
The land of new beginning

Setting himself adrift amidst his escape our protagonist wakes up on a beach, his only possessions being what he took from his organization. the land he has arrived on doesn't appear on maps. Follow along as he explores this new place and meets all kinds of odd monsters.

Shimbleton · Fantasía
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12 Chs


"You intend to go alone?" asked Flare in shock.

"I do." answered Suri causing the two to look at each other before turning towards Suri.

"We'll go with you..." stated Ari with Flare nodding.

"Not necessary, if I go with you he might see me as an enemy as well." scoffed Suri causing the two to bristle at the statement.

"Suri, we will come with you in case he tries anyways." stated Flare.

"Consider it our way of beginning to make amends." added Ari hoping to maintain this alliance as truth be told she was leading the weakest factions besides the slimes.

"Suit yourself, in the meantime I will have Frankie gather some gifts to make a fair impression. Tell me have you informed the Dwarves of their monarch's demise." asked Suri causing Flare to nod.

"Yes, the oldest daughter has taken temporary hold of the throne. She is heading this way now to meet with us, I am unsure how she will react to our bringing her father's killer gifts...." explained Flare.

"If she disagrees then she can damn herself, now tell me did you notice anything peculiar about him." asked Suri as she wanted to know if they also felt his physical prowess was bizarre.

"Yes, actually now that you mention it... he was able to move faster than I was capable of reacting and he was actually able to penetrate the scales of my warriors with ease." noted Flare as she looked to Suri for an answer.

"I believe the source is his sword, that deathly aura I saw was coming almost entirely from the sword itself rather than the person." explained Suri causing Flare and Ari to look at her with shocked looks.

"Then if we separated him from his sword we could fight him easily?" asked Flare with Ari looking just as interested.

"Perhaps but this is only a theory, I say this because he acted as if I was crazy when I explained curses and demonic smiths to him. In fact he almost took my head." answered Suri holding her neck as she remembered the incident.

"Wait, so you think it's a cursed weapon? How old is it?" asked Ari with greed in her eyes.

"At least a few centuries." nodded Suri confidently.


Hours had passed while the trio discussed what they knew until the new Monarch of the dwarves arrived.

"So what is the plan to deal with my father's killer" asked the female Dwarf getting straight to the point.

"We are going to speak with him soon, you may participate if you wish but we will not be held responsible if you try to make matters into your own hands." stated Suri causing the Dwarf to scoff.

"I was talking to them Corpse Queen." started the small woman until she found herself losing breath and cold feeling crawling through her body.

"It would be best that you remember who you are speaking to otherwise I will not be kind." stated Suri lowering her hand allowing the little woman to breath and the cold to dissipate.

"Now before this child interrupted we were discussing tactics." continued Suri.

The Dwarf Monarch was sweating profusely holding her neck as she looked at Suri in fright, she had spoken as such because her father didn't seem to hold the woman in high regard but it didn't seem her father was truthful on the matter.

"If the opportunity presents itself then we try to separate him from the sword, in which case we take him out but unless that opportunity presents itself then we will merely speak and reach an understanding. Our end goal is to not be enemies if possible." stated Flare causing the Dwarf woman to look at the trio in outrage.

"And what about avenging my father!" demanded the woman angrily.

"He was given the option to leave just like us, he wasted his chance." stated Ari with a shrug causing the Dwarf woman to grab her maul threateningly.

"Suri I believe it would be best to leave this one here, she is too emotional. It would jeopardize our our goal." sighed Flare causing the Dwarf woman growl.

"Don't treat me like a child, I am a faction leader too." started the girl only for Suri to look at her, the Corpse Queen's grey hair and mismatched eyes looking enchanting in the sunset light.

"If you wish to be treated like an adult then act like one, we were all given an option to leave with our lives just as Ari stated. If your father valued his life more he would be here instead of you but he isn't which means he didn't. Now cool your head and stop thinking of personal motives and broaden yourself to what's best for your people, I highly doubt they could bear to lose two Monarchs within 24 hours." stated Suri causing the girl to grit her teeth but ultimately she calmed down and stowed her weapon.

"Now Frankie has been kind enough to put together a few things that may interest this person, we will leave shortly. Flare if you don't mind carrying Eliza then I will carry Ari" explained Suri gesturing towards the Dwarf woman.

"Yeah I'll take her, when do we leave?" asked Flare as she wished to speak more in depth with this person as she calmed down.


Back at the cave the youth was eating with gusto once again, the dragon flesh was beyond his wildest expectations. It was more like bacon than bacon and his eyes seemed to light up with every bite, it was he ate that he regretted dumping the other bodies. He would have smoked them for dry storage if he had known previously.

As he ate he tossed the bones to the side, not even sparing the head of the fallen Dragon warrior. After he finished he pat his engorged belly as he sighed, perhaps he should find more of the creatures in the future.

As he thought this his ears perked a bit as he heard the beating of wings against the wind and soon after the sounds of footsteps.

"Seems they won't learn." stated the youth as he stood up grabbing his sword.

------------ Cave entrance--------

"Alright his fire is still going so he should still be awake, lets try and approach carefully and sincerely. Make no aggressive moves." stated Suri as they neared the entrance only to find their target standing their hand on his sword already.

"I dislike when my generosity is taken for granted." stated the youth as he began to unsheathe the blade.

"Wait, wait, wait. We are not here to fight, we simply wish to speak." stated Suri quickly causing the Youth to stare at Flare and Ari along with Eliza.

"Funny that you would bring those who have already attacked me to my door." answered the youth.

"We bring gifts." interrupted Ari holding up a basket of sorts.

The youth stared at the petite Goblin who cautiously approached before placing the basket on the ground and stepping back, never taking her eyes off the youth.

"What do you want." asked the youth

"For starters how about introductions." asked Suri.

"Draig." answered the youth as he let his blade slide back into its sheath much to relief of those present.

"I am the leader of the Immortal Tomb, Suri, the Corpse Queen." bowed Suri keeping her eyes focused on the blade.

"Matriarch of the Red Dragons, Flare." introduced Flare

"Goblin Queen Ari." bowed Ari doing a clumsy curtsy.

"Monarch of the Dwarves, Eliza." introduced Eliza curtly.

"Well then we are introduced, now why have you sought me out." asked Draig as he walked towards the basket.

"We wish to negotiate a ceasefire of sorts, if possible become allies. Though I must ask what sort of monster are you wield a cursed blade so effortlessly." explained Suri.

"That nonsense again, this sword is not cursed." started Draig only to be interrupted.

"I know it may seem that way but you have no way of knowing the origin of that sword." started Suri causing Draig to laugh.

"I can assure you I know it's origin, as for what kind of monster? I am human though my victims may think otherwise." chuckled the silent killer.

"H-Human!?! How did you get past the Ice wall." asked Suri in shock, her expression was mirrored by the other three but for different reasons.

"Don't joke, humans are just a myth." spoke Flare with a huff.

"We say the same about you, goblins, elves, dragons, zombies. These are all things of make believe where I come from." responded Draig as he took off his face mask to reveal handsome features despite a small scar under his left eye.

The group was stunned.

"Do you mind if sit inside and discuss things, it seems there is much more to be said than initially planned." sighed Suri, she was the oldest among these faction leaders thus she knew a bit more than the others.

"Very well." stated Draig as he picked up the basket and went inside.