
The Lady of Stone

Lizbeth, a young survivalist, dies in a landslide. For her it was like falling asleep and when she wakes up she finds that she has become a rock and has an annoying system in her head. She now has to figure out how to move around and then figure out the workings of this world. Follow her on her journey to becoming The Lady of Stone. Part of the Chaos Incarnate series. Credits to SorynStudios (a fellow webnovel author) for making the cover and credits to the artist who created the drawing.

Lobski · Fantasía
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48 Chs


The tiny bear was ready to pounce, it looked at me with menacing eyes.

It jumped towards me and it ... went straight over me?

I looked to where it jumped and saw that it pounced a squirrel, ripping it to shreds after having killed it.

Blood and fur was thrown in the air, spatter hit my stone armour. I saw that the blood was ichor and that the small bear didn't seen that interested in it so when it left I drank what I could.

{1 IP acquired, total IP: 3}

It tasted like shit, Ichor really isn't something you want to drink.

I started exploring the forest around me and found a small pond, a few fish were swimming in it. They looked like Kois, white shining Kois.

This forest seemed to only have creatures affiliated with the light element, just my luck.

I started eating the pebbles near the pond, it seemed that they had been infused with the light of the pond.

And I was right, in a sense.

{Light Spirit stone assimilated,

Quality: High

Congratulations, you have pissed of Aurelion even more by eating one of his precious spirit stones.

Curse of Light has gained one level

Light Affinity has gained one level.}

Oh shit, that's not good, oh well, I probably can't piss him off that much more.

I controlled a few of the rocks and killed one of the Koi in the pond. It reminded me of playing a Nuzlocke, one of the earliest ways you would grind are the weak Pokémon like Magikarp or Rattata.

I pushed it to the shore and ate the fish, it, of course, also had ichor, because why wouldn't you ruin the perfectly good taste of fish with garbage.

In the end I gained 2 more IP, I still didnzt really know what it did but I hoped I would find out soon.

{Congratulations you killed a Holy Koi

A Holy Koi is the symbol of peace in all religions in this world, killing one is akin to saying that you spit on that peace

Rewards: 1 guaranteed level up, a corpse}

{Holy Koi assimilated


Aurelion has started to ignore you for now, trying to calm himself down.}

Ok, that's just sad, why is he so angry at a tiny little rock.

{You have gained 35 experience}

{You have leveled up twice. You can now evolve.}

I waited for anything else to appear, but nope, nothing happened.


'Always so loud, you need to open your status screen, do you want me to open your status screen.'

I tried to nod, it didn't work. I keep forgetting I'm a rock, I should remember that, it's usefull.

Yes, please, open the status menu.

{Opening user profile

User: Lizbeth Johnson

Sex: Female


Level: 5

Stats: Showing All

STR: 50



CON: 100

RES: 40

INT: 20

WI: 20

STA: 50


Refinement Lvl. MAX (conditions for advanced skill not met), Death Affinity, Earth Affinity Lvl. 8, Mana Sight Lvl. 2, Earth Manipulation Lvl. 5, Mana Manipulation Lvl. 3, Gluttony, Light affinity Lvl. 2

Curses and Blessings:

Curse of Light Lvl. 2, Blessing of //error//}

I want to evolve please.

{Activating evolution subsystem


Loading options


1. Lesser Golem: The weakest variant of the golem race, known for it's pretty weak rock body and it's low Earth Affinity.

(Future evolutions: Low)

2. Clay: A different path, allows you to mold your body into different shapes making you a pseudo shapshifter.

(Future evolutions: Mid)

3. Refined Sandstone: A stronger type of Sandstone, able to take more damage, and have a higher Affinity to Earth. It's potential to evolve is still undecided.

(Future evolutions: Unknown)}

Well, I don't think this is a hard choice, I want to become a refined Sandstone.

{Option chosen, initializing evolution ...

Ichor detected ...

Unique skill creation detected ...

Would you like to make the unique skill Stone Armour?}

{Yes / No}

Uhm, yes I guess?

{How many IP would you like to invest in unique skill Stone Armour?}

I guess all of it, nothing else I can make with it right now.

{Creating unique skill, due to the base being created by user: Lizbeth Johnson, the unique skill will be evolvable.

Due to the creator of the base and the creator of the unique skill being the same, unique skill will be easily evolvable.

Due to the skill being used by a being of the earth and it being an earth skill, the skill will be easily evolvable.

Initializing ... good luck.}

With that, I fell into my first evolution slumber.

I woke up in my old body, well, calling it a body is a stretch, it was more of an incoporeal form.

I was floating around in that place again, where I came after I died. I saw the one who took me away and another, they were so close and yet, they seemed so far away.

I could hear their voices, like a muted television. They were talking about something, it seemed important. That's when they noticed me.

"You shouldn't be here. It's not time yet for you to die again." It was the man who took me that said that. His voice was like a choir, only all the people were screaming in agony instead of singing.

The other man spoke. "Use my blessing well, little lady, you'll need it for what's to come."

Then he mumbled something about that damn system being annoying, I couldn't hear it that well because I was slipping away again.

That man, I guess he would be the one that blessed me, had a voice that was full of mischief, the mischief was meant to hide the sorrow that you could hear.

They both seemed so lost, like they were looking for something. I understood that they were both gods, mostly because of the blessing, making me wonder even more why they sounded like that.

Gods had all the answers right? At least that's what I thought at the time.

I would soon find out why that wasn't the case.