother fucking Kataeb Fascist party!" Hasir told him as he slammed his fist down.

"The fucking Kataeb? Fuck..."

"I know right. These people really believe that one race is superior to all other races which is pretty fucked up." Hasir comments.

"Aye, I may be a witch killer, but I ain't racist. You know what I'm saying?" Brayden asked.

"Yeah. Okay well, the leader of the party is Islam Nurmagomedov. If we can kill that man, we can take out the rest of the party. As you know, I have relations with the royal knights so if we band together, we can save this continent." Hasir told him.

"Okay, wait, haven't there been multiple instances where Kataeb party members were trying to infiltrate government buildings and confiscate files?" Brayden asked.

"Yeah, that's been going on for 5 years now, well, that's what I read at least." Hasir told him.

"Fuck, we need to get on this."

"Yeah, contact everyone you know. Tell them that we are meeting at the Caspian sea's northern face on July 16." Hasir told him as he left the building. By that point, he could kind of run so he did. He 'ran' as fast as he could to the boot of the continent, the country of Yun. After a few hours of running he made it to the border. He entered the country and immediately something was off. The air was dead and there was no noise. He knew where the Kataeb hideout was but wasn't sure if he could enter without confrontation. He eventually made it to the hideout which was guarded by hundreds of wizards and knights. When he approached, he was stopped and a light was shunned on him.

"Who are you and what is your purpose of being here?" A man from a watchtower asked.

"I will not give you my name but I will state my reason for coming here. I'd like to speak to Islam Nurmagomedov." Hasir told them. A few people whispered to each other and eventually the gates were opened up. Two knights escorted him in and finally, he met the leader of the Kataeb party.

"So, why did you want to speak to me?" Islam asked him. He was a tall man with a massive beard on his jaw. His hair was purple with grey discoloration and he had dim purple eyes. He wore a black suit with an untied dress shirt and he had a gun on his lap. Hasir then began swearing.

"Sir, the Diloprian government and Witch Hunters guild are planning to attack you. But they won't if you meet them at the northern face of the Caspian sea. You will engage in battle but trust me, you have the advantage in terms of numbers but they have more powerful men. I know that you are the head of a fascist organization but listen."

"I'm listening." Islam said as he nodded his head and leaned in closer.

"They know that you guys are searching for a way to destroy every other race. But they also want to know what's inside of the Caspian sea's rig. There has been history with your organization and the rig am I correct?"

"Yes, we have been trying to infiltrate that facility for about half a decade now." Islam confirmed.

"Well, there's a way that you can get the files that you want. In the battle, I can sneak in and infiltrate the facility while everyone else is fighting."

"How do we know we should trust you?" Islam asked.

"Well, I am half Yun." Hasir told them.

"Okay, but how did you find out your information?" Islam asked him.

"I spoke personally with a witch killer and a royal knight. They have agreed to meet with you and fight in order to get what they believe is theirs but what you believe is yours. So, what do you say? Will you accept it?" Islam thought for a second and finally came up with a response.

"Fine, well fight. But you better get us those files. When is this again?" Islam asked.

"July 16th sir."

"You may go." Islam dismissed him. Hasir left the hideout and began heading back to Dilopro to see Xia. After a few more days of walking, he made it back and saw that Xia was just sitting on her porch. Hasir slowly walked up to her and then she looked up when she noticed his shadow. Excitement filled her eyes and she jumped up and hugged him.

"Oh my god! You're here!" She said happily.

"Yeah, well, I have something to tell you." Hasir told her.

"What is it?" Xia asked.

"I have contacted the witch killer group-"

"You what! What are you trying to do?" Xia cried out.

"No no, I contacted them and told them that the Kataeb party is going to meet them at the northern face of the Caspian sea on july 16th. But they also agreed to work with the Diloprian government to stop the Kataeb Fascist party. So what do you say?"

"How does doing this help you in any way?" Xia asked.

"Well, I get something personal but it also helps the government because there is one less threat they have to worry about. So will you please contact the king and tell him about this?" Hair begged for her to do so.

"Okay fine, but you better not leave again."

"Ok won't." Hasir promised.

A few days passed and it was now the night of July 16th. There was an overwhelming number of royal knights and wizards along with Witch killers on one side protecting the rig. Then an equal amount of Kataeb members showed up along with Islam who was in the front of the army.

"Where is that boy that gathered us?" Islam asked the king who stood in front of his army along with Brayden.

"Do you mean Hasir? He's not here right now." Brayden told him. Islam's eyes widened and he tilted his head like he was thinking of something. After a few seconds, he stopped and shook his head.

"Well, forget about him. He promised to get us what's inside so it's none of our business where he is." Islam declared.

"He what? You must be mistaken, he called us to help the continent and prevent you guys from messing everything up." Brayden told them.

"So he did? That little tricky bastard. Well we're here now. This battle will be legendary!" Islam cried out as his forces charged the royal knights and witch killers. The battle was intense and many casualties occurred on both sides. But the ones who suffered the most were the Kataeb. Their people were slaughtered in the battle and their blood rained down on the soil. The shore was tainted with blood and the soil contaminated. Bodies littered the ground as a hopeless Islam knelt in the center of the bloodshed.

"C'mon, kill me!" He cried out.

"As you wish!" The king yelled but Hasir interrupted him.

"Nope. I'm gonna do it." He walked up to Islam and knelt down to face him.

"You wanna know my name?" Hasir asked him.

"Sure, what's your name boy?" Islam asked as he gasped for air.

"I go by Hasir Ayad. But my birth name is Hasir Nurmagomedov." Hasir stood back up and slowly stepped back with his arms flared out and smiling.

"Son, is it really you?" Islam asked.

"Yes it is, but don't think I forgot about how you sold me off so easily." The crowd stood in silence from what they just heard.

"Why'd you do this? What did you possibly achieve from this?" Islam asked him.

"It was a demonstration. Not just for you, but the entire world because I know this is being transcribed by someone right now. It's a message to people like you who threaten my people's peace that this is for. Now, let me get rid of you like you got rid of me." Hasir pulled out his gun and pressed it up against his head but shot his thigh instead. His right then his left thigh. He shot him on both of his shoulders. He then made a bullet graze his bullet from the side so that he wouldn't breath. Then finally a point blank shot to the head. Hasir stood up with his hands up and the gun swinging from one finger. He dropped the gun and started walking away.

"Wait, where are you going?" Brayden asked him.

"Home." Hasir told him as he disappeared in the fog. The sun came up and Hasir was gone. Islam's body dropped to the ground, Hasir made sure that he was dead by daylight.