

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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Chapter 429

Looking at the crushed Gemiphen, Nicholas was heartbroken and furious. He

didn't care about his Image anymore and immediately threw himself to the

ground, collecting the powder bit by bit.

It left everyone dumbfounded. Was it necessary to make such a fuss over a

broken pill?

"Mr. Turner, what's going on?" Spring was perplexed. People from Stoneray

Valley were usually proud and arrogant. They had never lost their compos

ure like that.

"What's going on? How dare you ask me such a question?" Nicholas angrily

retorted, "How can you destroy a panacea? This is a very rare pill. Such

a waste! Who is the idiot who did this?!"

"Mr. Turner, are you

mistaken? How could this black broken thing be a panacea? Torben looked


"You're such a fool!" Nicholas stared at him like he was an idiot. "What

you call a broken thing is the Golden Crow Pill, a holy medicine for heal

ing! It specializes in treating various internal injuries and chronic ail

ments. Your grandfather's life could have been saved!"


Everyone's faces changed upon hearing that. Although they didn't know wha

t Gemephin was. The fact that it

could treat their father's internal injuries and that Nicholas held it in

such high regard indicated that it was no

ordinary item.

"You wastrels! You bunch of wastrels! To think that such a miraculous hea

ling tablet was treated like garbage

by all of

you. How foolish!" Feeling his heart aching. Nicholas pounded his chest a

nd stomped his feet.

As an elder of Stoneray Valley, he held precious tablets in higher regard

than anything else. His heart was

bleeding to see the Gemiphen get destroyed.

"Torben! Look at the mess you've caused! You destroyed a medicine that co

uld save Grandfather. How will you explain yourself to everyone?" Patrick

shouted sternly.

"I… I didn't know this thing could save a life." Torben stammered, feelin

g guilty. "Besides, this wouldn't have

happened if you had explained it clearly earlier."

"You make a mistake, and now you're trying to blame me?" Patrick's face t

urned cold.

"Enough, enough! It's just a pill. If it's destroyed, then it's destroyed

. Just get another one. Why make such a fuss?" Autumn continued to defend


"Uncle, do you think this is a common cabbage? Do you think we

can just conjure another

one out of thin air? It was a gift from my friend. Who knows if there's a

nother one?" Patrick frowned. Not only did Torben make a

mistake, but he also remained stubborn. It was truly unreasonable.

"Patrick, let's not dwell on this for now. Saving Grandfather is the prio

rity. Contact your friend immediately and

have them deliver the Gemiphen as soon as possible!" Spring urged.

"Alright, I'll try to ask. Knowing how urgent the situation was, Patrick

didn't hesitate and immediately dialed

Dustin's number. He briefly explained the situation to Dustin.

Dustin didn't refuse him. After asking for the address, he rushed

over. Within half an hour, he arrived at the Hill family's residence.

"Dustin, you're finally here! Come on in!"Patrick had been waiting for hi

m and immediately led him inside when he saw Dustin exiting the car. Befo

re long, they reached Paul's room.

"Hey! Is this your friend? Can he be trusted?" As soon as they entered, T

orben blocked their way. He sized Dustin up and down, full of doubt.

He looked like a young boy. Could someone like him really treat illnesses


"Don't worry. He's definitely more reliable than you!" Patrick said coldl


"According to the rules, we need to frisk you before entering. Raise your

hands and stand against the wall," Torben ordered.

"Frisk me?" Dustin frowned and said in a displeased tone. "You invited me

here to treat your grandfather, yet you treat me like a criminal. Is tha

t appropriate?"

"These are our rules. Strangers must

be thoroughly searched. Who knows if you're carrying weapons?" Torben sai

d condescendingly.

"Torben! Don't go too far!"