
The Lamp and the Mirror

Amara is a human who finds a magic mirror where fairytales like show white and beauty and the beast have already happened and the evil queen is back for revenge Amara is destined to stop them but can she or will love and family get in the way

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11 Chs

Chapters 10

I woke up lying in my bed at home. I was at home! I walked outside of my room looking to see if anyone was there. When I walked into the living room I saw my two friends from school Sarah and Noah. "Thank god! You're awake!" Sarah exclaimed, getting up to hug me, I dodged the hug. "We found you unconscious on the floor. We almost thought you were dead" Noah added. "But how did you get in? I swear I locked the door when I came in" I told them. "The door was unlocked. We figured we would go anyway since you invited us" Sarah told me. "I-I never invited you over, what are you talking about?" I asked. "I guess you forgot or something you invited us at lunch, remember?" Noah continued "You said 'So my parents and siblings won't be at my house tonight wanna come over'" "No i didn't my parents told me not to invite anyone over so why would I-" I stopped myself. "Oh! I get it! It's all a dream, The mirror, The fairytale world and now this wow!" I told myself "right you guys are still here." "Amara are you okay? Did you hit your head or something?" Sarah asked me with a concerned look on her face. "Yeah I'm fine this is all a dream after all!" I told them. They looked at each other and both had concerned looks on their faces. "Why don't we get you some food, common Noah" Sarah dragged Noah out of the room and into the kitchen. "Wait a second if this is all a dream then what about the mirror maybe this is real and it wasn't a dream!" I told myself. I went into the study and grabbed my bag which I had left on the desk. I dug through the bag taking everything out. The mirror was gone! "It's gone! Where could it be?" I asked myself "I must be in the fairytale world wait! The apple! This is a dream but that wasn't i'm just in a continuous sleep in the fairytale world. And now thanks to my foolishness the whole world will suffer to the Evil Queen!" I continued "Maybe I can find a way to wake up and save everyone before it's too late! I have to try!" I searched through all my books, fairy tales, fiction and everything I had but I couldn't find anything. When I decided to give up I saw another book one that I hadn't checked yet. It was one of the original retellings of Snow White "Well it's worth a shot!" I told myself starting to flip through the pages of the book. When I was nearing the end off the book i found it! "Yes! I can't believe I didn't think of this before! True loves kiss!" Before I could do anything it all went blank.

I gasped. I was lying on a cold hard stone floor. Celena, Kai and Gemstone were sitting near me. "I'm so sorry I don't know why i did that" I apologize "It wasn't your fault the Evil Queen used her magic to hypnotize you, we're just glad you're alive" Gemstone continued "We could hear you when you were talking so…" "You…" I trailed off before Celena could tell "I did" Gemstone told me. I hugged her and whispered in her ear "thank you" I raised my voice "now we need a plan!" Kai spoke up "I don't think so were in a cell, see?" He pointed to the bars "I have just the solution don't worry" I took a hair pin out of my hair and started to pick the lock while whispering just enough for Gemstone, Kai and Celena to hear "Once I get the lock, Gemstone you'll come with me, Kai and Celena you guys will need to knock out the guards then catch up with me" They all nodded. Finally! I got the lock! We all rushed out Celena knocked out most of the guard but Kai managed to get one while Me and Gemstone got out of the jail as soon as we could rush up the stairs. "What's your plan now?" Gemstone asked "I have a plan but I can't be sure if the Evil Queen is watching or not so i'm just going to keep it to myself" I told her. As soon as the others caught up my plan was ready to take action. As we entered the throne room guards stopped us. I looked at Celena giving her a glance trying to tell her she should fight off the guards which she did. After all the guards were down we were able to reach the Evil Queen "You again huh? You're stronger than I thought, but a kiss from you girlfriend won't be able to defeat me, it's pointless!" She bagged "Not exactly, Gemstone for m second wish I wish for all of the Evil Queen's damage to be repaired" I told Gemstone "As you wish" She snapped her fingers and purple sparkles ent everywhere bringing back the king and queen and turning the Evil Queen into much a much younger more beautiful person It was Rayna not the Evil Queen! "I'm so sorry" She told us "I never meant for this to happen you see when I had just married the king I was making a special lotion for my skin and then I accidentally put something in it that made me go crazy had no control over my actions I'm so sorry" I bent down and helped her up "It's okay what's more important is that your back now" Everyone cheered. It was over the Evil Queen was defeated and everything has been restored.