
The Lady of Stone

Lizbeth, a young survivalist, dies in a landslide. For her it was like falling asleep and when she wakes up she finds that she has become a rock and has an annoying system in her head. She now has to figure out how to move around and then figure out the workings of this world. Follow her on her journey to becoming The Lady of Stone. Part of the Chaos Incarnate series. Credits to SorynStudios (a fellow webnovel author) for making the cover and credits to the artist who created the drawing.

Lobski · Fantasía
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48 Chs

Wolf tastes like wolf

I looked at the corpse of the light wolf, unable to think. It's body looked like it had been attacked by a swarm of hungry beasts, crushed as if by a bear. A golden substance flowed out of it's countless wounds and gave a metallic scent to the air. Its legs were positioned at unnatural angles and its eyes were nothing more than empty, blood-soaked holes.

"Have I done this?" I couldn't help but speak out loud, trying to calm myself down. If I could, I would've puked, or run away screaming but now, I just lay there. The acidic scent of piss and the metallic scent of blood gave the air a scent of decay.

'Eat it, it'll make you stronger.'

I moved the rocks on instinct, not thinking, just watching. It's not that I hadn't killed before, my supplies had once run out when I was climbing a mountain and I had sustained myself on the climb down with small critters and a lone wolf until I got back down.

It's just that I hadn't expected how I killed this one, nor had I needed to kill it in the first place, something that was necessary the previous times, then it had been kill or die, now, I had done it because I was angry.

I had uses the surrounding rocks to push the body close enough that I could chew.

I ate his body with a small sliver of respect, I knew it wouldn't make up for me killing a living creature without reason but at least it won't have died in vain.

{Light wolf (Omega) assimilated,

Quality: High

You have commited a great sin in the eyes of the god of light, Aurelion, any creature that serves him will automatically feel more hostile towards you and if the god were to ever meet you, he would destroy you.

Warning: You have consumed a diluted form of ichor, the blood of gods, although this is beneficial for your future growth, gods can smell it on you and will immediately have a higher hostility towards you. Drinking Pure Ichor will not trigger the hostility.

Abilities gained: Curse of Light Lvl. 1, Light affinity Lvl. 1, Blessing of //error// (information not yet available), 2 IP (Ichor points)}

Show me what they do Dee. I tried to stay as calm as possible, drowning out my emotions. I had gotten used to doing this when surviving, sometimes emotions are what make you make mistakes.

{Curse of Light

Rarity: Rare (Curse)

A rare curse, given by the God of Light when someone desecrates a holy creature. Makes any creature affiliated with Aurelion immediately want to kill you.}

{Light affinity lvl. 1

Rarity: Very Rare

You have affinity to the light element, the lowest form of both the Holy and the Life elements.}

{Blessing of //error//

Rarity: //error//


I didn't really react. I was surprisingly empty. I thought I'd be more disgusted with myself but in the end I just don't really feel anything.

At least I knew what the curse did and I wasn't really afraid, I mean, I was still just a rock.

Ppen status, I haven't looked at it since getting Gluttony.

{Opening user profile

User: Lizbeth Johnson

Sex: Female

Race: Sandstone

Level: 0

Stats: Showing most relevant

STR: 20 --> 50

STA: 30 --> 50


Refinement Lvl. MAX (conditions for advanced skill not met), Death Affinity, Earth Affinity Lvl. 1, Mana Sight Lvl. 1, Earth Manipulation Lvl. 1, Mana Manipulation Lvl. 1, Gluttony, Light affinity Lvl. 1

Congratulations, you've unlocked the Curses and Blessing subsystem!!!

Curses and Blessings:

Curse of Light Lvl. 1, Blessing of //error//}

Well, I have too many skills.

'Actually, this is about the amount of skills a normal person has when they are born in this world, most of your slots were taken by Death Affinity.'

Really so most people start out with 8 skills? Wait, I haven't looked at both Gluttony and Death


Rarity: Sin

A skill only given to those who have commitedthe sin of Gluttony. Has multiple active effects.

1. Perfect Assimilation.

2. Energy from the foods you eat won't be stored in the form of fat.

3. Allows you to have an endless appetite.

4. Allows you to taste Magic.}

Great, two of those effects are useless with my body.

{Death Affinity

Rarity: Myth

An affinity with death itself, allowing the owner to transcend death. This skill is the highest evolved form of shadow magic, the opposite of shimmer magic, the lowest form of life magic. Once you get the spellcasting skill, knowledge of all spells leading to the death element and all spells of the death element will be put in your mind.}

Ok, that's actually usefull.

I need to find a way to move around, I can't eat anymore of the rocks and I would probably need to level to get a better body.

It was kind of like Pokémon, I tried the one thing I could think of, I used earth manipulation.

And ... nothing happened. I guessed this woukd happen, it would've been to easy. Ok, time to get to work.

I started changing the shapes of the rocks around me.

I was creating a suit of rock, I wasn't an engineer so it took a whike for me to figure out how I was going to do it But I figured it out.

I consisted of two orbs that went around me, one missed a little bit of it's side so the one the most inside me. Then I made very long eyeholes to make sure I could see at all time.

My suit was finally ready and I tried to move around, it worked, although it chaffed me and was really annoying.

I started walking into the forest that surrounded me, off to find something to kill.

The forest was pretty dark so I had difficulty seeing, it really was an annoying thing.

Suddenly a glowing creature jumped out, it looked like a small bear and had a white fur, without hesitation, it attacked.

I think I'll jist upload sometimes, when I fell like it, a stock of 5 is good to upload three times a week but I still want that 10 for just once a week, i know, I'm terrible sometimes.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!


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