

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 78.

"That can't be. Tilda was the mole?" Everyone was shocked

at Ruth's words. However, the crowd's expressions hardened when the

assassins' clothing were peeled off, revealing the same tattoo on their

bodies. This was obviously not a coincidence. "You can't prove anything

with just a tattoo, can you?" objected the bald guard. "Maybe it would

have been less persuasive if there was only one tattoo, but what if

everyone had the same tattoo?" Dustin walked up to Tilda's deceased men

and yanked off all their clothing. "Soon, everyone realized that each of

the men wore the same tattoo as well. This made things so much more

apparent. It was safe to say that they'd found the traitor! "No wonder

Tilda immediately started kicking up a fuss the moment she arrived. She

was the traitor all along!" Stephan was disgruntled. As one of the Harmon

family's men himself, he hated nothing more than betrayal like this. "But

why? The Harmon family has always trusted her so why did Tilda betray

us?" Ruth asked, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Nowadays, not many can

resist the temptation of money and power. That's why betrayals happen

easily. Without Mr. Rhys' keen observation, we would've been in danger!"

Stephan shivered, thinking about what could have happened. After all,

having a mole was like a ticking bomb. No one could tell when they might

get stabbed in the back. "What should we do now, sis?" asked Ruth, at a

loss. "There's definitely more of them hiding among us. I must let Father

know immediately so he can start digging into it." Natasha announced with

a grave expression. Having a traitor was no small matter. It was much

more serious than being attacked by outsiders. After all, a small leak

will sink a great ship. The effects might be devastating if this matter

was neglected! "You're right! We must get to the bottom of this! Traitors

are nothing but an abomination!" Ruth nodded her head repeatedly. "Ms.

Harmon, I don't believe Tilda would be a careless person, so there should

be a couple more of them hiding among our ranks right now." Dustin began

surveying the crowd with eyes like a hawk before his gaze landed on the

bald guard. "Why are you looking at me? Do you think I'm the mole?" The

guard narrowed his eyes. "We'll know for sure when you take off your

clothes," Dustin replied nonchalantly. "Why should I? Who are you to

order me around?" The guard began to lose his cool. "Do as Mr. Rhys says.

Take off your clothes." Natasha commanded. "Ms. Harmon, I've worked for

you for so many years. Don't tell me you're suspecting me," the guard

said incredulously.. "Strip!" Natasha commanded. "Fine!

Since none of you believe me, I'll just have to prove my innocence!"

snapped the petulant guard, looking as though he had been wronged.

However, when he moved to remove his clothes, his face suddenly twisted

into a sneer. He flung out his hand and two black objects flew out of his

sleeve and hurled toward Dustin and Natasha. No one around them reacted

in time since everything happened so quickly. Swiftly, Dustin reached out

and effortlessly grabbed the object coming toward him with his fingers.

Upon closer inspection, the object turned out to be a poisonous black

snake the width of his finger. "Ms. Harmon!" someone began shouting.

Without anyone realizing it, the second snake had bitten Natasha on the

thigh. "Grab that traitor!" Pissed, Natasha crushed the snake with a

harsh stomp. "Get him!" The rest of her men rushed toward the guard and

instantly subdued him. "I've always treated you well, so why did you

betray me?" Natasha trudged toward him with a cold glare, a murderous

aura surrounding her. "Ms. Harmon, you must know that a man would do

anything to become rich. What they offered me was too tempting to resist.

You can't blame me for accepting!" the guard sneered. "Who instructed you

to do this? Who's the mastermind behind this?" Natasha grilled. "Ms.

Harmon, I'll die alone if I keep my mouth shut. If I answer, my whole

family will be doomed!" the guard retorted. Natasha was about to say

something when a wave of nausea hit her. Suddenly, her body went lax, and

she fell backward, but before she hit the ground, Dustin managed to grab

her waist. He pulled up her shirt and discovered that the area where the

snake had bitten her was turning purplish black. What a venomous bite the

snake had! "Give me the antidote!" Dustin slammed his foot onto the

guard's head, scowling. "Only if you let me go. Or else, Ms. Harmon will

be going down with me!" the guard responded with a sardonic sneer. "Are

you threatening me?" asked Dustin with narrowed eyes. "I know you're an

incredible doctor, Rhys! But this venom was created by an expert and

cannot be cured without the antidote!" "You bastard! I'll kill you if you

don't give us the antidote!" Furious, Ruth charged forward and began

beating the guard up. "Go ahead! Once I'm dead, Ms. Harmon will be

following me, too!" Ruth instantly halted her attack.

"Don't say I never warned you. She's been poisoned by a powerful venom.

She'll be dead within half an hour." the guard stated menacingly. "Give

me the antidote and I promise to let you live," vowed Dustin with a cold

expression. "Why should I believe you?" The guard frowned. "You don't

have a choice. If she dies, I'll make your life a living hell!" Dustin

glowered. The guard hesitated and pondered for a moment before suddenly

asking. "If I tell you the cure, will you let me go?" "I'm a man of my

word," answered Dustin. "Alright. I'll trust you this time!" The guard

gritted his teeth. "Actually, there isn't an antidote for this venom. The

only way for her to live is if someone sucked out the venom using their

mouth. However, the person who does it will most likely lose their life.

So, it depends on whether you have the guts to do it." The guard

sniggered. 1 "Thanks for the advice," Dustin nodded. Immediately, he

slammed his foot onto the guard's chest, crushing the man's ribs and

caused his internal organs to burst out with a splat. Blood burst from

the guard's mouth as his eyes widened in disbelief. "Y–You said you

wouldn't kill me." "Sorry. I changed my mind," Dustin answered

nonchalantly. "Y–you have no honor…" Before the guard could say anything

else, he suffocated and died. "So what?" Dustin asked the dead body.

Everyone was dumbfounded by his cavalier attitude. Suddenly, they

realized that this innocuous person might be quite the barbarian after
