
The Lady of Stone

Lizbeth, a young survivalist, dies in a landslide. For her it was like falling asleep and when she wakes up she finds that she has become a rock and has an annoying system in her head. She now has to figure out how to move around and then figure out the workings of this world. Follow her on her journey to becoming The Lady of Stone. Part of the Chaos Incarnate series. Credits to SorynStudios (a fellow webnovel author) for making the cover and credits to the artist who created the drawing.

Lobski · Fantasía
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48 Chs

The turner

Sang took it and started tinkering. The turner looked like a ball at first. When it's top was pressed, it opened up and looked almost like a lotus flower.

The way it worked was that you dropped your blood into the center and it would activate magic that would then turn you into a Lycan.

Sang chanted something and the center moved upward revealing a vial filled with golden dust.

Val looked at it in confusion. "What's that?"

"Blood of the original vampire, your blood and a few other compononents turned into a magic crystal, crushed into this golden dust.

The reason the turner turn you into demons that can turn into wolves is because you are a descendant of the original werewolves.

They were Lower demons, so I tried to find a way to turned you into a full demon while also giving you the powers of a vampire.

Now, I'm going to need your blood, Markus' blood and a bit of magic filtered through Liz's core."

We all gave her what she asked, resulting in a shining red liquid. She also added a bit of her own blood to it and some of the golden dust.

"When I was creating the turner, I tested it on monsters first, I found a way to turn monsters into greater demons after mixing my blood and your blood with magic filtered through a magic core.

I used the blood of the original vampire in the final product because my blood was of a lower quality."

"Isn't what you're doing considered forbidden magic?" Markus asked.

"Oh please, forbidden magic is only forbidden because people fear it's potential. This is ritualistic magic, the purest of all forms of magic.

Other types of magic go against the laws of nature, they demand no real price. They could be considered abominations to the laws of this world. The only reason they exist is because of some fool who made a deal with a daemon.

Ritualistic magic is fair, it demands something of equal value in exchange."

"Then what are you going to give in exchange for changing them. Are you going to sacrifice countless people like yoou did for me?"

I looked at Val in surprise, it seemed that the history surrounding her creation was pretty dark.

"I don't need to, this city is filled with the dead, I have no need to stain my hands when another has done it for me. Now let me concentrate.

Avèk lanmò vini pouvwa, ak pouvwa vini lanmò. Sa a sik kontinuèl te egziste depi nan konmansman an epi yo dwe rete jouk nan fen an. ban mwen pouvwa sa a pou chanje monstr sa yo, kite yo fèt yon lòt fwa tankou mwatye elve."

Power flooded the vial she had use to mix all the materials. The mixture turned into a crystal, blue in color and shining with power. More than half an hour had passed since she had started doing whatever she was doing and Lupo and Bearry were growing weaker and weaker, even Allaster was suffering.

We still hadn't heard from Nagi and Markus got worried enough that he went looking for him. The Lycans still hadn't returned but Val had felt a few of them dying.

"This crystal is too powerfull to be entirely safe but we'll have to risk it sine we don't have enough time to grind it to dust."

Sang started scratching out symbols on the inside of the flower leaves and carving down new ones in their places.

Then, she took Bearry's paw, held it over the turner and made a small cut causing his blood to flow into the center.

The blood in the center of the turner started boiling, shining in a blue light. I could tell to the bond that Bearry was in great pain. Suddenly a flash of blue light enveloped him and standing in his place was a man.

Before any of us could even process, Sang cleaned up the blood in the turner, held Lupo's paw over it and the process repeated itself. Then, she did the same for Allaser, who, although he was filled with death mana was still not Tier III and could thus not survive the Death mana around us.

Now that I could finally get a good look at them, I took in the changes. Bearry had had the most interesting change, his feet still retained his claws but he now had proper hands. His long and fluffy tail had shortened a bit and he had a human shaped body that was extremely muscular.

For some reason, when I looked at him, I could feel an instinctive sense of fear, although that quickly went away. his face was both human and not human. It was flat but he still had a nose of the same shape as when he was an animal, he had both human ears and animal ones. His eyes were interesting, one of them was distinctly human and the other was distinctly animal.

Lupo had become a furry, his head was that of a wolf with human eyes, his body was covered in fur, keeping the same colours, and his hands were human-like with claws on them. His feet were still wolf feet althugh they had been made a bit larger to make walking on two legs easier.

Allaster was the one who had changed the most, his body reminded me of the owl beast in the owl house. When Sang looked at him, she shook her head.

"I should've accounted for the fact that he was an undead. Oh well, it's not that bad at least."

He had started turning more and more into an animal form of Hell, the norse goddess, not the place, one side was a mess of dead flesh and bones while the other was a beautifull black fur, hiis form was a bit hunched but save for the fact that when he stood on all fours he came face to face with me, he seemed alright.

Sang turned to Bearry and Lupo. "Ok, you two are now artificial Greater Demons, don't let this be know to anyone, people have been trying to accomplish this since the demons were born and if they find out someone succeeded you don't wanna see the consequences.

You'll have to learn what conditions will make you want to change. Even though you are not forced to change and it doesn't give you more strength, the temptation to turn is always there during certain conditions. You, on the other hand, Allaster, will have to learn how to change between your normal fox form and your massive form. You may not be an official demon but you can still shift, so learn how to do it fast lest you scare somebody to death."

After this explenation, Nagi, Markus and a group of Lycans arrived. "We've found her, we've found Diana."