
The Knight Titan ( Attack On Titan Fanfic )

Lux lost everything inside the Wall Rose, and was adrift of a power she hardly knew how to use. He did not know that his family was one of the families inherited from the ten Titan shifters. Witness how Lux will fight in the world she lives in, and reveal the truth of the contents of the history that has occurred for decades. Warning: This story contains spoilers for those who haven't read the manga and one more thing, here the author makes Titan Shifter into ten powers instead of nine as in the original story. I also publish this on a wattpad.

KristaAzriel · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 02 - The Night Of Calamity

Gertrude ducked as loose crystal shards rained down on them.

"Who will attack us now ?!" Kyren shouted.

"That's clearly human." Astell prepares to change as more cannon fire roars above.

"You must stay here." Said Victoria pulled out a gun.

Victoria begins to follow Astell, but the door to the room suddenly opens, and the assassins enter in a modified ODM.

Seconds after escaping, Victoria was shot in the chest, her blonde Asian hair now covered in blood.

Astell's arm explodes with a close range shot, before his legs are cut in succession, rendering him immobile.

Gertrude was shot in the head, and died.

A man in a gray hat seemed to be directing everything, and giving orders.

"L-Lux ..." Astell crawled towards him with one hand remaining.

"W-we have to finish the ceremony." Astell bit Lux's hand, drawing blood.

"Dad, you have to drink!" Lux cried, but instead of drinking, Astell took the hand covered in Lux's blood.

"Lux Arcadia, I am giving you the new Knight Titan." Sparks of light flowed from Astell's arm to Lux's.

"Dirt." The man in the hat fell beside the bleeding Astell, he raised his gun.

"There is no-"

"That's enough, Kenny." someone said.

"Uncle Rod?" Asked Lux ​​confused.

"What ... I believe in you!" Astell roared at him.

"You have become an obligation." Rod said simply.

"What? What do you mean obligation!" Astell coughed again.

"We are afraid ... the Founding Titan will be stolen by you." Rod Reiss answered.

Lux looked around, and saw a girl, blonde and short, and quite confused. They stared for a moment.

"So you think I tried to steal it?" Astell coughed.

"I can't take the risk. You and your relatives are at great risk to the peace within the walls. Your Titan makes you dangerous, the knowledge you have is more than that. I realize that once you show off your knowledge."

"The 145th king is cowardly. Likewise you, you are willing to deny Historia, your own daughter, just to save you. I'm ashamed to share your blood." Astell spat.

'Uncle Rod has a daughter named Historia?' Lux was confused.

"Lux's running away." His father's voice echoed in his head.

"Father?" She whines.

"The Knight Titan allows me to communicate with you. Now leave!"


"GO!" Her voice roared, Lux whimpered, and run.

"Remember Lux! You must use that power to protect the people you consider important and don't forget how the Reiss family betrayed us. How cruel they betrayed their own people!"

"Kenny! Stop that kid!" Rod runs, but Astell, gathering the rest of his strength, tackles Kenny.

'I have to get out of here!' Thought Lux.

Suddenly a yellow flash flashed, and where Lux was standing, was now a fifteen meter tall Titan.

"The Knight Titan ..." Rod muttered.

Lux roared, releasing attacks from her hands like a knight, forcing the assassin's back.

His body was wrapped in black steel, and torn apart like a mighty person. On the back of the head there are strokes that extend downward.

"We can't fight it!" Kenny says, pushing Astell away from him, who is now bleeding blood to death.

"I know, we have to beat Kenny, Historia let's go." Said Rod while pulling the blonde girl beside him.

Lux could hear as the assassins retreated, fleeing the scene.

Rod looks at the angry Titan one last time, and leaves.

After a few minutes, Lux emerged from Titan's nape.

Surrounded by everything with corpses and blood. Finally, he passed out, and burst into tears.


Hours later, Lux woke up beside Titan's steamy body.

'Did ... I do that?' He wondered.

Nothing made sense, liquid dripped from his nose, he wiped it with the back of his hand.

'Blood?' Questions keep on increasing.

He wandered around in a daze, then his eyes landed on one of the corpses surrounding him.

His father's body.

Lux screamed as it all returned to her, ceremony, carnage, battle.

"WHY ?! WHY DO I STAY IN THE BACK ?!" He shouted at the corpse.

"UNFAIR!" Kicking his body, he smashed his head against one of the crystal pillars.

Until finally he just fainted, and was desperate.

He sobbed in the fetal position for several minutes.

'And don't forget how the Reiss family betrayed us! How they betrayed their own people!' His father's voice echoed in his ear.

He knelt on the ground.

'That's right ... I can't give up. Who will take revenge if not? '

It might take months, maybe years, but he'd find Rod Reiss, he'd find Kenny, and make them pay for him.

With new determination in his eyes, he got up, and he left the crystal room, and entered a new life.

When Lux appeared, he practically had to find a way out. The mansion was destroyed, and filled with bodies.

"They didn't take any chances ... smashed the entire place to pieces." He knew that the only thing that could cause massive destruction was cannon fire.

Looked around, and suddenly heard a rustling sound.

He quickly got angry in the ruins.

"This definitely doesn't look like a military exercise." Said one of the members.

"This is Internal Police business. If anything, there may be a nobleman doing what is not his business."

Lux almost wanted to scream, her family didn't do anything wrong, begging for their help.

But he didn't do anything, and remained silent.

"Better not question it. You don't want you to end up like these people." The first MP kicks the body.

Gritting his teeth, Lux withdrew from the scene.

Suddenly, Lux broke the broken floorboard.

"Hey. Did you hear something?" One of the security members asked.

"Look. I'm not here to mess up the corpse. It's a patrol routine that, if I remember correctly, it was your idea to check it out."

"You're right. Come on." The members are reserved, their logo, the green Unicorn on the Military standard shield.

Suddenly, Lux remembered another detail, it was the same emblem that murderers used, except for the horns and mane in deep red.

"Internal Police?"

Suddenly, he found out how she was going to find Kenny and Rod Reiss, then decided to erase them several times.


Before long, rain began to fall from above the sky, Lux's body became shivering because of this.

His body was tired because it was his first time transforming into a Titan, moreover he had witnessed how his family was slaughtered.

Yet Lux didn't have the best of times, he was drenched, he was freezing cold, shivering wildly as he strolled aimlessly through the streets of this walled city.

He almost cried, he didn't know where he was, he had no money, any food, the only thing he had was the wet clothes she was wearing, the strength of the Titan Knights, and hope.

"I have nowhere to go, no one to help me, I am here alone."

Tears were starting to flow from her eyes now, their own, in an unknown place.

It's not fair, he doesn't want to work for people who work for their money.

He just wanted to do what was right, and this was definitely not right, but the only other option was to starve to death, it wasn't very exciting, so he had to give up reluctantly.

"Okay, okay." He admits that he may have to follow in order to survive.

"How do I do this." He was new to this, so he obviously needed a little guidance.

Wandering around town for a while, still very cold because his body temperature fell while the rain continued to fall. Walking is impossible to perform surgery.

Before long, he saw a tall man with black hair, a brown suit and glasses wrapped around his eyes.

Deciding that it was in her best interest to listen to him, he slowly walked towards the man, grabbed his bag and ran in the opposite direction

Deciding that it was in her best interest to listen to him, he slowly walked towards the man, grabbed his bag and ran in the opposite direction.

"Hey!" The man shouted, quickly chasing after him.

"Give me my bag!"

Lux only managed a few more seconds before it caught up and grabbed her arm.

"Don't you know old man prices are rude?"

Acting out of pure despair, his mind was fast thinking as he went into battle or run mode.

He raises her leg and hits the man in the face of her leg, he stumbles back with her glasses falling to the floor, allowing her to break free from the man's grip and continue running.

He ran about four feet again, but didn't look down, causing him to run to the side of the building, which cut open him and reported him.

"That should teach you not to measure." The man said while walking, fixing his glasses and massaging his sore jaw, the boy can definitely kick him, that's for sure.

"Even though I'm a doctor, so I tend to help people." He muttered as she opened her bag and took out a bandage.

He was about to apply it until he saw the wound on the boy's head start to swell and close by itself, making his eyes widen in surprise, this was exactly the man's Titan Shifter.

"Dr. Yeager. Is the poor kid all right?" Other people speak up.

"Yes." Dr. Yeager immediately overcame his shock.

"But it looks like he has mild hypothermia, I'm going to take her to my house, warm her up, and make sure she gets well." Add Dr. Yeager.

Dr Yeager then carried the boy who was unconscious, bringing him back to his home where he could keep a closer eye on him.

"You are definitely not the Founder of Titan." He thought while looking at the boy who looked peaceful in her arms.

"I wonder which one you are, and why are you here?"\

< To Be Contined >

[A / N: Now I will explain the storyline in this chapter, here it is explained that the Arcadia Family wanted to carry out a ceremony to inherit the Titan Knight's power, but they messed up when the Reiss Family betrayed him, the result is that almost all of the Arcadia Family died except for Lux, seeing Lux survived, Lux's father immediately decided to hand over the power of the Titan Knights to him, as I explained in the previous chapter that the Arcadia Family didn't need to eat the previous heir to pass on their power, they just made blood contact to spread it and in short Lux came out of hell, she meets Grisha Yeager when she tries to steal her bag, and here Grisha can see that Lux is not an ordinary child, but a Titan Shifter like herself. So what will Grisha do? Look forward to the next chapter. ]