
The Lady of Stone

Lizbeth, a young survivalist, dies in a landslide. For her it was like falling asleep and when she wakes up she finds that she has become a rock and has an annoying system in her head. She now has to figure out how to move around and then figure out the workings of this world. Follow her on her journey to becoming The Lady of Stone. Part of the Chaos Incarnate series. Credits to SorynStudios (a fellow webnovel author) for making the cover and credits to the artist who created the drawing.

Lobski · Fantasía
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48 Chs


So, because the hiatus has been going on for a while, I feel it's time to give an update. No, I do not know when TLoS will restart but I do know that it'll be a while.

I'm mentally not fine, so I need to sort out my problems before I can really get myself to write again.

Just know that I want to keep writing this novel but that I just can't seem to get to it right now.

I hope you understand, although if you don't and want to start yelling at me to go back to writing you can honestly just go fuck yourself