

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 391

Was the bodyguard

made of steel? Even a knife could not penetrate his skin!

"Hmph! Cougar is a martial artist who's at the height of internal

energy cultivation. Do you seriously think you can hurt him with that toy

knife of yours?" Dakota scoffed in disdain. Gloria had called in the two

martial arts experts who worked for her to make up for her loss of digni

ty earlier. No matter how powerful Dustin was, he was destined to be defe


"Get lost!" With a slap, Cougar subdued Florence. Gloria strutted up arro

gantly and rested her walking stick on Florence's face, saying, "I'm givi

ng you a chance to get Dahlia and Dustin

to come home. If you don't, I'll break the legs of your son!"

"Have mercy on me! I'll make the

call right now!" Florence frantically scrambled for her phone and called

Dahlia, specifically reminding her daughter to bring Dustin home as well.

However, she kept the reason from Dahlia, fearing that Dustin wouldn't s

how up. That would only land the whole family in greater trouble.

"Madam Gloria, they'll be here in no time. Please wait." Florence was all


"I'll allow 15 minutes, tops. With each minute that passes after that, I'

ll crush one finger of your son!" Gloria threatened.

"What?" Florence was stunned. If Dahlia and Dustin were late for more tha

n ten minutes, James would lose all fingers on both hands!

James felt aggrieved and helpless, for he didn't ask to be

part of this circus.

During the quiet wait, the door to the villa was busted open once more. A

group of men marched in as though they were ready to kill.

"Sir Hummer?" Florence and James were shocked at the man in the lead. Edw

in's unannounced presence at midnight was quite unexpected.

"Who are you?" Gloria confronted the new visitors with a frosty tone.

"I'm here for these

two." Edwin pointed at Florence and James. "The rest of you better get ou

t right now!"

"Oh, it looks like Florence has asked someone to help her out!" Gloria sc

anned the men with disdain. "What can a

few men do? Tarragon and Cougar will easily annihilate you."

"That's right! You better beg for forgiveness if you don't want trouble!"

Dakota yelled at Edwin's men, thinking that the few men were no match fo

r Nicholson Family's elite fighters.

"I shall repeat myself once more. Those who are unrelated to them–

get lost right now!" Edwin warned them.

However, Gloria merely announced, "He needs to be put in his place! Someo

ne beat him up!" "Yes, Madam!" The elderly servants chuckled menacingly a

nd charged at Edwin. He was emotionless when he pulled a pistol with a si

lencer from his back and pointed it at the elderly


"Wait a minute! We can talk–

" The elderly servants looked alarmed and attempted to talk to him,

but what followed were muffled gunshots. The elderly servants fell to the

floor, each with a gunshot wound in their foreheads. None were breathing.

Edwin blew on the pistol and asked coldly, "Who is next?"

The others stared at the scene with terror. No one

expected Edwin to be as ruthless as to gun down lives without hesitation.

His psychopathic behavior sent shivers down their backs.


do you know who I am? How dare you kill my people? You're reckless!" Glor

ia gathered herself and grew furious. The elderly servants were her confi

dantes, and she was extremely angry to see them murdered.

"I'm uninterested in the names of the dead," he said coolly, shooting Glo
