
The lake

We didn't know what we were getting ourselves into until they came. It was the last day of senior year, to celebrate our last day of high school, the students are going to throw an end of the school year party down by the town lake. There are rumors that our town lake in haunted, but we didn't believe it until this night.

    I didn't want to go to the party for my fear of the lake. My best friend, Sophie, wants to go to the end of the year party, but knowing her, she wouldn't give up until she got her way, so I just went along not trying to put up a fight. At 5, we headed over towards the lake showing up early, so we could get the best food there was before the football team showed up. People were just arriving, when we saw them coming out from the lake.

    From the distance someone shouted, "Come here!" That's when Sophie followed the mysterious voice. I tried to stop her from heading towards it, but it was too late, she was already possessed by the voice. I followed her as she headed for the dock, hiding near an abandoned ship. I had just managed to get a good view of the voice, when I was spotted peeking from the ship. 

    Knowing I couldn't run, I faced my fear of the lake and headed for Sophie. I asked why she was here, when she told me that she seeked revenge for her sisters that were drowned years ago. I asked what she wanted for her to leave, she said she would go if she had someone to go with her. I knew I couldn't let her take Sophie, so I went with her. Or so she tought.