

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 405

"How dare you hit my father?" Abigail flew into a rage. She picked up a b

eer bottle, about to swing it, but

Edmund stopped her.

"Abigail, don't be impulsive!"

"What, are you going to hit me again? Why don't you try? If you as much a

s harm a hair on my head, not a

single person in this room will walk out

of here tonight!" The man in the suit laughed icily.

"Young man, it's just a misunderstanding. Once you cool down, we can talk

nicely." Edmund said, smiling


"Talk? Hmph, what right do you have to talk to me?" The man lifted his br

oken watch and said disdainfully. "Do

you know what watch this is? It's a limited edition Patek watch that cost

s eight hundred thousand dollars!

Now, your daughter broke it. Tell me, how will you handle it?"

"Eight hundred thousand dollars? That expensive?" Edmund was thunderstruc

k. He only earned a few

thousand dollars a month. He didn't know how many years it'd take to save

up eight hundred thousand dollars.

"What, didn't you want to talk? Then pay up. If you can fork out eight hu

ndred thousand dollars tonight, I'll

consider letting your daughter off the hook," the man responded haughtily


"Well…" Edmund's eye twitched. He didn't know what to do.

"I can tell you can't afford it. Fine, I won't make things hard for you.

So long as your daughter sleeps with me

for a night. I'll let the eight hundred thousand dollars slide. How does

that sound?" The man grinned wickedly.

"In your dreams!" Abigail glowered.

"Young man, give me a few days. I'll definitely come up with the money,"

Edmund said.

"I want it now! If you don't have the money, then get lost. Don't get in

the way of my fun!" Getting impatient, the man in the suit pushed Edmund

to the floor. "Old geezer, consider it a blessing of a lifetime that I ha

ve my eyes on your daughter. Even a small–time celebrity doesn't have

the price tag of eight hundred thousand

dollars. You should be happy!"

"You've crossed the line!" Watching her father get pushed over, Abigail c

ouldn't hold back anymore. She

smashed the beer bottle over the man's head.

There was a loud sound of glass breaking as

the bottle shattered into pieces, drenching the man in beer.

"Huh?" The smash sent the man into a daze, and he was in disbelief. Subco

nsciously, he reached for his head.

and his hand came away full of blood.


how dare you hit me?!" After staring blankly for a brief moment, the man

instantly flew off the handle.

Bitch, I'm going to kill you!"

"Let's see who has the guts to move!"

A group of boys wielding baseball bats stormed in aggressively. The leade

r was 6'2" with a buff figure and a handsome face. These boys brought a t

hreatening aura with them when they barged in.

"Great. Mike is here!"

When Abigail and the other girls saw the men, they lit up. All of them lo

oked at him with admiration, as if he was their savior.

Mike Horton was a popular figure at school. Not only was he from an estab

lished family, but he was also handsome and the captain of the school's b

asketball team. He usually responded to people's cries for help. No matte

r what the trouble was, he could easily handle it.

"Abigail, are you okay?" Mike asked as soon as he appeared, looking like

the classic gentleman.

"I'm fine." Abigail shook her head, her eyes bright. Naturally, she had s

ome feelings for the school hunk, Mike. They hung out together a lot too.

"Mike, thank goodness you came in time, or we would have been harassed by

these people!" the short–haired girl said, terrified.

"Don't worry. With me here, no one would dare lay a finger on you!" Mike

raised the baseball bat, shooting daggers at the man in the suit. "Are yo

u the one bullying my friends? Get on your knees and apologize now, and I

may let you go. Otherwise, I'll break both your fucking legs!"