

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 85.

"He… He's awake?!" Everyone was stunned. No one would've

thought that a glass of warm water was all Henry Nicholson needed to wake

up. How miraculous! "No way! Did Dustin really cure the old man's

illness?!" "That's odd. Even Dr. Leister couldn't cure him. How did he do

it?" The crowd exchanged looks of surprise as they watched Henry's

breathing stabilize. For a moment, they looked at Dustin in a different

light. They never imagined that Dustin, who had come from an unknown

background, would have been the one to cure Henry. "Granddad, how do you

feel?" Dahlia asked hurriedly. "That's weird. One moment everything felt

cold and then hot. It seems that I'm okay now." Henry ran his hands over

his body, looking surprised. Earlier, he thought that his life had come

to an end. He never imagined that feeling would disappear so quickly!

"Dad, you… you're really okay?" Florence could not believe it. "Of

course. I feel refreshed and full of energy!" Henry smiled. Hearing this,

everyone sighed in relief. Despite their surprise, they were still

doubtful. "Since when has Dustin known how to cure illnesses?" they

wondered. "No! No way! The patient was clearly dying. How did you save

him?!" Ross asked in surprise as he returned to his senses. No one but

him knew that Henry's heartbeat had been palpitating as he had never seen

before. It was impossible to treat, even for him. How had this fellow

cured the patient? How could this man be more capable than he was? He was

the great Dr. Rowan Cross' apprentice! "You couldn't cure him, but that

doesn't mean I can't. You should learn more from your mentor so that you

don't keep making a fool of yourself!" Dustin remarked coldly. "You

bastard! What was that powder that you used? What did you do?!" the

doctor roared. A glass of warm water couldn't have cured him, so it must

have been the powder Dustin mixed in. "How can you call yourself Dr.

Cross' apprentice if you don't even recognise Hexanavir?" Dustin mocked.

"What? That was Hexanavir?!" The doctor's eyes widened. He couldn't

believe it. "Dr. Ross, what's Hexanavir? Is it rare?" Florence asked.

"Rare? It was Dr. Cross' life's work. He spent years producing such an

antidote! With just a small sample, you can cure any rare disease. It is

invaluable. You can't get your hands on it no matter how rich you are!"

the doctor replied.

"Huh? It's that incredible?" Florence said, surprised. "No wonder… no wonder you could

cure him instantly. You used Hexanavir!" As he spoke, Ross remembered

something. He asked, "Wait a second. How did you get your hands on

Hexanavir? It was my mentor's masterpiece! Tell me. Did you steal it?!"

"Steal?" Dustin scoffed. "I'm not that despicable." "You still dare to

argue! Hexanavir is my mentor's invaluable life's work. He wouldn't even

give any to his apprentices. How would you have gotten your hands on it

if you didn't steal it?!" snapped the doctor. The entire room went into

an uproar. Everyone's gaze landed on Dustin. Some were suspicious, while

others. looked down on him with disdain. "Rhys! I never thought you could

be so despicable. You'd steal someone's precious medicine just to gain

attention!" Florence yelled. "That's right! For a second, I actually

thought you were skilled. After all that, you were only trying to

outperform Dr. Leister!" "You really are a piece of trash. With no

skills, you have to resort to stealing!" Everyone shook their head in

disdain and continued mocking him. "Dustin! Why? Why did you steal it?"

asked Dahlia with a frown. She had thought that Dustin was capable, but

now it appears he stole this Dr. Cross' antidote! 2 "I'll say it again. I

did not steal anything. It was given to me as a gift." Dustin explained.

"Gifted to you? Who are you? Why would my mentor give his Hexanavir to

you? Why don't you look in the mirror and reflect on your behavior!" Ross

spat with disdain. "Believe me or don't believe me. It's your choice."

Dustin did not want to explain any further. "What? Are you guilty? I'm

warning you. Return the Hexanavir to me this instant. Otherwise, you'll

have to deal with the consequences!" the doctor warned. "Dustin! Can you

have some dignity? Even if you want to be in the spotlight, you can't do

such a despicable thing. Return it this instant!" Dahlia commanded. "I

don't want to argue with any of you. Get Dr. Cross to take it back from

me!" Dustin's face darkened. He felt anger rising through his body. "Hey!

You still think you're all that after stealing? Give it back to me now!"

Ross yelled as he reached out to snatch the bottle from Dustin. With a

resounding smack, Dustin stopped the doctor with a slap across his face.

The doctor almost fell from the impact. The crowd was stunned at the

scene. They never thought that Dustin was such a wild man. After stealing

someone's medicine, he slapped someone in the face. How arrogant! "You…

you dare hit me?" the doctor sputtered in disbelief as he held his face.

213 "So what if I hit you? Do I need to make an appointment to

do it?" Dustin smirked. "Bastard! You've got the balls doing something

like that! It looks like you don't know what the Crosses are capable of!

If you don't want to die, you'd better kneel and beg for my forgiveness!"

the doctor said fiercely. "Apologize? Are you worthy of an apology?"

Dustin sneered. "Alright! You asked for this!" The doctor glared at him

as he pulled out his phone, dialling a number. "Dustin, if I were you, I

would apologize to Dr. Leister immediately." Matt sneered, "You should

know that the Crosses helped cure many big shots. If you dare hit Dr.

Leister, you're making yourself the enemy of Dr. Cross and the entire

Cross family!" "So what?" Dustin muttered unfazed. "So what?!" Matt

looked as if he was talking to an idiot. "Stubborn till the end. When Dr.

Cross gets here, you're done for!" "Who's done for?" a powerful voice

bellowed through the door. An older man in a doctor's outfit appeared.

His presence filled the space as he strode into the room. It was Dr.

Rowan Cross!