
The Knightess Wants Take a Revenge

Rowena was almost killed after being caught wanting to kill the Crown Prince of the Sunverro Kingdom in the war. But after seeing Rowena's abilities, the crown prince decided to make Rowena his knight and help him win the boring war. Rowena also agreed to become a knight of the crown prince. That made Rowena the world's first female knight. Follow Rowena's adventure, revenge and love story!

Seorina · Fantasía
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51 Chs


Time goes by very fast. It was now the third day that Sunverro's troops had begun the struggle for the territory of Richella and the Kingdom of Terania. Rowena stood in front of the military camp while waiting for the return of Prince Helios and his troops because at dawn, a soldier from the Sunverro army came to announce the news of the Sunverro army's victory in the conquest of the two territories.

The sound of galloping horse hooves began to be heard from a distance. A smile bloomed on Rowena's face. It turned out that all his plans had worked out perfectly. It's just waiting for him to run the next pawn until he can achieve the real victory.

Sunverro's troops as well as Prince Helios have arrived. Everyone cheered for the victory that had been achieved. Now the kingdom of Valeccio is in sight to be conquered. Today Prince Helios planned to stay in the military camp with the troops who had accompanied him in the conquest for a few days.

A few hours after the return of Prince Helios, Rowena was immediately summoned to his tent. Inside there were only Prince Helios and Sir Damian faithfully standing behind him.

"Congratulations on your victory in the conquest of the two territories, Your Majesty," said Rowena politely.

"You don't need to congratulate me, Rowena. After all, the Sunverro army can also win this battle thanks to your perfect strategy."

Rowena chuckled at that. "You are also right, Your Majesty. It is a great honor for me to be able to assist you in your conquest this time."

"So what reward do you want for this victory? I will grant your wish even if you want one of the kingdoms I've conquered," said Prince Helios.

Once again Rowena chuckled lightly at Helios's words which she thought were a bit ridiculous. "That seems… that's a very good idea, but for now I still haven't thought of what I want. I guess I'll just ask you for a gift if I've thought it through."

"Alright. Now we will discuss the conquest of the Valeccio Kingdom. Previously we only discussed the strategy of conquest of the Richella region and the Terania Kingdom. So, my knight Rowena, please explain your strategy for this conquest."

"Actually, since we have conquered the two territories before, the conquest this time will be greatly facilitated. In my estimation, soon a messenger from the Valeccio Kingdom will come to meet you and give you a message that King Valeccio invites you to a party he organizes in order to welcome peace between the two kingdom."

Rowena walked towards the entrance of the tent and started counting. "On the count of three the messenger will come. One... Two... Three..."

A guard guarding in front of Prince Helios's tent walked into the Prince's tent in a hurry. He bowed and began to speak, "Your Majesty, a messenger from the Valeccio Kingdom has come to see you."

Sir Damian and Prince Helios looked directly at Rowena with shocked expressions on their faces. They were surprised because Rowena's words were so accurate.

"When the messenger comes in, you just say that you will be there in three days, Your Majesty," said Rowena, looking at Prince Helios who was still surprised.

Prince Helios nodded his head as a sign that he understood. "Okay. Bring in the messenger and have him read the message King Valeccio wants to convey to me!"

The messenger stepped into the Prince's tent arrogantly. "Greetings to Crown Prince Helios Edmond la Sunverro. I will now read a message from His Majesty King Valeccio."

The content of the message was "To the Crown Prince of the Sunverro Empire. King Valeccio would like to invite you to the banquet that will be held tomorrow to celebrate your success in the conquest of Richella's territory and the Kingdom of Terania. In addition, our King would also like to have good relations with you as an ally."

"I will come to the banquet. But I can only be there after three days," said Prince Helios.

"Very well. I shall pass your words on to our King. In that case, I shall resign first." The messenger came straight out of the Prince's tent without showing the slightest respect.

"How did you guess all that stuff right, Dame Ernest?" asked Sir Damian.

"That's just my hunch, Sir Damian." Rowena sat back down in the chair directly in front of Prince Helios and took a sip of the tea that had been served to her from the start.

"Aren't you more of a fortune teller than a knight, Dame Ernest?" joked Sir Damian.

"Being a fortune teller won't give me a huge advantage compared to when I was a knight like now, Sir Damian," Rowena replied jokingly.

"What's your reason for telling me to answer that I'll be in Valeccio in three days, Rowena? I think you must have a good reason for that, right?"

"If you think about it seriously, we actually won by getting to Valeccio in just ten hours. But if I were to place our soldiers on each side of the Valeccio Kingdom, wouldn't it take a little longer?" Rowena put her teacup on the table and smiled.

"Wow, I can't wait to hear your plans this time!" praised Prince Helios.

"My plan is only to tell half of our troops to disguise themselves as Valeccio's palace guards. Make sure that our chosen troops are strong and good at swords. Then you, me, Sir Damian and Sir Cedric will enter the banquet hall."

"A-Are you serious about your strategy, Dame Ernest? How could you get His Majesty into the fox's den with just three people?" said Sir Damian who did not accept Rowena's strategy.

"Aren't you and Sir Cedric the strongest knights in the Sunverro empire? Why are you afraid if His Majesty enters the fox's lair with you. After all, the main protagonist of Valeccio's conquest this time is neither His Majesty nor all of Sunverro's troops, but myself," answered Rowena casually.

"What do you mean, Rowena?" asked Prince Helios looking rather annoyed.

"King Valeccio is now a connoisseur of beautiful women. Therefore I will go with you as a female dancer. In short, my role is as a female dancer presented by Crown Prince Sunverro to King Valeccio as a symbol of friendship."

Helios hit his desk hard and rose to his feet. "You mean now you're sacrificing yourself like that?"

"You could say so, but don't worry, this plan will not harm Sunverro's side or myself. When I'm about to start dancing there you, Sir Cedric, and Sir Damian must leave the banquet hall immediately. Then please lock the banquet hall door from the outside and other exits so that all the guests and the king himself can't get out of there," Rowena explained.

"Then what are you going to do in there?" asked Prince Helios looking worried.

Can you guess what Rowena is planning?

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