
The land of the dead

toji · Ciencia y ficción
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3 Chs

The drive


"What the hell..." he thought as he stared out the window. woman came running up to the front door. She began banging on the door while screaming, "Open the door! Open the door please!! " The terror in this woman's voice was unbelievable. He stared at her through the window for a bit while she kept banging on the door. He began to get on edge. The lady would not give up. Then a creature came up, running behind the woman and tackled her to the ground. His eyes widened. He was frozen in terror. He watched this creature tare this woman limb from limb before he snapped out of it. He ran back down the hallway, locked the bedroom door behind him, and shook his boyfriend awake. "Get up! Get up now! " His boyfriend shoved him off and gave him a weird look. He was half awake, "What is it? I'm tired as hell. " Ace had this look of complete fear on his face. He stuttered over his words, "W-we need to go! I-I know it sounds impossible, but there was this thing.. this lady! She tried to ask for help, but I didn't open the door.. t-this thing hurt her, killed her! " His boyfriend looked at him as if he was crazy and said, "You probably had a bad dream, babe." There was a second pause before his expression changed from fear to anger, "Listen to me!! We need to fucking go. You either come with me or I'm leaving you. I love you, but you are being stupid. It wasn't a nightmare! I'm not fucking crazy and no, it has nothing to do with me being off my damn meds! Look out the window and then fucking tell me. " He got up. He looked in his boyfriend's closet, finding a big backpack. He opened his bags and started shoving all he thought he needed in. He got properly dressed as his boyfriend looked out the window. It wasn't a lie, "W-what're you doing? It's probably safer here!" Ace's reaction time to what he had said was like something snapped in him. He stared at him. Are you blind? Look at the dead girl in front of your damn door!! " His boyfriend seemed shocked, "I-.." "No! I don't have time for this, for your stupidity when it comes to urgent things like this. " He finished packing, put his backpack on and walked toward the door, his boyfriend running over and grabbing his hand, "D-Don't leave.. stay with me! You'll be safer that way! " This irked Ace. He shoved his hand away. Listen to me, actually fucking listen. You are not convincing me to stay in this fucking house with you. I'm not going to stay and watch you shit your pants in a damn corner when I could be trying to actually do something. His boyfriend stayed silent and just sat on the bed. Ace left. He went down the hallway and into the kitchen, packing some food and a weapon, a knife. He grabbed it tight and walked toward the front door. He looked out the peep hole, his heart racing. He opened the door once he saw the coast was clear. He walked out the door. He tried not to look down toward the grim scene in front of the door. He took a deep breath before continuing on. He ducked down behind a couple of bushes. He looked around. It was silent now, way too silent. He got up and started walking. He looked around. He was paranoid. He walked faster, he was shaking. He thought to himself, -"You need to calm down."-


Gio would be driving past the lab again, showing off his big success to Kaden. "It was way too easy.. fun nonetheless." Kaden shook his head. He was in the back seat of the car, looking out the window. Gio would take a quick left. He was going pretty fast, not really caring much. "So.. where are we going?" Or gon na do it. " Kaden would lie down in the back, staring up at the ceiling. You always mentioned something like this, but I never thought you were serious. I mean, even since we were kids, you always talked about this sort of crap. It was always a sort of obsession ever since you joined me at the group home. " Gio kind of stayed silent for a while, biting the inside of his lip, his hands tightly gripped on the steering wheel. "I meant it, every single time I said it, even as a joke. I just needed to try hard enough and guess what?! I did it. " He gripped the steering wheel tighter as he just kept driving down a lonely road in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. The car ride was silent for a little while longer until Kaden spoke up "what's the plan?" Gio would keep driving "look out the window, you might get the idea.."